My cock has GROWN!!!
Guys, I have been posting a lot on edging/ballooning lately. I have been just facinated with it. I can see much benefit from the art. I want to tell you of what seem to be some gains lately.
My dick seems much longer. It is not longer where I thought it would be though. It is longer between my circum. scar and the head. I bet it is at least 1/4” longer there. It looks different and feels different. I can really tell the length when jelqing. Is this usually where lenght gains show? I thought it would be more down by the scrotum.
Secondly, I edged this morning again for about 20 minutes. Yesterday I edged for 1.5 hours and my cock got up to 6.25” girth after the first hour. Today it got that big almost immediately and stayed there while edging. I ran out of time and had to quit so I probably will do a bit more this afternoon. I am hoping this is an indication of more girth gains. Before this week, I could only get up to 6” during a workout and now it is 6.25”. Do you think this is indication of gains upcoming???
Cheers to you all. Do good things.
Your friend,