Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My cock has GROWN!!!

A quick question Vincent; I have tried eding before and really enjoyed it. I found with my longer sessions (equal to or greater than an hour) I felt a nice soreness that indicated good expansion and growth. But my problem was a seeming decrease in sensitivity in my unit from all the stroking. Do you use lube to edge? And also did I hear that you wear a cock ring the whole time? Sounds like a solid routine. Keep up the good work!


I think that, when edging, is very important to kegel when you reach the maximum expansion point. That will make your penis almost explode!

I use a high quality hand cream. Helps with the dry skin on my unit because I use soap in the shower and bath while jelqing. If the hand cream gets a bit stiff I just spit on it.

I do wear a cockring but i take it off about every 20 minutes or so for about 10 minutes to give my cock a rest and also for some new blood.

I like the decrease in sensitivity because I am a little fast on the draw to begin with.

I am working on this….. If I grip the head real firm and jelq backwards with a very hard grip, it will make me cum every time. This is what happens when i am fucking as well. It does not make me cum right away because her pussy is not as tight as I grip but it is that motion that makes me cum faster than I wish. So, I try to go over and over this when edging. Is this what I should do to get over this trigger reaction? Let me know what you guys think.

Also when edging/ballooning I like to grip my dong in an ok grip and squeeze like hell all up and down the shaft. My erection is very hard and I really have to squeeze but this feels great and I think I get a bit of benefit from it.


Yes navarro. I have to watch that motion though because kegels make me cum faster and not slower. That is why I do a reverse/kegel first and then a regular kegel. I just haven’t figured out the kegels yet like a lot of you have.


Hey man here it is:

Surpa’s Super Slammer

This is my saying that I say and helps you remember what to do

“Master Ballooning pumps the Edging then Uli Dry/Wet Jelq’s his horse 440”

Start to Masturbate while squeezing your PC muscle a lot, short fast squeezes, (aka) Ballooning, try to get to a 100% erection, take your time, don’t try to get to the edge so fast. Once you come to the brink of orgasm then squeeze your PC (Regular Kegal) muscle long had hard (Edge) which puts you at a 100% erection while simultaneously placing your OK grip at the base of your penis to trap that huge amount of blood and perform a (Uli), palms up or down, I do up grip though for me or whatever feels good at that time. Then push forward a about .5-1”, if you cannot don’t worry about it just do the Uli squeeze. Hold for 30 seconds. After the Uli this will put you at about a 80-85% erection. After you hold the Uli, do a (Dry or Wet Jelq) with the hand that was holding the Uli, all the way to the glands, the milk should last 10-15 seconds, then hold it at the top right under the head for another 10 seconds while pumping your PC muscle (Kegal’s) rapidly as you do the Jelq, as well as the squeezing really hard under the head. Your shaft will become greatly engorged then your head once you get to the last 10 second hold under the head. Repeat 10-20 times. Total workout time 30-45 minutes or until you want to stop

BTW If you really want to get a even greater pump, here is the last bit that you might need, After you Jelq to the top and go into the squeeze under the head, come in with you other hand and grab the penis in another Uli and squeeze, now you are performing a Compression Isolation Squeeze (Horse 440), hold this for the same time you are holding the squeeze under the head 10-15, or as long as desired. You can also throw some bends in after the horse for another 15-30 seconds.

man i have got to start edging but i cant seem to find the wiill power to stop before ejaculting

from what i understand you just masturbate untill the point of ejaculation and just stop right before you cum

is this correct?

You need to do a lot of kegels to get your strength up, and when you are about to cum stop touching your dick, and kegel really hard.


Do you think that if you ejaculate after you edge/balloon (let’s say, for an hour), that it’s a waste of time? Does ejaculating hinder the expansion process?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by quik4life

Do you think that if you ejaculate after you edge/balloon (let’s say, for an hour), that it’s a waste of time? Does ejaculating hinder the expansion process?

No, I do not find it a waste of time at all. I do cum about every third session or so. I do think it is better not to cum but it is ok to do so as well if you feel the need.


I edge for 2 hours each time I watch porn and I cum a huge load after this ok? Will edging that long damage my penis?

Keep PE’in and youll gain more and more

Originally Posted by Joe_X
Keep PE’in and youll gain more and more

I hope you’re right! I will soon find out.


Want to give me your secret on all your girth gains?

Well, I believe in jelqing twice a day. Every day with no days off. just short sessions though. 10-15 minutes.

I also do a ULI squeeze about every 5 minutes and also add in some Horse 440s.

I edge for 1 hour 3-4 times a week.

Hope this helps.


Mr. Van Cock,

Will you describe for us how you do the uli squeezes? I have adopted your 2x per day, 10-15 min. plan with some uli thrown in, except that I do dry jelqs in the AM and wets in the PM shower. I do my uli by grabbing (clamping) hard at the base, hold for 20 seconds, then slide my “clamp” finger up to mid shaft then do a slow pumping motion 5-7 times. There is a guy in another forum who has made nice gains over a two year period who just does dry uli sqeezes that last 60 seconds each. He up to 20-30 of these daily. He even encouraged me to stop traditional jelqing and go with nothing but these sqeezes in order to build a symetrical dong.


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