Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My PE Journey: Gains, Workouts, Tips


Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
While I find these kind of posts very inspirational, they don’t help me as much as they could. Sorry if I seem ungrateful, I’m just pissed thinking that I may be spending alot of time doing something that wouldn’t work..

It may be impossible at this point in the state of the art to be as specific as you seem to be looking for; at least, until we start using torque wrenches to do our stretching and somebody puts some major money into research studies on the physiology of PE. Until someone figures out a way to make major money on determining whether you should heat your dick up to 104 or 108 degrees before you PE, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. If you require that degree of certitude, perhaps PE is not for you.

Is your concern that you are spending a lot of time, or that the time you are spending may not wind up to be effective? That comes back to the basic question of how do YOU know that what you’re doing is working, anyway?

There are some general, commonly agreed-upon concepts. For example, I haven’t heard anyone describing the Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine as either ineffective or dangerous.

Beyond that, I see Thunder’s Place as more like a grocery store than a brownie recipe. The shelves are well stocked, but what I find palatable and nutritious may not be to your tastes and needs. Once you get beyond the Newbie Routine, you take on more responsibility to track your penis’s condition, both subjectively and objectively (Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!), and correlate that to your routine. Patience, perseverence and consistency are your friends.

So pick your routine, monitor your unit’s condition and any improvements you see, and adjust accordingly. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
If we’d knew for sure that following a certain routine, tailored specifically for us, would give us the elusive gains we seek, then I’m sure, many of us will find the time and the motivation to do it. :)

I’m not sure that is a realistic expectation. PE offers few guarantees. There are some who do everything perfectly and diligently and gain little or nothing. There are those who do everything wrong by most standards, do not get injured, and gain.

I don’t think that there is just ONE universal ‘certain routine’ that is going to work for everyone, once you make it past the Newbie Routine. If there WAS just one certain routine that would give us those elusive gains, wouldn’t we all be doing it?

The ‘tailored specifically for you’ part has to be DONE by you, since you are the only one who knows how your body is reacting to your routine. And that tailoring is dynamic, not static.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 06-07-2007 at .

Lampwick, I’m just asking for more specifics, if they exist. Wad, maybe has more in his bag, things that he may consider not so important.

“For example, I haven’t heard anyone describing the Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine as either ineffective or dangerous. ” dangerous, no, ineffective, many times.

And what is effectiveness ? a growth of 1mm/month ? Could this be improved ? Good gainers (like Wad) are the only source for this kind of questions/answers.

“Patience, perseverence and consistency are your friends.” what about science ? proven facts ? knowledge in general ?

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
Lampwick, I’m just asking for more specifics, if they exist. Wad, maybe has more in his bag, things that he may consider not so important.
“For example, I haven’t heard anyone describing the Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine as either ineffective or dangerous. ” dangerous, no, ineffective, many times.
And what is effectiveness ? a growth of 1mm/month ? Could this be improved ? Good gainers (like Wad) are the only source for this kind of questions/answers.
“Patience, perseverence and consistency are your friends.” what about science ? proven facts ? knowledge in general ?

Good response, FoxMarrine, and I agree in part. I’m just thinking that more specifics, applicable to everyone, may not exist.

I went back and looked at Wadzilla’s original post in this thread, and one of the things that I liked about it was that he outlined general principles that we can all consider applying to our individual routines. I find principles like the value of warmups, and the value of time duration in gaining length, to be more valuable than saying that you need to apply 104 degree heat for ten minutes. It’s useful to share the experience that as part of your successful routine, you applied 104 degrees for ten minutes, and that 113 degrees was too much, but that is different than being prescriptive and saying that 104 degrees for ten minutes is right for everyone.

But then, these principles are general, not universal. More time may be generally useful if you’re looking for more length, but what about Walter (From 5” to 7”), who gained two inches with a routine of five minutes twice a day?

There may be members who do not gain with the Newbie Routine, but I consider the Newbie Routine to be the warmup for the marathon of PE. If you gain with the Newbie Routine, fine; but if you do not gain with the Newbie Routine, it’s not time wasted if it prepares you for the work ahead.

What is effectiveness? Effectiveness is growth, or better penile fitness, or both. If you do this for a year, and have not gained, and have no greater erection quality, perhaps PE is not for you. This chart shows that there was no one who did PE for over a year who did not gain something, but it may be that PE is not for everyone.

Could effectiveness be improved? Take another look at that chart, and see the variation in results, and I have no doubt that some of that variation in range is due to better routines and techniques. The question is HOW, and short of scientific studies, the answers are all empirical. And as I said before, who is going to fund such a study? If it was a study to sell us a medication or a device, maybe; but who is going to fund a study on how hard to stretch or how much heat to apply for how long in what location? Maybe a college or university more interested in knowledge than a profit margin; we can always hope.

There is a logical pitfall in saying that “good gainers are the only source for this kind of questions/answers” until we know how much of a good gainer’s gains are from what he DID, and how much of his gains came from what he IS; things like genetics, for example. Some gain despite poor routines. Some fail to gain despite exemplary routines and work ethic.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

awesome post!

thanks for the info

Thanks for an outstanding post! I love reading about tips from the vets. Everything you said makes sense especially about length training versus girth training and frequency.

Thank you so much.!




Wadzilla, I’ve been bookmarking all of the PE Journey threads that show remarkable girth success. Thanks for making yours part of that list.


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