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Minoxidil for penis enlargement?!?


Minoxidil for penis enlargement?!?

http://www.ncbi … 3&dopt=Abstract

Topical minoxidil in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction.

Radomski SB, Herschorn S, Rangaswamy S.

Division of Urology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Topically applied 2% minoxidil solution has been reported to increase diameter, rigidity and arterial flow to the penis. As a result it has been suggested as a possible treatment for erectile dysfunction. A total of 21 patients received 2% minoxidil for treatment of erectile dysfunction with instructions to apply 1 cc of the solution slowly over the glans penis 20 minutes before intercourse. Average patient age was 52.5 years (range 29 to 65 years). The etiology of the impotence was neurogenic in 8 patients, vascular in 7, psychogenic in 4 and other causes in 2. Two patients also had clinical evidence of venous incompetence and 4 were diabetics. One patient with psychogenic impotence noticed improvement in the duration of erection but no increase in rigidity or size after minoxidil application. One patient with impotence after excision of a Peyronie’s plaque reported a rigid erection adequate for intercourse after using minoxidil. This patient subsequently was able to achieve erections without using minoxidil. The remaining 19 patients had no improvement in erectile rigidity, or the ability to obtain or maintain an erection. One patient did notice some mild burning on the glans penis after applying the minoxidil. No other side effects were noted in any patient. These results indicate that 2% topical minoxidil solution is not effective when applied to the penis in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is possible that a higher concentration, a different delivery medium or a different chemical composition may yield better results.

OK, so it may not work to well at 2% for ED, but did you read the first sentence?

Topically applied 2% minoxidil solution has been reported to increase diameter, rigidity and arterial flow to the penis.

WTF? Anyone heard of this?

I already have enough hair growing down there:D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

But did you read the rest of the paragraph? Reported, but not confirmed. This myth is busted.

Originally Posted by gprent
But did you read the rest of the paragraph? Reported, but not confirmed. This myth is busted.

I don’t read anywhere where it says that.

To me it says it was marginally helpful to treat erectile dysfunction in those who have a physiological or neurological cause for ED.

But I am still intrigued by the first sentence which seems to suggest that in a healthy male it can improve the “diameter, rigidity and arterial flow to the penis”.

Or am I missing something?

Well, it says it was “reported” in the first sentence stating the claim was not proven true or false. Starting from the third sentence and the rest of the paragraph with their study, they basically were able to do the experiment prove that the report was false.

Now, if you still want to keep believing the first sentence, well dude, you’re on your own.

Here is another example. It has been reported the apocalypse will occur today.

I have to agree. I looks like only 2 out of 21 reported any improvement and one patients ED source was psychogenic impotence. So he may have had a placebo type effect.

It is interesting though. Minoxidil is a vasodilator that was originally used to treat high blood pressure. As the report concludes, higher concentrations might be more effective?

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Originally Posted by gprent
Here is another example. It has been reported the apocalypse will occur today.

I better get some minoxidil before then!! :)

Wait a minute…

http://www.ncbi … 1&dopt=Abstract

Minoxidil versus nitroglycerin: a prospective double-blind controlled trial in transcutaneous erection facilitation for organic impotence.

Cavallini G.

Department of Urology, Hospital of Adria, Veneto, Italy.

A new type of topically applied drug (minoxidil) to facilitate erection is presented. Minoxidil acts directly on arterial smooth muscles via relaxation. This drug (1 ml. of a 2% solution) was studied under strict laboratory conditions in a double-blind controlled trial on 33 patients (4 with neurogenic plus arterial, 10 with neurogenic and 19 with arterial impotence) and compared to placebo and nitroglycerin (2.5 gm. of a 10% ointment). The application sites were the penile shaft (nitroglycerin) or glans penis (minoxidil and placebo). Increases in diameter and rigidity were measured with the RigiScan device and arterial flow was evaluated by conventional Doppler sonography. Side effects were considered as well. This drug proved to be more active than nitroglycerin and placebo in increasing diameter, rigidity and arterial flow of the penis. The highest activity proved to occur in neurogenically impotent patients. Fewer side effects also were found with minoxidil than with nitroglycerin. For these reasons minoxidil is proposed as a long-term therapeutic agent for organic impotence.

