Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is it good wearing a cock ring ?


is it good wearing a cock ring ?

i think i read somewhere about cock still a newbie, and seeing not much of any gains

someone told be that im still ‘conditioning’ my dick (whatever that really means) i wanna ask:

Does it help growing, wearing a cock ring after PE’ing ?

Does it help flaccid size gains wearing it all day long ?

..Or is cock rings only for intercouse or what ?


aero Thunder must have been in expetially good mood today. He replied to you and made no metion of your writing style. He prefers that everyone capatalise the letter I when used to refer to yourself and the first letter of each sentence.

If your unsure of using the search tool here you go:

Cock ring

You guys are so alike here on Thunder’s.

By chance any interesting posts will end up in this thread ?

I’m in an expetially good mood today


I think obsessive compulsive and anal retentive are necessary qualities for the successful long term PE’er. A quick punch of the spelchek button before posting is alos a gud ideer.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

Your cock ring search that you posted brought no results.


Hmmmmm. Maybe I did something wrong when trying to link to a search. Easily enough corrected, just hit the search forum button on top of each forum and type in cock ring.

aero I have never worn a cock ring so can offer you no other advice other then that which I did, a little information to try to direct you towards some info on cock rings, and a little info to try to help you act like a Roman while in Rome.

I personally am in a real crap mood today but am glad to see so many happy people.

Still no answers to my questions..


i didn’t try the cock ring link, that trips gave me. I had a questions and wanted an answer, not a link.

I also tried to use the search function (like i haven’t used that 30 times before) and sure found a lot, but not really the answers.

Mr.P-P > I didn’t get those qualities.. anyway, I might have spelled the same word wrong as Trips did, but that was on purpose (how would I know if he did spell right or wrong) So I’m a quick learner. How to reduce world population?

There’s a real ‘dry’ humour widespread here. Mr. P-P you made quite a few spelling mistakes. Open your eyes and dont trust the machines. HAHAHAHAHA.

trips> I’m free to roam already., I’m among the ones that hasn’t been muted yet.

haha I’m in a crap mood too ;)

I found out that it might be a good idea to wear a cock ring after PE, to keep engorged for a while.


hey aero...

Hey man,

Welcome to Thunders Place, honestly you’ve came to the right place all the guys on here and even the female members are very supportive and will give you the best advice possible, they’ve been super awesome with advice/tips for my posts and alot of these guys have tried different techniques so they know what there talking about!! Anyways, I don’t use a cock ring I use like a shoe lace and I tie it around pretty tight and then jelq, I find it works great cause it keeps the blood in longer, evenutally you do get soft but personally when I jelq I like to be super hard I feel that’s why I’ve gotten my gains. Here’s a tip for you also that I found works really well, you want to jelq as low from the base of your penis to the tip, if you tie the shoe lace as close to the bottom as you can, it will still sort of get in the way, so what I do is I tie the shoe lace around my sack and over the top part of my dick, that way you can get right down at the base with nothing in the way and jelq. For me this works great cause I don’t manual jelq I use a PJ (power jelqer), the only thing with doing this is that your balls get an uncomfortable feeling if you leave the shoe lace on too long, so you want to take it off every so often, hopefully this will help you out, good luck with your PE!!


You can’t link a search like that anymore (since vB3) they get deleted after an hour or so. Best bet its to just list the search terms. you can even put it in url form if you like but you need to construct it by hand, like this.


Things here can be hard to find, especially if English is a second language.

>Does it help growing, wearing a cock ring after PE’ing ?<
Anything that keeps you engored for a period may well help, the more time you spend large the better in some ways. If you can put a cockring on and add some heat that may have the equivalent effect to pumping at a low pressure.

>Does it help flaccid size gains wearing it all day long ?<
It should at least make you bigger flaccid whilst its on. Everything we do is about encouraging the penis to be bigger and stay that way, a cock ring may have a marginal effect but it may help.

