Thunder's Place

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Mixed results at best...Frustrations of a Girth Hardgainer


Have you tried jelq squeezes, They worked for me in the period of 1/10/05-2/12/05. In the area of girth growth.

Didn’t do them from 2/12/05-3/12/05.

In fact I lost girth in this period, could of been due to pain killers and anti-histamines.

What are jelq squashes?

I’ve been having pretty good luck with taking a full erection, placing it in left palm then taking the heel of the other palm and compressing downward and with a bending effect. A new guy would also have pretty good luck with tearing something up trying this also, I see that you’ve been at it a while.

Originally Posted by Hog6.5

Have you done any serious pumping? what was/is your pumping routine and how frequently you do it?

Years ago I had a regular 4 day/week pumping schedule. But I was using too much pressure at the time (no gauge) and eventually dropped the routine because it was messing with my erection rigidity. That said, the little girth gains I’ve experienced over my eight years of on and off PEing I attribute to pumping. Since learning the proper technique recently, I haven’t pumped regularly. I’ve focussed more on jelqing and clamping. I plan to incorporate a new three-month cycle of serious pumping within the next two months or so.


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