Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Most insanely bad PE practices (New Year Resolutions)

Well this wasn’t permanent thankfully, but it was sure painful, and in hindsight stupid.

Used nair on my shaft and balls. I either did it wrong or have real sensitive skin there, because I got a nasty chemical burn that didn’t go away for nearly a month. And getting out of bed the next day was totally out of the question.

Most of my PE problems have been hair removal related in fact. I’ve been taking long breaks for ingrown hairs, since I started plucking. I tried shaving for a while but it made my skin sore and dry after, then really itchy after that when the stubble came back in. My latest break may have been caused by Kalo lotion, I think it softens your skin, which makes it easier to damage when hanging, which of course I did (that’s the going theory right now anyways).

Actually I think my bigest bad PE practise is not actually doing any PE! I haven’t hung in 4 months! But then again I’ve never had to work this hard before in my life, so I’m pretty tired by the time I have time for it, and I don’t want to bother at that point.

Uhm… I’m not sure if I had a point, let me know if you see it around somewhere…

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

We should compile all of these stories and make a Thunder's Place Darwin Awards sticky thread

My contributions:

• When I truly committed to PE and it’s ‘attendant benefits’ I got a skin-bridge removed from the underside of wang, the scar from which now prevents me from hanging. (One for the ‘Things that make you go “D’oh!”’ category)

• I got so frustrated with the ‘threaded’ (i.e. broken) tightening bolt on my Bib-hanger that I deliberately crossed the threads to get the grip I needed, but when I came to the end of the set it was jammed so fast I couldn’t get it off…

…I ended up having to release my cock by unscrew the wing-nuts on the skids. Had this not been possible I would have been running around the house with the bib clamped to my cock trying to find a pair of pliers to get the thing off (potentially embarrassing if your flatmate has company).

• I repaired my Penimaster with epoxy resin before checking if the epoxy might be toxic. My Penimaster now works fine but what’s the use of a big dick if it’s sick? (I’m still not sure if epoxy resin is harmful (how dumb is that!))

>Used nair on my shaft and balls. I either did it wrong or have real sensitive skin there, because I got a nasty chemical burn that didn’t go away for nearly a month.

Not PE related, but I burned my nipples twice using Magic Shaving Powder - same kind of thing. Better off plucking, trimming or shaving IMO.

None of you are as lucky as me

NONE of you are as lucky as me. This story is not for the light of heart, and just one of many reasons why I think I earn my forum name.

I was really young when I first started getting erections (about 9). Of course, my parents were uncommunicative as ever about anything having to do with our animal natures. So I was confused, only 9 years old and having this weird embarrassing thing happen to me a couple times a day. I’d often retreat into a bathroom whenever it started or I could feel one coming on and try and “will” it away. It usually worked in the beginning (later on I would have to resort to using force, which, uh, would lead to “other” discoveries ^_^ ).

I tried bringing it up once to my family, but they either didn’t catch on to what I was saying or wanted to pretend kids aren’t human beings. It took me MONTHS before I even realized what was causing it (I figured it out when I noticed it happened most often during those feminine product commercials on TV ^_^ CURSE YOU MAYBELLENE!) :cuss:

Well, naturally I felt like some kind of a circus freak outcast, and after some serious thought on the matter, and subtle hints from observing older kids at school, I realized that something was going to happen to me that would completely change my identity forever. At 9 going on 10, this made me angry knowing that I couldn’t stop something that was so weird nobody ever even wanted to talk about it.

And so, after hearing from a farmer at school (it was a small town community) how they castrated bull calves (if they’re just meant for beef, they don’t need to get “uncontrollable” later on in life), I fished through the miscellaneous drawer in our kitchen for some rubber bands.

Keep in mind I was only about 10 years old at the time. So, for two nights I completely cut off all circulation to my member before going to bed. Each night I woke up AFTER FOUR HOURS HAD GONE BY in excruciating pain and, upon chickening out, unable to manually take the rubberband off (believe me, that’s NOT an option when you’re that numb and it’s that freezing cold) I took out my jackknife to carefully cut the thing off without damaging the skin. Needless to say, sleep sure as hell wasn’t an option at that point. And each of the two nights I lay awake thinking about what the future would hold while circulation slowly flowed back into my penis and color and life came back with it. Yeah, it was significantly more painful than you can imagine.

