Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Morning Wood?

>>I was really just wondering if you could still be within the “normal range” and not get morning wood. <<

That’s how I interpreted you, and I do think it’s normal. If you’re waking up with some morning wood but the quality of the wood if flagging, on the other hand, I’d take this as a sign that some dick-circulation problems may be brewing.

>>I was wondering if the guys that no longer have morning wood may also indulge in happy hour every night.<<

No. I rarely drink.

I wake up with morning wood once a week at most, but when having sex I can consistently keep an erection for hours (provided I don’t orgasm). I’ve actually never had a single instance of failed erection in my life (lucky, I know).

Nocturnal erections were not much understood until the past decade, and still a lot is not known about them. Years ago when I told my doctor that I was not having them anymore, he asked, “Why would you want them?” I gave him the very short answer, replying that they are very healthy events for the penis. He had no comment. I suspect he wasn’t having them either or, like Para-Goomba, he found them a nuisance.

Most healthy men without ED do have nocturnal erections (4 or 5 a night) whether they are aware of them or not. Not all men who have them wake up to them at the end of their sleep period, most because they wake more slowly out of the REM phase of sleep, moving to the next level of conscousness, after which the erection has already subsided.

It is common to go through phases of these. Work or emotional stress will dampen them, for example. If you did just one stamp test, Chongo, with no result, or a couple of stamp tests during one week when you were particularly on the go, that doesn’t mean a whole lot.

I am not saying that if you don’t have them (like really don’t have them) that you are a candidate for ED. Only that no nocturnal erections is usually a symptom of some form of ED, either psychogenic or physiogenic. My bet is that you guys who for sure don’t have nocturnal erectins are now supplanting their function by the frequent erections you have when you do your PE routines.

As we age, and even the thirties and forties are more aged than twenty-one, ;-), nocturnal erections tend to decline in frequency and rigidity. But there are some chemical tools to bump them back up again when they flag, if one wants to do that.



I’m just trying to rule out some possible factors here too:
By the way, I’m not trying to spam commander’s thread, it’s just that I empathize with his question and I think we’re similar. I hope nobody minds…

1. I don’t drink
2. I don’t smoke
3. My body fat is about 6-8%
4. I do Kegals daily

When would you notice a difference after doing Kegals? A month, 2, 3, more?

I always had difficulty with maintaining an erection for long periods of time, and my morning wood was getting weaker and weaker with time, eventually I stop having erections in the morning at all. I also felt that my sex life had diminished considerably due to lack of opportunity and interest. I thought very strongly that ED was my problem.
The first time I tried Viagra was a miracle…! Such a hard rock solid erection and long lasting love making that impressed my girlfriend so much that she even asked me if I was taking “anything” at all. Of course, I lied.
But my morning wood was still lacking and there was nothing the doctors could find wrong with me.
It was after I started to wear the ballzinger that I started to improve and gained more confidence in knowing that I may not have ED after all. The first two weeks wearing the ballzinger I had extremely paintful but delicious hard-ons in the morning. But again, with time, the degree of the morning wood decreased gradually, and sometimes I did not get the expected hard wood at all. By this time I was continuously wearing the ballzinger day and night. Too much of a good thing had to come to an end.

It was just in the last two months that I undertook to wear the ballzinger only at night, and I started to rebuild that nice feeling of having a very nice hard wood in the morning, every morning.

Maybe COMMANDERBLOP and INSANE-MAN, my fellow Canadians, including CHONGO, should investigate if wearing a ballzinger may revive your morning glory and your manhood pride again. It did for me…eh?

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!


You’re quite the wealth of knowledge! :)

Do you know what chemicals those would be? L-Arginine? I am interested in finding out more.

I think kegeling works but personally, diet is more important. Drink your eight glasses of water a day and maintain a balanced diet and your morning wood should be good. Thats always been my case, where if I start putting dung into my mouth I will lose some frequency and quality of morning woods.

