Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do you think about your cock size


I’m 5.1 I consider myself 2 be vry small, thats why I am going to being my quest of pe’ing. I would absolutely love to be around 7 inches but this is probably not possible but any increase would be greatly appreciated lol.

My stats are now 7.28 BPEL by 5.7 EG. I know this new measurements are way better than my old dick pre PE. But still i don’t feel like im that big, because im a tall ass man, and it dont match my frame or body size (whatever you call it lol).

One thing i’ve gained and im happy with is the boost in confidence around women, i don’t mind them seeing my dick hard when im doing freaky things with them hehe Im more confident in my personality and it shows!

I’m hoping to get a better sex life when i reach my all time goal of being above 20cm in length << my Dream !!

Big Money, Big Dick : and You'll have wild success with Females ! That\'s no secret

Before : 16cm *Now: NBPEL 7.91" (20.1 cm) x EG 5.9" as of 19-Mar-2008 New Short Term Goal : 21 cm

Back! El Presidente FrankWhite :moon2: 8 is NOT enuff Retirement from PE @ 22cm :!:

My stats are 5.75 x 4.5 and I am not very happy with my penis. He has a nice shape to him with a slight upward curve and a thick base at 5.25, but I am around 6’ foot tall and weigh around 230, and are pretty muscular. Also I have thick legs too, which gives the impression of a smaller dick then what I have, so I am not very happy either.

Still gonna shoot for the 8x6 marker, even if I never get to it, all other gains are just a plus!

Originally Posted by cub_bear58
My stats are 5.75 x 4.5 and I am not very happy with my penis. He has a nice shape to him with a slight upward curve and a thick base at 5.25, but I am around 6’ foot tall and weigh around 230, and are pretty muscular. Also I have thick legs too, which gives the impression of a smaller dick then what I have, so I am not very happy either.
Still gonna shoot for the 8x6 marker, even if I never get to it, all other gains are just a plus!

Welcome cub_bear58: from another APR07 Newbie.
Why don’t you complete your PE Statistics (quick link bar above) and keep a record of your gains on the way to meeting that goal of 8x6? Have you gained since starting? Good PEing and Good Luck meeting your goad.

Originally Posted by nick33
Holy crap. I just had a look at your pictures. You have the thickest penis I’ve ever seen. 7.5 girth is just incredible!

Do you wish you sometimes had 0.5” less girth and 0.5” more length instead?

Yes, I would like to have more length, but not at the sacrifice of girth. I do like being thick, because I never worry about my wife wondering, “Is it in yet?” LOL!

Thank you Panos for the greeting, I have not been able to get access to the Internet for a day now, sorry about the long response time. I am going to try and figure out the PE statistics, because I would love to see the progression in numbers too. And, actually I have gained minimally so far, I think my erection quality has actually just gotten a little better from jelqs and kegels. I will say though that I think I might have gained about a 1/2 inch in length, and maybe a 1/8 inch in girth so far, but again it could just be the erection quality(which definitely improved)
It’s good to be on this site Panos.

Have you had any gains yet in your newbie career yet?

Originally Posted by cub_bear58
Thank you Panos for the greeting, I have not been able to get access to the Internet for a day now, sorry about the long response time. I am going to try and figure out the PE statistics, because I would love to see the progression in numbers too. And, actually I have gained minimally so far, I think my erection quality has actually just gotten a little better from jelqs and kegels. I will say though that I think I might have gained about a 1/2 inch in length, and maybe a 1/8 inch in girth so far, but again it could just be the erection quality(which definitely improved)
It’s good to be on this site Panos.

Have you had any gains yet in your newbie career yet?

Hi cub bear:

Yes, I have had some small gains, but I am extremely happy with them. :) No complaints! On the 18th day after starting, I couldn’t wait for 30 days to arrive to remeasure, because I could feel and see a change had taken place, although small. I gained FL 3/8”, FG 1/4” and EL 1/4”, EG 1/4”, not much, but I am very happy to have gained that much in such a short time. It was quite unexpected. I am still working on my erection quality, which lately hasn’t been all that great. I had an accident a little over a year ago and I think that was one of the causes.

And you, a gain of 1” in length and 1/8” in girth!. Great! And your girth…5.25” at the base and 4.50” mid cock. You should be able to fill that in in no time and increase the base. Keep doing the same, and I am sure you will meet your 8 x 6 goal! Good Luck.

When did you start and what routine have you been on? I forgot to look at the date/year that is shown for you nd it is too late to check now.

I checked to see if you had completed your PE Stats and saw that you were “learning about MMA.” What is MMA?
Take care and keep PEing

What is MMA?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Mixed Martial Arts!!!!

MMA=Mixed Martial Arts, basically fighting. UFC, Pride FC, IFL, etc. Is MMA.

I am can get up to 6.5” length if I’m SUPER turned on, usually only like 6.25” tho. My girth is 5.8” base, 5.6” mid shaft. On the rule this seems like an ample penis size, but I’m not really satisfied. My goal used to be the legend 8x6 but now I’m thinking more like 7.75 x 6.25, only time will tell where I wanna end up.

I still feel it’s just average, nothing special though atleast I don’t feel it’s small. My girth especially seems very respectable on paper but again it doesn’t feel huge to me. It like people with anoerxia think they look fat when they’re really skinny, My dicks pretty fat but I still think of it as pretty skinny! Haha guess I gotta work through it :) .

One thing that kills it for it my absolutely pathetic flaccid hang. Seriously I am one those guys who is MAJOR grower (as opposed to a shower). Flaccid hang is 3.25”!! AND THATS WHEN IT’s WARM!! GRRRRR THIS UNFURIATED ME. Flaccid firth aint that bad at 4.5” I supposed, but cmon, I typically sport a freakin 3 inch dong. Oh well, maybe Ill research some exercises for this as well.

Overall at 6.5x5.6 adequte, but won’t start bragging that I have a big penis till I atleast hit 7x6 :D

Overall, I’m cool with my dick size and proudly let it all hang out from time to time. But that doesn’t stop me from engaging in my rather elusive search (so far) for a little more girth. I just think the whole package would shine a little more with 1/2” of additional thickness.

Originally Posted by Superdrive
I would absolutely love to be around 7 inches but this is probably not possible but any increase would be greatly appreciated lol.

It is certainly possible although the vast majority of guys require dedication, years of PE, and a bit of luck to gain 2”s. But remember:

Originally Posted by cub_bear58
Still gonna shoot for the 8x6 marker, even if I never get to it, all other gains are just a plus!

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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