SO. That was a total of EIGHT HOURS where my penis had zero circulation (not kidding here, I used those tiny 4 millimeter wide rubber-bands that I got from my older brother’s braces pack). It went from white as the blinding winters of our small isolated northern community, to red and then tan again, as I contemplated life and it’s impenetrable mysteries.

Maybe if I would have actually succeeded I would have gotten what I wanted at the time, which was a lasting child’s innocence. Buuuut, I think I like my current evil self, so I’m glad nothing serious came out of all this :cancer:

What actually happened though (and I still don’t know whether it was because of the tissue death which no doubt happened to some extent, or because I was such an early bloomer) was that, when I finally got around to masturbating, I never ejaculated. It wasn’t physically possible, not that I thought that was unusual at the time though.

And my orgasms lasted literally indefinitely. After the first year of puberty I had become completely addicted to orgasms and could make one last up to two freaking minutes. At least, I could, until some mechanism of puberty finally kicked in and I started ejaculating. Imagine my surprise when THAT happened for the first time :eek:

In retrospect, those orgasms are so burned into my memory that I know for a fact orgasms are infinitely better when you can’t ejaculate. It’s REALLY too bad that ever started working for me, because having a year’s worth of memories of it makes me awfully nostalgic sometimes. What a way to get yourself addicted to orgasms huh? My younger self was wise to realize that everything was going to change, and my present self is DAMN GLAD that the change was still able to happen :D That year wasn’t wasted; it ended up being a kind of pillowy segue into sexuality that made it really easy to be OK with becoming a sexual creature.

As an aside, am I the only person here who’s had minute-long orgasms without ejaculating? Does anyone with knowledge of this sort of thing think that perhaps I may have damaged something necessary to ejaculate and then it took a year for it to heal, making the interim, when I was first discovering orgasms, completely different than what normal people experienced? I’ve never had a dry one since, maybe there’s still a way.. Gods, thinking back on that, it could just go on and on. Literally it’s like someone accidentally left the ecstasy light-switch on and forgot to turn it off, and so you’re just kind of squirming your way to get to the goddamn switch eventually just to get some relief. Not that that’s bad in ANY way, but still O:-) Ah sweet youth.

I kind of figure it was because of all that time under no circulation in those early puberty days that I have only a 5x4.8 inch penis. I mean, people on these forums say tissue and collagen death happens after only 20 minutes. 20 minutes vs. 8 hours.. The prospects don’t look that good.

Well anyway, I’ve been doing PE for a month and not seen any changes yet. We’ll see if someone with my kind of history can even make a penis grow :p

Well, I say I’m lucky because now, after having gone through a fantastic puberty and currently being 23 years old, I’m pretty glad I have this “weird” problem and enjoy using it thoroughly at least once a day.

Last edited by Mad Hatter : 12-28-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Mad Hatter
NONE of you are as lucky as me. This story is not for the light of heart, and just one of many reasons why I think I earn my forum name.

I was really young when I first started getting erections (about 9). Of course, my parents were uncommunicative as ever about anything having to do with our animal natures. So I was confused, only 9 years old and having this weird embarrassing thing happen to me a couple times a day. I’d often retreat into a bathroom whenever it started or I could feel one coming on and try and “will” it away. It usually worked in the beginning (later on I would have to resort to using force, which, uh, would lead to “other” discoveries ^_^ ).

I tried bringing it up once to my family, but they either didn’t catch on to what I was saying or wanted to pretend kids aren’t human beings. It took me MONTHS before I even realized what was causing it (I figured it out when I noticed it happened most often during those feminine product commercials on TV ^_^ CURSE YOU MAYBELLENE!) :cuss:

Well, naturally I felt like some kind of a circus freak outcast, and after some serious thought on the matter, and subtle hints from observing older kids at school, I realized that something was going to happen to me that would completely change my identity forever. At 9 going on 10, this made me angry knowing that I couldn’t stop something that was so weird nobody ever even wanted to talk about it.