I take ZMA and 3 grams of L-Arginine+L-Ornitihine every night. I notice that if I remember to take this, I always get nocturnal erections and morning wood. If I forget, there’s a good chance I won’t get it. It doesn’t seem to matter if I’ve had a beer shortly before bed or not. I’m 33 and in pretty good health, but for the last 3 or 4 years, it seems I have needed these supplements to get my morning wood. At least their legal (still) and rather cheap!

Originally Posted by Chongo
You’re quite the wealth of knowledge! :)
Do you know what chemicals those would be? L-Arginine? I am interested in finding out more.

L-a works well but most have to take it for a week or two to see much result. Both 1.5 grams/day (500 mg 3 x a day) and 3.0 grams/day work for me, 3 grams better, but I have ED. Take it on an empty stomach, the last dose before going to bed.

There are studies showing that regular Viagra doses at bedtime will increase nocturnal erection frequency, ditto Cialis. But if you don’t have ED, don’t start using those if something more natural (L-a is a naturally occuring enzyme) works.

In spite of my experience of asking my doc about nocturnals, do ask yours when you see him. If he is younger than mine was, he will probably have a different point of view.



Originally Posted by lonelybb
Maybe COMMANDERBLOP and INSANE-MAN, my fellow Canadians, including CHONGO, should investigate if wearing a ballzinger may revive your morning glory and your manhood pride again. It did for me…eh?

Ha! Well, there are some things I am willing to do, and some things that (for me at this point) go too far. I haven’t researched the “ball zinger” (love that name), but have gleaned enough without trying to so I know it has something to do with electrical current and the cricket set.

At the risk of hijacking my own thread (don’t want to steer it too far off course!), I will just say I don’t have much faith in the ball zinger. I suspect any effect it is having is based on the well known psychosomatic response that people have. But, to each his own. I don’t want to hang 20 pounds of weight from my tenuous little organ either, but I at least can see how THAT works!

Right now my regimen is just pumping and jelqing, closely following the guidelines Avocet8 outlined in pumping101.

Good luck to everyone whatever your methods are though,
Commander Blop, another crazy Canuck

Originally Posted by avocet8
There are studies showing that regular Viagra doses at bedtime will increase nocturnal erection frequency, ditto Cialis. But if you don’t have ED, don’t start using those if something more natural (L-a is a naturally occuring enzyme) works.

Both viagra and cialis at night for me cause problems, namely
they vasodilate everything, making it hard for me to breathe through
my nose, therefore hard to sleep. I take cialis, in the morning
so that I can sleep the following night, but it’s good effects last
me for 3 days. Can’t say that for viagra, which I just avoid.


The Cialis should still cause more nocturnal erections no matter when in the day you take it because its effect is so long-lasting.

If you haven’t been taking it for long or regularly, see if the nasal congestion doesn’t completely disappear with long term use.



Originally Posted by avocet8
The Cialis should still cause more nocturnal erections no matter when in the day you take it because its effect is so long-lasting.

If you haven’t been taking it for long or regularly, see if the nasal congestion doesn’t completely disappear with long term use.

I take cialis every three days, but only get the nocturnal erections if I take the ZMA and L-Arginine
supplements at bedtime. There are many causes of ED, and I believe mine is more psychogenic than
physical (mainly stress), but these supplements do help. As for the nasal congestion, that’s a problem
I’ve had for about 20 years. I’ve been taking cialis for a long time.

You also have to consider your hormone levels. As you get older most men get fewer nocturnal erections from reduced levels. Alas I am 22, and almost everyday I wake up, with my penis erect saying “Hi”.

As an older man at 64 I still get morning wood and during the night that is rock hard.

I’m in perfect health, don’t smoke and don’t drink beer only wine or a mixed drinks around Holidays or Birthdays. Have my yearly Physical and blood and sugar tests. Donates blood about five or six times per year. Must be good genes and life style.

still trying to figure out what my issue is. I’ve got a VERY healthy lifestyle and active sex life, yet no nocturnal erections nor morning wood. Strange….


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