Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My cock has GROWN!!!


My cock has GROWN!!!

Guys, I have been posting a lot on edging/ballooning lately. I have been just facinated with it. I can see much benefit from the art. I want to tell you of what seem to be some gains lately.

My dick seems much longer. It is not longer where I thought it would be though. It is longer between my circum. scar and the head. I bet it is at least 1/4” longer there. It looks different and feels different. I can really tell the length when jelqing. Is this usually where lenght gains show? I thought it would be more down by the scrotum.

Secondly, I edged this morning again for about 20 minutes. Yesterday I edged for 1.5 hours and my cock got up to 6.25” girth after the first hour. Today it got that big almost immediately and stayed there while edging. I ran out of time and had to quit so I probably will do a bit more this afternoon. I am hoping this is an indication of more girth gains. Before this week, I could only get up to 6” during a workout and now it is 6.25”. Do you think this is indication of gains upcoming???

Cheers to you all. Do good things.

Your friend,


Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
I ran out of time and had to quit so I probably will do a bit more this afternoon.

With 700+ posts in three months, I’m amazed that you have time to do any PE at all!! (Just kidding).

Seriously, it sounds like you have all the PIs and are on the right track.

Keep it up!

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I remember reading in a website about ballooning as a very effective method to make your dick bigger. It was even supported by docs. They stated that edging continuously forces blood to flow in and out your dick, causing temporal expansion, eventually permanent. Just be careful and don´t over do it, one and a half hour with a cock-ring seems a little too much for me.

Anyway, glad to hear you have gained!

Well if your cold resting girth is 6.0 inches, you really should at least be able to get post workout expansion measured at 6 3/8 or more with a good hour girth workout. I am 5.5 inches cold resting girth, and I shoot for at least 5 7/8 measured after a workout, sometimes even 6.0 inches. However this is an hours worth of jelqs and manual Uli and Horse squeezes.

But, for a lower intensity workout like your edging/balloning, I suppose .25 inch expansion is good.

It does seem to make it bigger navarro. I do a LOT of kegels and reverse-kegels while edging. It just gets bigger and bigger with each one.

The whole edging/balloning thing makes sense to me. You are building from the inside out and not the outside in like pump is. It is the “natural” steps in erection building that your cock is based on. It seems to be to be much less artificial than other excercises. Even jelqing. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of jelqing and always will be. And maybe these gains I am experiencing are from jelqing twice EVERY day. The benefits from jelqing could have just shown up during the edging/ballooning. I don’t know.


Thanks MX.

BTW, what are PIs???


Originally Posted by Philadelph

But, for a lower intensity workout like your edging/balloning, I suppose .25 inch expansion is good.

It seems to be good to me as well. I do a bit of higher intensity workouts like ULIs and Horse440s but VERY sparingly. I think they are very intense and am not willing to take to many chances after my last injury.


Thanks Ramrod, Good link!


Hey Vin have you heard of Supra Slammers? They’re an exercise you can do while edging. I don’t remember how to do them, because every time I tried them or edging I always jerked off at the end and felt like I never acomplished anything by doing that. If your interested I believe I found them at the Matters of Size website. I’m not sure if they’re mentioned here or not. You don’t have to be a member at Matters of Size to see the exercises, so if you’re interested check it out.

Hey, I’ll check them out lawrence. thanks for the link!


Hey Vincent, I´ll be honest, I´m too lazy to search for the Supra Slammers. If you do the job, can you tell me how to do them? Ah, almost forgot, your willpower is really strong, I cannot edge for more than 10 or 15 minutes!

I tried the search and cannot find the Supra Slammers.

Your willpower will get better with practice. After a while you will be able to stroke for a solid 20 minutes without even slowing down.


<I tried the search and cannot find the Supra Slammers.>

Don’t lose any sleep over that, you’re not missing much.

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
<I tried the search and cannot find the Supra Slammers.>

Don’t lose any sleep over that, you’re not missing much.

Thanks for the tip Nine………


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