And so, after hearing from a farmer at school (it was a small town community) how they castrated bull calves (if they’re just meant for beef, they don’t need to get “uncontrollable” later on in life), I fished through the miscellaneous drawer in our kitchen for some rubber bands.

Keep in mind I was only about 10 years old at the time. So, for two nights I completely cut off all circulation to my member before going to bed. Each night I woke up AFTER FOUR HOURS HAD GONE BY in excruciating pain and, upon chickening out, unable to manually take the rubberband off (believe me, that’s NOT an option when you’re that numb and it’s that freezing cold) I took out my jackknife to carefully cut the thing off without damaging the skin. Needless to say, sleep sure as hell wasn’t an option at that point. And each of the two nights I lay awake thinking about what the future would hold while circulation slowly flowed back into my penis and color and life came back with it. Yeah, it was significantly more painful than you can imagine.

SO. That was a total of EIGHT HOURS where my penis had zero circulation (not kidding here, I used those tiny 4 millimeter wide rubber-bands that I got from my older brother’s braces pack). It went from white as the blinding winters of our small isolated northern community, to red and then tan again, as I contemplated life and it’s impenetrable mysteries.

Maybe if I would have actually succeeded I would have gotten what I wanted at the time, which was a lasting child’s innocence. Buuuut, I think I like my current evil self, so I’m glad nothing serious came out of all this :cancer:

What actually happened though (and I still don’t know whether it was because of the tissue death which no doubt happened to some extent, or because I was such an early bloomer) was that, when I finally got around to masturbating, I never ejaculated. It wasn’t physically possible, not that I thought that was unusual at the time though.

And my orgasms lasted literally indefinitely. After the first year of puberty I had become completely addicted to orgasms and could make one last up to two freaking minutes. At least, I could, until some mechanism of puberty finally kicked in and I started ejaculating. Imagine my surprise when THAT happened for the first time :eek:

In retrospect, those orgasms are so burned into my memory that I know for a fact orgasms are infinitely better when you can’t ejaculate. It’s REALLY too bad that ever started working for me, because having a year’s worth of memories of it makes me awfully nostalgic sometimes. What a way to get yourself addicted to orgasms huh? My younger self was wise to realize that everything was going to change, and my present self is DAMN GLAD that the change was still able to happen :D That year wasn’t wasted; it ended up being a kind of pillowy segue into sexuality that made it really easy to be OK with becoming a sexual creature.

As an aside, am I the only person here who’s had minute-long orgasms without ejaculating? Does anyone with knowledge of this sort of thing think that perhaps I may have damaged something necessary to ejaculate and then it took a year for it to heal, making the interim, when I was first discovering orgasms, completely different than what normal people experienced? I’ve never had a dry one since, maybe there’s still a way.. Gods, thinking back on that, it could just go on and on. Literally it’s like someone accidentally left the ecstasy light-switch on and forgot to turn it off, and so you’re just kind of squirming your way to get to the goddamn switch eventually just to get some relief. Not that that’s bad in ANY way, but still O:-) Ah sweet youth.

I kind of figure it was because of all that time under no circulation in those early puberty days that I have only a 5x4.8 inch penis. I mean, people on these forums say tissue and collagen death happens after only 20 minutes. 20 minutes vs. 8 hours.. The prospects don’t look that good.

Well anyway, I’ve been doing PE for a month and not seen any changes yet. We’ll see if someone with my kind of history can even make a penis grow :p

Well, I say I’m lucky because now, after having gone through a fantastic puberty and currently being 23 years old, I’m pretty glad I have this “weird” problem and enjoy using it thoroughly at least once a day.

I discovered masturbation around the age of nine, and I remember my initial orgasms were INSANE. I would sit there and just twitch for what seemed like minutes. It all ended when I started ejaculating though.

What a cruel, cruel world.

May be slightly off topic, but a buddy of mine told me that his father told him when he was young to squeeze and hold the base of his penis while masturbating to make it bigger.

Thanks Save The Sane, we’re definitely talking about the same sensation, so mystery now solved. It IS normal. Funny how so few people are even aware it would have been possible when they were young.

