Thunder's Place

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Another spin on cock size


Another spin on cock size

I’m certainly not back-peddling on my opinions, nor am I trying to patronize smaller fellows, but my views on penis size have matured as I’ve aged. I’ve taken a lot of things into consideration, and I’ve learned alot from these forums.

Without rambling too much, I would say that penis size probably matters most if you’re small. But if you can hit a sturdy 7” and at least 5.25” girth, you really shouldn’t let it obsess you. At that size, no woman could justly say that you’re “small” or “inadequate” - nor should you feel that way. But the race for 8, 9, 10 inches….that’s all just gravy. It really doesn’t matter.

Sure, some chicks dig the big dongs; others, although, are frightened by them. And another percentage just doesn’t care.

I had 2 high school buddies who were HUGE. One was 9” & the other was 10” - legit. They were both sort of indifferent about their huge stovepipes. One, the 9” guy, hated his dick. The guy with 10” would whip it out at parties when he was drunk - and shock people, and delight some of the gals - while terrifying others. But when he was sober he didn’t want to hear about it. But I used to like questioning the guy with 10” (whom I was better friends with than the guy with 9”) about girls he was with. To my surprise, most gals were scared of it (true, they were high school girls not 30-yr-olds). Another percentage were indifferent to his size - and that really blew me away. I mean, he’d bang some girls with that 10” snake & they’d never even mention it. Isn’t that bizarre??? But, according to him, only a very small % actually seemed to enjoy his hugeness. Most were too scared to even let him screw them - they’d heard about it & wanted to see it, just sucked it, but wouldn’t let him put it in them.

Anyway, I guess I’m saying that however big you get, there’s going to be some guy out there bigger….and some girl who really doesn’t care either way. I’m not being a hypocrite, I know I’m about 7.25 x 6.25 - and, yes, I’d like to get to 8.66 x 6.5 - but my point is that I no longer obsess about it, nor would I be deeply disappointed if I don’t hit that size ever. I’m thankful for the size I’ve already gained - and VERY THANKFUL for curing my E.D.

Now I’m really focusing on other parts of my life - my health, losing some weight, improving my financial situation, my personal happiness, etc. I’m not being hypocritical towards the guys who are under 6” or 5” or under 5” girth….I can certainly understand their desire to be bigger (& I would encourage them to stick with PE). I’m just saying that getting to 10” won’t make you “better” than a guy with 9” or a guy with 8”, etc. If you really want 10”, go for it. But I hope you’re not missing out on improving other more important areas of your life (yes, more important).

Good post. I agree with all your points; especially the one about neglecting other aspects of your life in order to accommodate more time for obsessive amounts of PE. I stopped working out when I started PEing. Now that I know that my dick is bigger than most women have experienced before, I’ve cut back a bit. I might as well, anyway, ‘cause I can’t seem to buy a gain lately. :) I started working out again a few months ago to round out the rest of the package. I was never fat, but I lost about 15 pounds and am now at what I’d consider more or less my ideal weight.

I have just one question. What the hell’s in the water ‘round yer parts? :D The odds of having one friend with a 9” dick, and another with a 10’ dick are at least a million to one by my calculations!

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism

because it is the merger of state and corporate power."

-Benito Mussolini


I understand where you’re coming from. Now that I’m in the 7.5” x 6.75” category (started from a small 5.25 x 4.75” size and 3 yrs ago), I no longer obsess about having to make gains. I’m pretty content to be the size I am,and I still want more. But I don’t torture myself with doubting thoughts and unfulfilled wishing thinking.

I feel settled in myself and am much more patient about waiting for the next gains to come. It’s a good place to be, and I hope that all the new guys starting out there, as I did, will eventually reach a satisfied PE point in their lives.


I agree as well. I got into this for all the wrong reasons. I thought being bigger would somehow fix everything I viewed as wrong with me. I believed totally that my size was the reason my ex left me. I thought this even though I did her wrong on many occasions with regards to partying and the such. This was a mistake and a part of my OCD.

