Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My $3.00 homemade penimaster!

Re: My $3.00 homemade penimaster!

Originally posted by chickenchoker
Here’s the ingredients for a 5 - 6 inch penis ( starting length ):

1) a cut 1/3 inch slice of 1-1/2”PVC pipe ( smooth out the edges )

2) 2 turnbuckles ( 3/16” x 5-1/2” , or longer ) with ringed-eye ends

3) 2 machine screws with bolts ( 1/2” x 3/16” )

4) a small strip of ace bandage or any soft cloth.

…I started reading this, and I couldn’t help being struck by:

Here’s the ingredients for a 5 - 6 inch penis ( starting length ):

So that’s what they’re made out of! :p

I want to know what are the ingredients to make a longer one! :p

This is my first post; I hope I did not break any rules.

thepenismightier's data

thepenismightierthanthesword, butmyswordislongerthanyourpenis

Let’s see where’s that smilie…. :funpost:

There it is. Good one!

Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Last edited by Questor : 09-24-2003 at .

Hey Jim5555555555555555555, here you go. Mods just have to release it.

(32.6 KB, 1095 views)

Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Just Finished my own.

Here is the link which also includes some pictures.

Well I just made my Homemade "Chicken Choker"

Thanks for the idea, Im pretty sure I spent less than 10 Dollars for all the parts.

And the Yellow thing is the wrist portion of a Rubber Glove helps avoid slippage.

Good luck to everyone else in making your very own “Chickenchoker” hehe



Second Skin?

A fabulous piece of PE equipment. I’m most intrigued by your use of the velcro/underwrap combination *The hooked side holding the underwrap*……It can be likened to a second skin with a firm grip………A thought:
Doesn’t it stand to reason that if the velcro/underwrap combo can comfortably withstand enough “push” for a decent stretch, it can therefor handle an equal amount of “pull”? Meaning: couldn’t your velcro/underwrap idea be used to carry light to moderate weight— down, and beyond the glans—ala hanging?
I’m thinking that it could work as an alternate ADS were one able to employ it via “belt above knee” as we’ve all seen here at Thunder’s or depending on the poundage it could handle, maybe even as a light-weight hanger?
I might be missing something, as I haven’t used your contraption, so forgive me if I’m off the mark.
That said, maybe you or one of the other creative among us could hit upon something and share? I certainly will if anything something comes of it.

*Hopefully, I’m not stepping on anyones toes, should this idea already be fermenting somewhere deep in the bowels of this vast PE paradise.

Re: Second Skin?

Originally posted by CaptnHook
couldn't your velcro/underwrap idea be used to carry light to moderate weight— down, and beyond the glans—ala hanging?
I'm thinking that it could work as an alternate ADS were one able to employ it via “belt above knee” as we've all seen here at Thunder's or depending on the poundage it could handle, maybe even as a light-weight hanger?

*Hopefully, I'm not stepping on anyones toes, should this idea already be fermenting somewhere deep in the bowels of this vast PE paradise.

I am leery of any hanger attachment using moderate to heavy weight that totally encircles the penis for fear of injury to the dorsal nerve. It is OK to use that design for an ADS device but not as a primary hanger, especially since hanging requires periodic increases of the hanging weight to counteract the body’s adaptation to the stress on the ligs.

Here’s some more tidbits on the CHICKENCHOKER SPECIAL:

1. The nuts on the PVC ring are barely big enough to hold the large eyes of the turnbuckles. This structural instability was stumbled upon production of the prototype and it altered the design for the better so that the turnbuckles converge to a tip beneath the head of the penis.

2. Attach the turnbuckles onto the PVC so that the right turnbuckle elongates as you rotate it clockwise and the left one elongates when rotated counterclockwise. This makes it easier to elongate when the penis
is strapped in place.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

need more info

chiken choker what are turnbuckles pipe and could u send me a more detailed description of the device or email me a pic

Re: Re: Second Skin?

Originally posted by chickenchoker
I am leery of any hanger attachment using moderate to heavy weight that totally encircles the penis for fear of injury to the dorsal nerve. It is OK to use that design for an ADS device but not as a primary hanger, especially since hanging requires periodic increases of the hanging weight to counteract the body's adaptation to the stress on the ligs.

