moment of reflection after 28 months of PE
This is random but I just finished a session and realized how I have forgotten what my penis looked like before I started PE. I don’t have any old pics or video of my old penis size. Maybe it is best that I don’t remember. I was just thinking about PE, TP, and how the months turn into years and how far I have come. I’ve never swayed from my consistent ways; and clamping and pumping, along with some of the manual PE I do on occasion has transformed my penis into something to be proud of.
I was checking out my erection from every angle in the mirror, and it always looked pretty thick from the back view, and then I was checking out the side view in the mirror as I was watching Ben English getting a BJ on by (sativa rose and rachel roxxx), and realized I finally caught up to Mr. Ben, who is a white porn star I always based some of my final goals on. I know Ben does some PE as well, especially some pumping before he goes to work because I could see the differences from clip to clip, where he is way thicker then others. There are some clips where Ben pumps to 6.5 eg, but usually is around 6 eg, which is where I stand.
A part of me started this thread for the doubters and the slackers, the guys who pray Dino is truly the Dick Fairy and still day dream of genies and time machines, and how God fucked them over. I used to day dream but then I decided that I’m just going to make this work. I don’t want to seem like a dick, but there really is no point of doing PE unless you go all out….you might as well just stop because you’re wasting your time. Fuck doing PE for dick health, that is what masturbation and living all around healthy lifestyle is for. PE stands for penis enlargement.
Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg
Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg
5.5” beg; 4.5” geg