Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mental aspect of a pe routine.


^ This thread is two years old LOL

And think how big he would be now if he did a routine that whole 2 years ;)

I feel bad for all of you who had to force your way into PE. I was one of those who had to try and NOT do it everyday, and I’m still kinda like that almost 3 months later. I’ve been careful not to overdo it and my results are going very well ;)

Starting Stats (5/21/06) - BPEL: 6.75 | NBPEL: 5.75 | EG: 5.75 (Mid) 6 (base)

Current Stats (8/21/06) - BPEL: 7.00 | NBPEL: 6 | EG: 6.0 (Mid) 6.375 (base)

My new Goal: To have the volume of a Coke can (21.65625 cubic inches ;) )

I am so glad to read a post like this, simply because your situation is almost exactly like mines. I, too, am a 6’2 African American Male, who is involved in the hip hop culture. I have been with my girlfriend for 6months, however, we are committed to abstinence until marriage. I want to do PE to satisfy her when we get married. She is not a virgin, and I am. However, with all the knowledge I have acquired from reading on these forums, I feel I know more than many experienced and active males. Givemefreedom, If you would a partner to stay committed to the routine, and hold each other accountable, feel free to message me.

Starting over with the newbie routine on Jan. 1st, 2007.

Concerned with possible damage

I’m new to this forum but I came across Tom Hubbard’s site several years ago. I started mostly jelqing several times a week at first, then slowed down, left it for several weeks at a time. Just got back to it lately. I never did measure before starting but I can honestly say my cock has changed noticeably - more girth, thicker, visible veins/arteries, more “robust,” longer by maybe 3/4 to 1 inch. I’m convinced it has worked. But reading some recent posts (I forget who) got me a little worried that maybe I’m just “deforming” the the thing instead of actually building with new cells etc. Maybe I’m too paranoid, but I take it this is an ongoing discussion.

Also, I’d like to say something about the supplement DHEA. I’ll be 70 next birthday. I’ve experimented with it over the past decade and had interesting results. Within a day or so of taking maybe 100 mg of DHEA I notice a definite hardening of the abdominal muscles, a real definition taking place. Several other men have told me about the same reaction, which is rather pleasant. And this happens without exercise. It seems to have a positive effect on erections too, but not consistently. Of course, there are many variables: enough sleep, emotions, diet etc. I’m wondering if anyone on the Forum has noted any enhancement of the PE program while on DHEA.

I haven’t done much stretching (mostly by bare hand) but would like to if I’m convinced that I’m not hurting myself. Right now I’m roughly at 5 3/4”. Another inch or so would be just fine.

The high level of dialog on this forum is appreciated

Last edited by ConradIII : 01-25-2011 at . Reason: spelling

Did your girlfriend tell you “wow, it’s huge” when she first saw it? ;)

If not, that’s a motivation. Well it was for me anyway. I’m about your measures in both body height and penis size. And as a pretty large guy (body) girls expect a larger dick. I want that wow-factor!


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