Thunder's Place

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What do you think about your cock size


What do you think about your cock size

What is your cock size, and what do you feel about it?

I’ve seen people who are statistically large but still believe they are not.

My unit started out 6 3/4 inch long and 5 1/4 inches girth. I know it wasn’t small but I still felt as if it was too small. It’s silly really. Now I’m 7 inches long and 5 1/2 inches girth and, although my girlfriend has to be really relaxed to take it to base without feeling discomfort, I’m still not satisfied, obviously or I wouldn’t be here. I’m aiming for the 8 x 6 magic number- or 9x6. We’ll see how long I can stay focused. The extra inch couldn’t hurt.

I’m fine with what I have. If I grow more that’s fine to. Stats are in the signatures.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Same here. I’m happy with my current size. I might be agreeable to gaining 1/2” more in length, but only if my flaccid doesn’t get much bigger. I don’t want a dick that can’t be hidden.

My current size is 7.625 BPEL x 5.95 MSEG.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I’m in a very happy place but it took a long time to believe I was big but I always had a kinda cocky attitude though.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah same here,it is taking me along time to get use to the size.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t base my standards on statistics. Some say I’m large but in my eyes its just average. I’m only7.25 NBP and 8.0 BP by 6.0 girth but it doesn’t go along with my muscular and tall body type. You guys may say that 6” girth is large but not when you’re surrounded by people with bigger dicks. For the type of women I like my dick wouldn’t be enough so thats why I want bigger. Most people say I’m shy but if I had a bigger dick they’d know otherwise. I guess my inner personality doesn’t match my dick size. Usually when I’m not acting shy somehow the question “Do you have a big dick” comes up. I’m cocky inside but can’t let it out until I’m bigger. Its really my flaccid size that makes me mad beccause its only 4 inches and skinny. Not to mention when it’s cold it shrinks.

Last edited by sed26 : 04-30-2007 at .

“People” = Stallions, Bulls etc?

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Stallions,bulls etc, explain.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I’m sorry sed but you need to get over that crap. A 7.25 x 6 is a very big penis. And how do you know that these “people” have bigger dicks than you? Do you guys compare each others erect penis’? Are you baseing this on their flacid size? You have a very respectable size and you should be proud to carry that bastard in your pants. And anyway, your flaccid means nothing when it actually comes down to sex. Can’t fuck with a limp dick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Stallions,bulls etc, explain.

Reference to the people who surround sed and are over 6” girth-wise.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

8 x 6.1 NBP and I feel it is big, more than adequate, but not yet perfect. I think that a little more length and .5-1 inch in girth will take me where I want to be

8”bp x 5” and I personally want more GIRTH! No matter what I do I keep gaining length. Id really like my end stats to be 8” NBP x 5.5” EG (Id say 8x6 like everyone else but since its so hard to gain girth Id settle for 5.5).

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

7.28” NBP x 5,7” circumference and I want more because it would be bigger if wasn’t a really bad surgery that I had when I was 13 (my doctor was in fact a butcher);

Hmm 9”x6” would be great;

SEd26 is crazy in his the previous post. 8.0 BP by 6.0 EG is huge in the greater majority of peoples opinions. But it just goes to show that even guys with big members are still worried about size and their appearance to women.

I am just recently starting to become more confident about my size after changing to a drastic and hardcore routine.

I’ve been at it for two years.
I don’t mesaure, but I am around 7.25 BP and 5.25 EG, and I still feel big…most of the time.

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