Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

MUST READ! Newbies and Lurkers! How to make a great handle!


Okay I picked 678 for the obvious reasons;

1) my goal to go from average to monster 6 to 7 to 8 , get it!

2) it was easy for me to type (that was the main reason)


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Re: MUST READ! Newbies and Lurkers! How to make a great handle!

Originally posted by SS4Jelq

3) Use your AOL password as your handle. Don't forget to email it to me with your screen name for verification.


And Hubbard has stolen drabbuhmot, so selfish.

I like my handle.

thepenismightier's data

thepenismightierthanthesword, butmyswordislongerthanyourpenis

My handle is Latin for “snake-lizard.” Ophiosaurus is a genus of legless lizards. Below the name is a picture of one. I chose my handle because I am a biologist and these animals seemed like a phallic symbol.

Re: Re: MUST READ! Newbies and Lurkers! How to make a great handle!

And Hubbard has stolen drabbuhmot, so selfish.

Look, I’m not going to even try to defend myself. I always have been selfish, always will be. It’s just who I am.


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