Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What size cock ring do I need

What size cock ring do I need

I have been doing some reading on cock rings and I think I’m ready to go out and purchase a real one. Currently I put on one of my girls hair ties around my cock and balls after my morning shower session to keep the engorgement. I don’t think they are tight enough b/c it doesn’t last long. I was just curious to see how do I go about sizing one for my entire package. My current erect girth is 4.95” normal but after my 15 min pump session at 5hg I’m at 5.4” girth. I’m trying to cement my erect girth after my pump and was just wondering what size of cock ring would be fine for me. The pump size I use is a 10”x2” gravel cleaner from pet smart. Does any one know what size I should get to fit my cock & balls.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"

I’ve also been thinking about trying out a cock ring, and have the same question. Is there some kind of chart where you can look up the size you need for a specific girth?

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

For starters, go to a large hardware store - the plumbing section. Look for flexible neoprene or rubber “O” rings. They are cheap enough, about US $ 1.50, that you can buy several to figure out what fits you best. Look for sizes about the diameter of the base ring of a condom.

Once you find the right fit you will know the dimension best for your shaft and can then be knowledgeable enough to buy something fancier elsewhere. I have several cock rings but the one I like best for sex is a cheapo I bought at ACE. Easy to get on and easy to get off when I need to remove it.




Thanks for the quick response and advice. Saving every little penny counts.

Are those o rings big enough to fit around my cock & balls and do they stretch for comfort.

Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"

Originally Posted by squashdzl
Does any one know what size I should get to fit my cock & balls.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Try using a 1.5” inside diameter steel cock ring. For your current size, this size ring may be a bit too large, but you will grow into it eventually. I wouldn’t recommend using a steel ring smaller than this, but like advocet said, a somewhat forgiving rubber o-ring of maybe 1.25” diameter would work well.

I prefer using a steel ring verses a rubber one, as long as it’s the exact size that it needs to be to avoid becoming numb due to improper blood circulation. Being that our dicks are more oval shaped than round, I found it helpful to carefully bend the ring into an oval shape using a vise for a perfectly tight fit at the base of my erect penis.

I don’t think it would be advisable to put a ring around your “cock & balls” during sex, just around the base of your cock. However, I’ve discovered that if my dick works the way it’s supposed to, I don’t need a ring for erection strength, size, or staying power. Although, it’s very handy to have one hiding under the pillow to quickly slip on during the act if things aren’t working as good as I had planned.


I agree with r0ad_h0gg’s tip about the 1.25” to 1.50” rubber o-rings (and any sizes in between. I think that would be a good fit for you. Remember to get the thicker ones (about 1/8” to 1/4”.) I’ve tried walking around with a rubber O-ring around cock and balls but it was too uncomfortable.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

Originally Posted by squashdzl
I have been doing some reading on cock rings and I think I’m ready to go out and purchase a real one. Currently I put on one of my girls hair ties around my cock and balls after my morning shower session to keep the engorgement. I don’t think they are tight enough b/c it doesn’t last long. I was just curious to see how do I go about sizing one for my entire package. My current erect girth is 4.95” normal but after my 15 min pump session at 5hg I’m at 5.4” girth. I’m trying to cement my erect girth after my pump and was just wondering what size of cock ring would be fine for me. The pump size I use is a 10”x2” gravel cleaner from pet smart. Does any one know what size I should get to fit my cock & balls.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

As far as using a ring for extended engorgement after a PE session, I think a soft leathery type of an adjustable strap would work better, or quite possibly an elastic wrap of some sort. Velcro wrist straps may also work good for this.


One thing to remember here are that there are stretchy rubber cock rings and rigid rubber cock rings. A rigid rubber cock ring should be the same size as a steel/metal cock ring. A stretchy, constricting ring (such as a hair tie) or other stretchy rubber ring with constricting elasticity could be a quarter or a half inch smaller inside diameter to achieve the desired constricting effect; however, this type of ring should not be left on for long periods of time. A good rule of thumb is to wear a constricting ring for 30 minutes or less.

A rigid ring (rubber or metal) can be worn for much longer periods of time, as long as it is not sized too small. With a rigid ring, dick and balls engorge with blood to fit the ring and then the ring serves to keep some of the blood from flowing back out. To maintain a pump, kegeling is often necessary. With a stretchy ring, the ring pushes down on the base of the dick and balls and, depending on the tightness, keep blood from flowing in and out. The penis fills up with blood, it engorges beyond it’s natural capacity and the blood stays there.

I am roughly the same size girth as you are. I wear a 1.75” inside diameter cock ring around both dick and balls in both rigid rubber and metal cock rings. If something between 1.5” and 1.75” were available in the U.S., I would wear that size. I find that the 1.5” ring is too tight to be comfortable and safe if worn around both dick and balls. I have, however, worn 1.5” cock rings around the base of my balls only.

I have worn a 1.5” super stretchy rubber ring around both dick and balls and find it to be effective and comfortable if not worn for too long.

I would recommend that, for wearing around both dick and balls, you try a 1.75” inside diameter rigid ring to start out with. When I first got into cock rings, I asked the sex novelties store clerk what size guys usually bought. The answer was that 1.75” is the most common size.

See my cock ring threads for more details.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

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