After googling, I found this on a website which sells a minoxidil product:

Q: Does the treatment reduce sex-drive?

A: Just the opposite is likely true. Unlike oral hair loss treatments such as Propecia, Spectral DNC will not affect your sex-drive. Pfizer has applied to the FDA to use Minoxidil to spray on the penis to improve erection. The other ingredients in Spectral DNC (Vitamin Complex and Herbal Extracts) can only enhance sexual function. It is not well know how Aminexil can impact sex drive.

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Has anyone heard that Pfizer is trying to get minoxidil approved as an erection drug?

I had read something about this back a few months ago. I tried using the Wal-Mart store brand. I applied it before my routine.

I don’t remember any noticing anything note-worthy but it was only a few times. It sounds pretty safe and would be cheap to test.

I think I paid around $25 for 3 bottles.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Couldn’t find anything on FDA, it was heiroglyphics, maybe someone with better search skills can.

But I did just email Pfizer directly, we’ll see what they say.

As an aside, it is possible to get 15% minoxidil solution. Hmmm….

Originally Posted by freedman

Increases in diameter and rigidity were measured with the RigiScan device and arterial flow was evaluated by conventional Doppler sonography. Side effects were considered as well. This drug proved to be more active than nitroglycerin and placebo in increasing diameter, rigidity and arterial flow of the penis. The highest activity proved to occur in neurogenically impotent patients. Fewer side effects also were found with minoxidil than with nitroglycerin. For these reasons minoxidil is proposed as a long-term therapeutic agent for organic impotence.

An increase in diameter for a guy with ED means he may be getting back to his normal erections. It does not mean he increased his size beyond what he had before he got ED.

Trying it now and so far nothing negative

Originally Posted by gprent
Here is another example. It has been reported the apocalypse will occur today.

And it did, you missed it. I started researching this because I was trying to find a testosterone down regulator to cycle between tongkat-ali weeks. I looked at rogain because most hair treatments mention dht as the culpret of male pattern baldness, however I discovered that nobody really knows why rogain works other than its ability to get more blood flow. I also found the articles you guys found and I thought, hey 2% concentration for only 20 minutes, LAME, So for a few weeks now I’ve been experimenting with delivery methods for minoxidil. I got the 5% off brand at jewel and a box of cheap condoms. I simply take a dropper full and put it in the tip before I roll it on then I can spread it in the condom with gentle stroking. I can comfortably sleep in the condom, so the meds are soaking through the skin all night! I also have started condom pumping with this method, in addition to being able to withstand more pressure and heat with the condom buffer you can add transdermal meds to the condom. I plan on purchasing a bottle of diabetaderm to add to the mix, since it contains l-arginine. I also tried to mix it with dmso, and that shit burns your pee hole so bad I nearly passed out.. But its ok if mixed and then applied by hand. After a long pump session I will still get fluid buildup but I will immediately jelq after for about 10 minutes using a high gla borage oil pill as lube. Other oral sups I take on and off= arinine, carnitine, gaba, borage oil, tyrosine, ginko boloba, yohimbe, tribulus, dhea, citicoline, now test booster, Maca, b complex, and zinc.

I know TLDR.. Here is an abstract:

-Try putting minoxidil in a condom and leaving it on all night.
-Try pumping with a condom filled with minoxidil/ other meds like arginine.
-Try pumping with hot watter and those medicated condoms on
-When mixed with dmso avoid the pee hole.
-While pumping I can pack my cylinder for the first time ever!
-I gained a semi permanent 1/4 inch in girth mid shaft that stays between pumps, after pumps its about 1/2 or more larger.
-To reduce fluid donut I jelq after with borage oil after pump.
- I have been doing this for about 2 weeks.
-To take a long bath as a grown man just say that your back hurts and your going to take an Epsom salt will question you.

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