Don’t get me wrong, I still want to get bigger. But it isn’t who I am and a limiting factor to me being someone worth being with. PE can help you be a more confident man. But it isn’t going to cure your underlining problems. You have to do that for yourself.

I too have to agree Wadzilla,

Although my wife loves my big dick, at 8x7, she isn`t afraid of it but I don`t know wether another women would be turned off by it, or turned on.
I have just come back from a break for 2 weeks, felt I needed a rest, time to recover from some intense excercising.
Feel ready for another intense 3 months to Christmas.
I refuse to let P.E, get in the way of things I want to acheive with my family and life, some of us here I bet are over the top……..

Gettin Bigger

Good point Wad……..did you bang your head and have an epiphany last night :D


What have you been doing to gain 2” in girth !?!?!?

Very nice perspective Wadzilla. As you get bigger, the importance of being bigger becomes less and less. IMO, this is a point between 7-8 inches that makes you obsess-free about the size and the rest of the gains, if any, are still welcome but not as crucial as the initial ones that carry you to ‘big’ category. Once you get there, it is time to focus to untouched fields of life.

Soon to be 9''.

Nice post! I too have to say I don’t care any more . I can tell you my wife is going to freak out win she see my dick after a year away, I haven’t told her about my gains :}

Wow this shit works!

Nice points!

Great post Wadzilla. You raise some interesting points and I agree with your size threshold theory—A guy who is 7 has nothing to complain about and the vast majority of woman are very pleased with 7.

After you are 8 and above, its pretty much all the same and I personally believe that you will shoot yourself in the foot if you try to get too large—(8.5-9 is about the max that I would ever attempt) If your major aim is to please women with the size component of your love making skills then 8x6 is the ideal size that will allow you to cover the bases with the majority of woman and not be too big for most of them.
Your goals for size are perfect and I can see that you have thought this through very well. The other interesting point you raise is that PE can be a springboard for personal development in all other areas of your life. Once you have a bigger cock—you are oozing with sexual confidence (at least about size if not skill) and you will have more motivation to make more money, improve your relationships, your attitude, your mind and your outlook on life changes.

You become more well balanced. We are after-all males and we identify with our maleness not only in a psychological way but in a very physical way and our penis is a part of that physical identification. There is no way to deny it. Why are we all here in the first place? We are all looking for physical improvement—this in turn can start an avalanche of improvements in all other areas of life because success breeds more success. The mind and body are inseparable and they compliment each other, i.e., state of mind is state of body and state of body is state of mind. Stay on the PE path and you will reach your goals and we celebrate together my brother! :p

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


I only obsess about getting over 7nbp or 18cm nbp.. after that, I can stop obsessing =). I’m very close.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

18 year old girls are a lot tighter on the whole than the 30 year old girls that I date now. I remember how hard it was to get my regular dick in my high school sweetheart when we first started doing the nasty. But so far no trouble with any older chicks. Can someone send me over a really hot 18 year old to test my theory with.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I never had a young virgin but that would sure be something wonderful if you are lucky enough to get it. :p

There are 18 to 20 year old girls on the sex sites I visit but many of them say in their personal ad— don’t write to me if you are old enough to be my father!!! I am very hesitant to write to them anyway because they might not really be 18 to 20 years old—and I will find myself being hauled off to jail for statutory rape. :whatever: Definitely not a situation I would risk in exchange for sex with a young sexy babe. Besides that, there are sexual benefits to having a little more seasoned women that are around my age (39) with experience and the classy cool head on their shoulders—they don’t play games and get right down to the action. :p

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Yes, can someone send an 18 year old sample to me aswell?

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally posted by Krowax
I only obsess about getting over 7nbp or 18cm nbp.. after that, I can stop obsessing =). I'm very close.

That seems to be a magic number for me as well.. I’m not obsessed now, but still want another inch.

Older women play the same games young women do. They’re just better at it.

Becoming.... Godsize

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