Well yea everyone gets that to some extent I think but not a years worth. Its possible to do the same when your an adult if you have Buddha like skills and can control the muscles down there, not easy to do but like you say well worth the effort. Dont think I’d like to be eunuch, lucky escape there for you

Originally Posted by marauder
I wonder how bad that could have been really, surely not amputation. Some blood must get through still.

Almost like falling asleep with a lit cigarette while being covered by a down comforter. Either way, you’ll lose…

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Originally Posted by b105366
Well I’m jumping the gun by a few days but just wanted to start the ball rolling on this! This post is about bad practices of doing PE, really f’n bad, things everyone should put on their New Year Resolutions list not to ever do. Again, as the case may be ;) I’ll start of with the old favorite demon, clamping…

Clamping (double clamping actually), in bed, late at night, after a few drinks. Don’t ask me why - I just thought it was a good idea at the time. Overenthusiasm mixed with newbie hopes and dreams; that could all too easily have been shattered. A few minutes into the “excercise” I nodded off to sleep. I started awake and the horror of the situation dawned on me… I looked down. Phew, I was OK - I must have only nodded off for a couple of minutes. There and then I removed all PE items from within reach of my bed and vowed never to clamp and to drastically cut down on PE.

Which lasted for a week. Now like an addict I’m back on the PE and even clamp occasionally… most days. But never in bed and never drunk.

Yeah I got quite drunk last night and decided to pump - I’d had about 10 drinks and was nodding off with the pump attached etc.

Couple of red spots which I’ve never got before - probably nothing bad but going to have to have a break for a bit too.

They are about 1/3 the size of a pin head - so quite small but circular - hopefully should go soon :(

Another entry for the Thunder's Place Darwin Awards:

Whenever I use my jelq-device (power-jelq), the steel against steel grinds off a very fine silver powder…

…the powder — which is almost impossible to get off — generally gets mixed up with the baby-oil and subsequently ends up all over my wang…

…I can tell you from direct experience, that if you’re PEing to impress the ladies then changing at the local gym with a shaved engine room and what looks like silver glitter all over your wang, isn’t conducive to convincing those around you that you’re a ‘ladies man’ so to speak…

…so (especially if you live in a very small or tight-knit community) if you’re off to the gym with a shaved fun-zone and silver glitter all over your wang, it’s best to leave the cock-ring at home.

I had a disturbing dream last night about PE.

I dreamt that I had taken my penis off and put it in the micro-wave. It definitely plumped up; but then there was the problem of reattaching it and a fear that it would not work so well.

To make matters worse, the head fell of the shaft as I was deliberating what to do about it.

Definitely wouldn’t recommend micro-wave PE.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I dreamt a few weeks ago that I was performing all of my PE routines on a detached penis and was making plans to have it sown on.

I wonder what those dreams might mean if they could be analysed.

The worst thing that’s ever happened to me with Sleep and PE together was leaving a cock ring on, I completely forgot about it for the entire night. That’s happened to me maybe 3 or 4 times.

I’ve done something similar to hobby too… never again. Noooo thanks. It’s all about the soft and tender P.E.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

It’s funny that you guys mention dreams relating to detached penises and PE because since I began I have occasional dreams where my penis comes off or I can detach and reattach it, which naturally I find really odd. I don’t think theres any way I would have had these dreams before starting PE, maybe the obsession over having a small unit and making it bigger causes some kind of mental syndrome..?

My contributions to the Thundersplace Darwin awards:

Attempting to manual clamp one afternoon when I was bored and horny. It felt and looked good, until the next morning when I had a large bruise right over a vein on my foreskin. Not so smart…

And not PE related but I was plucking my nuts a few days ago, got a bit too enthusiastic and ripped out a hair follicle…again a large bruise resulted.

Oh yeah, I told my ex about my PE in a kinda lame attempt to keep her…she’s forgotten now, or at least shes keeping quiet about it…at least I hope she is…oh dear.

Current stats: 7.0 BPEL x 4.32+/- EG ¦ Current target : 7.0 x 4.75 ¦ Goal: 8 BPEL x 5.5 + EG

There is definitely a little OCD in PE.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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