But the evolution of the human brain has allowed us to feel love, which can overcome physical deficiencies in a mate when we choose our reproductive partners. A woman can love a man with a small penis and thus he can still be reproductively successful.
I think a man would have to be uncommonly small—say, 2-3 inches—for it to be called a “deficiency.” I believe the vast majority of men fall within the range of 5-6 inches. The percentages start dropping radically for every 1/4 inch above or below that, to the point where anything above 8” inches or so, and anything below 4” or so becomes exceedingly rare. What does that tell us? It tells us that the most functional, all-purpose unit for humans, from an evolutionary perspective, is between 5 and 6 inches. And that’s because that is the range of sizes that best fits the average range of human vaginae.
So a man with a inordinately large “monster” unit could be said equally to have a “defect” (or at least an abnormality) as a man with an unusually small one, from an evolutionary perspective. And it probably takes just as much love for a woman to deal with a really big one as a really small one.
I only bring this up because I get the impression that a lot of guys think that average is inadequate, or small. And as much as we may feel that way subjectively, it’s just not objectively true.