Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

MUST READ! Newbies and Lurkers! How to make a great handle!


MUST READ! Newbies and Lurkers! How to make a great handle!


It has come to my attention that newbies are getting slack when creating handles. How many variations on "I want a bigger dick" or "I am/will be nine inches" can there possible be? There is nothing wrong with names like this at all, but eventually all the possible choices will be gone! In response to this I present 10 great ways of making a handle.

*SS4’s guide to newbies and lurkers for creating a good handle*

1) Select a letter from the alphabet. Capitalise it. Repeat it. Add a number from 1-9. Add your favourite PE exercise. (OK, DONT do this one)

2) Open a dictionary on a random page and stick your finger on it without looking. Voila, handle.

3) Use your AOL password as your handle. Don’t forget to email it to me with your screen name for verification.

4) Use the name of your favourite TV character. you can then include a picture of this character! Like bananaMan did for instance.

5) Just write 10 numbers in a random order. eg - 9742855071. Then people can affectionately refer to you as "big number guy". Or simply use "Big Number Guy" as your handle! Alternatively, use your credit card number! Again, email to me with your expiry date for verification.

6) Go here:
http://www.inse … -curtis/swname/
And generate your very own star wars name!

7) You know when you were signing up your AOL/hotmail/other email account? Remember that screen name you really wanted, but was taken? Use it here!

8) Turn on the radio and the first word or few words that are spoken or sung will be your handle. I just did it and got "Shooting Star". Not bad eh? You can use that one if you want, I’m not gonna charge you for it or anything. Just make a note in your sig that I am your creator and overall boss-type guy.

9)Take a word you like and reverse it. Examples - Green = Neerg. Corner = Renroc.

10) If you think i’m full of shit, "Gottagetto9" and "GonnaGain" are not taken yet…

Good Luck with your names!

Last edited by SS4Jelq : 03-05-2003 at .


I personally like the location-postal code types. :) Just think of how fun it would be to use those British/Canadian codes. So many number/letter combinations.

Or, since Thunder’s is based in the U.S., how about using penis related ‘foreign’ words. I think my fav would be “wank-mine-for-9.”


I think the credit card thing might be illegal, man ;)

Look, like I said to the police, I did nothing wrong, the money was just ‘sitting’ in my account. You cant prove anything.;)


Funny story with my handle (I prefer to call it simply ‘name’),

I was just about to sign up and I had going, so I just happened to be getting the definition of the word ‘cascade’ and viola! — There it is folks.

Later on I realised that the word ‘cascade’ is the name of the first brewery in Australia! —- I just happen to love beer too! :D


Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

My alias isn’t actually based on ‘Banana Man’ from the TV series, that was just luck! :) The actual reason is because I have a bent member (to the right) and my last girlfriend used to call me her ‘Chiquita Banana Man’

Gotta looove pet names!


I love my name ;)

1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, 4...I just wish gains were this easy.

I’ve been known as tug_monkey all my life………. The pic to your left was taken of me back in ‘92


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Your a handsome devil tug!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Did somebody just reveal to you that Santa Claus is fraudulent in that pic, tug?

SS4, you forgot a method that is favourite with the lazy people such as myself - make a random string of letters that almost sounds like a name up!

A funny story:

Recently my wife rented “Peter Pan” for the kids and for two or three days all I heard was “Captain Hook this..” and “Captain Hook that…”

A completely surreal episode in my life. A nightmare, really……..

Well I for one certainly feel guilty.


Haha. Oh well, look at my name, it’s no better.


Don’t worry you’re fine. He was clearly perturbed only at those using “9” in the handle. :)

Re: MUST READ! Newbies and Lurkers! How to make a great handle!

Originally posted by SS4Jelq

It has come to my attention that newbies are getting slack when creating handles. How many variations on “I want a bigger dick” or “I am/will be nine inches” can there possible be? There is nothing wrong with names like this at all, but eventually all the possible choices will be gone! In response to this I present 10 great ways of making a handle.



This made me laugh out loud at work. Thanks… now everyone is staring at me!!! :)


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