I think my point was lost somewhere; I couldn’t agree more about the dorsal nerve. I’m not proposing a “moderate to heavy weight” hanger (check my post).
In fact, scratch all reference to hanging.
I’m only saying that the idea—-your idea— of using a velcro top-wrap in conjunction with a fabric under-wrap, one would think, holds promise beyond just the way you’ve applied it (Chicken Choker Special).
If, in fact, it is not a new idea maybe you could direct me to where and how it is being used, because I think it holds a lot of potential— what with the convenience, low cost, and inconspicuous nature of the materials.
Maybe it is something for a different thread— I just thought that the good people reading this might like to give it consideration as well.

Love your Choker Special— will try to build one.

BTW- That’s a pretty good drawing.

Re: Re: Re: Second Skin?

Originally posted by CaptnHook

I'm only saying that the idea—-your idea— of using a velcro top-wrap in conjunction with a fabric under-wrap, one would think, holds promise beyond just the way you've applied it (Chicken Choker Special).

That is a new idea too! Another one I stumbled upon.

I am actually working on an ADS device that has even more potential than the CHICKENCHOKER SPECIAL but I have to put together a little thesis for you all first and this will take some time.

By the way, I’d like to have some input from those of you that already have both the penimaster and my CHICKENCHOKER SPECIAL for comparison testing ( feel, convenience, etc. )

Thanks in advance.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Re: need more info

Originally posted by bigdick2003
chiken choker what are turnbuckles pipe and could u send me a more detailed description of the device or email me a pic

Did you open the attachments in this thread?

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


For those of you new to the penimaster type product, you can do a search on it on yahoo.

The website recommends daily use of only 3 hrs. per day.
I’d go for 6!

This homemade one will not break even if you run over it with a car. :)

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I don’t really see the advantage of the triangular shape of your stretcher. When wearing the stretcher downwards doesn’t it give you a bigger bulge because there’s those eye-screws between your leg and your dick within the wrap?

Also the eye-screws within the wrap are pushing into your cs cutting of bloodflow to the glans are they not? (Uncut members need a tighter wrap)

Turnbuckles are great but what is the diameter of yours, because the ones I saw when I was shopping for my stretcher were huge.

Originally posted by Piet
I don't really see the advantage of the triangular shape of your stretcher. When wearing the stretcher downwards doesn't it give you a bigger bulge because there's those eye-screws between your leg and your dick within the wrap?

You won’t see the advantage until you wear one. The eye-screws ( the ones near the head of the penis ) are not between my legs and my dick. The eye-screws are touching each other beneath ( or posterior to ) the head of the penis, therefore, they are under the penis and between my legs. How can this be visible if the end of the contraption is UNDER the penis?? It’s like saying your tongue is visible if your lips are closed.

Other devices have rods that are PARALLEL TO the penis and therefore will be visible in jeans, especially where these rods end.

>Also the eye-screws within the wrap are pushing into your cs cutting of bloodflow to the glans are they not? (Uncut members need a tighter wrap)<

No. The eye-screws within the wrap PULL AWAY from the penis “neck” where it attaches, and stays beneath the glans - not even touching the glans because of the wrap. It puts absolutely no pressing or pulling pressure on the glans.

Cutting the PVC and melting the holes takes 10 min.Putting it together, cutting the velcro, and wrapping your dick takes another 10 min. If you like the feel of it, take another 6 hrs. to let the epoxy dry on the screw nuts.
Therefore, in 20 min. out of $3 in parts ( not including the velcro ), you can have the answer to these questions. Actually wearing one beats any answer I can give you.

Also, for the sake of argument, IF I were to intentiaonally push a blunt object such as these 2 eye-screws with a pound or less of force into my wrapped glans, it wouldn’t hurt at all, much less cut off bloodflow.

>Turnbuckles are great but what is the diameter of yours, because the ones I saw when I was shopping for my stretcher were huge. <

The turnbuckles: ( 3/16” x 5-1/2” , for me, for now ) with ringed-eye ends.

Let’s hear it from current users of the CHICKENCHOKER SPECIAL regarding those points above.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 09-28-2003 at .

Coming next week:



Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


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