>..Or is cock rings only for intercouse or what ? <

Here’s where the search comes in. Braker posted a while back on doing a cockring ULI. certainly a cockring can be used as part of PE in a similar manner to a girth wrap. - Here’s his post on what he ended up doing.


I’ve been wearing a cock ring since right I started PE’ing, I wear it all day but not at night. It helps keep my cock in a kind of pumped state. I do some PE exercises with it on and I feel it has helped with my gains and cementing them.

And my wife loves it when I wear it during sex.

Hey guys.

Lol trips> it was you that talked about roam. nevermind man. even when i have a bad day i joke bad too. LOL.

ThunderSS> whatever you’re talking about..nevermind. Check it out, I made all the dunno-if-this-is-meant-to-be-a-capital-letter-or-not huge sexy capital letters. And a tiny petite sexy dot in from of most but the I’s. So now I got huge I’s just like you *S*

Malice > Good to see you blab :) You’re also a new member ? Yes I agree that the people here is very helpful, and friendly. Even there’s some girls here, thats nice to be able to ask them, cos surely I wont ask my girlfriend about weird stuff hmmm, if she knew how much time I use on thats embarassing. If she moves in..goodbye PE. hahahaah. It’s also part of why I ‘only’ do manually PE.

Using a shoelace sounds pretty rough. Isn’t it hard to get that off your dick afterwards ? I like using cock ring during sex, which my girlfriend does not, she’s kinda like, she wants me naked (?)

Also..Well I think that I shouldn’t get used (or she) to using that during sex.

But the times I used it, was good, its like it keeps one’s dick more engorged and hard. I know it also gives some extra for the girl, I also tried it with a few girls before. The one I used was a silicone stretchable one. Because I have 3, a blue one, a clear one(the tight one) and a black o-ring like one. I don’t like the clear one because its real tight. The clear one I like using both around the base and also both scrotum and base. the black one I dunno about. It’s not I don’t like it.

Jelqing should be done at half flaccid ? But you jelg pretty hard ? Actually I like jelqing(manually, I don’t have that device you have)
hard as well - not because I know I will have gains, but it just seems right (?) Haven’t really seen gains yet, I have mostly seen more elasticity and more veins during my 7-8 weeks of PE. I did PE today, and since i couldn’t mess up the ruler AGAIN this time, I have drewn a line on a hammer shaft so that I can measure, hm the line is at 18 cm, and it looked like at best moment, that I was 18,5 cm (that was partly during PE, but then again I was watching porn and ended up COMEing after PEing haha. I don’t think that I measured that much before, maybe 3-4 times after starting PE, but not in a row.

Do you think I should get a Jelq device ? Is it worth it ? Or maybe you get more tired in your hands, using it?

Using a shoelace, must be tough on your dick, why not use a silicone ring, I believe thats much safer, because it will ‘adapt’ to the size during PE. I tried the clear silicone ring around both shaft base an scrotum, that is too tight, and feels uncomfortable.

I’m not sure if it’s true that I last longer wearing a cock ring, though. They SAY it works that way. You know they describe almost all sextoys like ‘making you last longer’ (probably BS)

I’ve seen some of those cock straps that you can adjust. I think that would be easier than using a shoelace. They do look weird but - hey doesn’t it look weird having a shoelaces tied to your dick base ;) Using a cock ring during PE, one should think that it also would limit the blood flow IN just as out. I don’t know what is better suited, so I just use a cock ring sometimes doing PE.

Memento > I can’t click that link you gave me, because I ‘don’t have access’..


Wearing it all day, not matter which cock ring, I don’t feel comfortable with it over long time. I usually do PE, before sleep, so I wear it a little at night,sometimes I wake up and take it off.



Wow, cool, I can see that there’s the cock ring links in ‘similar threads’
ANyway Memento, if i want to read that threads you linked to, I should just search on ‘braker cock ring’ right ?


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