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Girth exercises and angle

Girth exercises and angle

I’ve been clamping for quite a while now and I’ve noticed that when doing squeezes (or jelqs) at different angles, different parts of the penis are stressed.

High angle (9-12 oclock): I feel this in the inner part, towards the centre of the penis

Medium angle (9 oclock): This stresses the most area of the penis

Low angle (6-9 oclock): I feel this more towards the surface (outer) part of the penis, mainly in the CC’s

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there any explanation? Is there any angle thats most effective? I would guess that girth exercises at a low angle are most effective, since they feel like they target the CC’s the best, which is where you want expansion for the most girth increase.

I haven’t notice, but it sounds like time to experiment.

Seems to make sense. Thanks :)

8 nbp| x |5.8"

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Nobody has ever tried doing their squeezes at different angles? Come on people!

Yes I have tried and noticed that it feels more engorged when doing upwards jelking, and at the same time I do reverse kegels. Is it same for you ?

I feel it more doing downwards squeezes and jelqs

I agree with what you have said for the strees feelings and how they differ. What interest me is which will cause me the greatest evening out of a baseball bat shape. So I have been mainly working in the 7-10 (clock range), It’s a slow process however, so it might be a while befor I can contribute!

When I do upward jelqing I feel alot of tension.

Also when I do it downward jelqing too alot of pressure is felt in my glans.

When I do it upward its felt more in my base.

When I do it medium angle straight angle most of the pressure is felt at the center of my shaft.

Would it be possible for someone to give me a run down on jelqing?

Originally Posted by jpowell123
Would it be possible for someone to give me a run down on jelqing?

Try the search function.

There’s also videos.

Good luck :)

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