Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Morning Wood Every Day?

It lasted as spaniard tempered steel!

Last night outstanding EQ.





I wake up between 5.30 and 6.30 every morning with huge morning wood and it could go one for hours before a young woman helps herself to put it off.

It has been this case for over two years and I am 66. My urologist says that is very important to have morning wood and he has not seen many men of my age having it so he tells me I am lucky man. But strange things occur after my morning wood I may need cialis or levitra but not very effectively . Wonder why?

Blue eye, blonde latino

Originally Posted by sricardo

I wake up between 5.30 and 6.30 every morning with huge morning wood and it could go one for hours before a young woman helps herself to put it off.

It has been this case for over two years and I am 66. My urologist says that is very important to have morning wood and he has not seen many men of my age having it so he tells me I am lucky man. But strange things occur after my morning wood I may need cialis or levitra but not very effectively . Wonder why?

I dont know why . Sorry mate




This week I have not trained gym(workout)

Last 2 nights i dont sleep very well and in consecuence i dont have morning/nite woods.
Today is training day?
WHAT can i do? No training PE?
Or i’ll do light routine?

Normally used to do 5/10 minutes stretching and 150/220 wet jelqs .

Help please.




Do your usual stuff.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Thank you so much!




i’m really concerned with my PE routine because I can’t control my penis or my morning Woods.

I continued doing my normal routine but my morning woods have not improved.
Could be for my breath? when I go to sleep my nostrils usually congested

My EQ is ok.

I’m lost with this :(




If you are having chubby morning woods you are ok. It doesn’t have to be 100% erection.

You should worry when you start observing no morning wood at all for more than 2-3 days straight.

That’s what I think.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

When I started doing PE my morning wood would wake me up around 6 am. Sometimes I couldn’t even go back to sleep because of it. Now I just wake up and then slowly work up to a medium hard erection. (I’m doing less nowadays) It’s more convenient, but by far not as impressive, lol. Is there any way to monitor nightly erections which may not wake me up?

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Good news

Thank you very much comrades!

Tonight I woke up with a good erection (80%), not complete but it shows that is recovering and that makes me very happy.
Upon awakening (morning)had a good Morcillón(50%).

Only needed resting!

A question someone knows how the page works LPSG?

I leave a photo during the 15 minutes of edging today, it’s the only thing I’ve done since today I’ll rest tomorrow resumed.

A hug!





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