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My Theory on Differing Numbers.. Standing v Sitting

My Theory on Differing Numbers.. Standing v Sitting

Like so many other PE fanatics I’ve noticed that when I stand up I lose a substantial amount of length in the BPSFL measurement. Seated I get a measurement of 6 5/8 while standing I get 6 1/4. My theory for this is when I stand up my stomach wall stretches/flattens out…pulling the ligs we spend so much time stretching tighter and thereby decreasing my BPFSL potential.

Does this seem like a decent theory??

Maybe we should try some SD hanging while standing? Maybe in church during the singing part of the service…LOL

I’ve noticed something similar. But with my erect length. My BPEL is 6.5, but sitting, my BPEL is up about 1/8 - 1/4 inches. I believe that when you’re sitting, you have less of a fat pad, and you are looking at the ruler from a different angle. These two things will cause a difference in measurements.

Sounds like a reasonable explanation dreamaloud.

Welcome to the land of posters sg44. :)

da1, I agree. I always do my SD hanging while standing, and I notice one heck of an increased stretch when I tighten my abs…:fob:

The \’Westla Anatomically Correct Seal Of Approval\’ is pretty much necessary for any PE theory like yours, but I add my faint praise behind wes’s “shot heard ‘round the world”…:thumbs:


I’ve noticed 1/8” to 1/4” difference in BPFSL myself—longer when sitting. I think it’s caused by changes in the tilt of the pelvis. The crura (legs of the CCs) attach to the pubic ramii (“loop” bones you sit on).

When you sit, especially slightly reclined, the pelvis is tilted back so that the pubic ramii move forward. Unless your ligs are limiting your extension at the angle of measurement (i.e., unless your LOT is above about 9), you’re bound to get a longer measurement sitting than standing.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Hmmmm. My BPEL is longer when standing than sitting. I don’t measure flaccid.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6


Give it a try and let us know.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by OneHungLo
Hmmmm. My BPEL is longer when standing than sitting. I don’t measure flaccid.

Really? My BPEL varies by 3/8” depending on how aroused I am and maybe other stuff like if I took an aspirin the night before or something. LOL Conversely, my BPFSL number is consistent throughout the day.

I’ll try BPEL and see which way is longer. Will update shortly.

I wrote about this in another topic. I don’t measure bone pressed, but my NBPEL is some 0.8” longer when sitting with my legs spread apart, then when standing with my feet together and butt muscles relaxed.

Originally Posted by Nemanja
my NBPEL is some 0.8” longer when sitting with my legs spread apart, then when standing with my feet together and butt muscles relaxed.

When I first read .8” I was about to call a bullshit. That’s a lot of difference. Then I measured myself and found a .75” difference in NBPEL standing vs sitting. The higher number was seated.

Interestingly, my BPEL only differed by 3/16” or so which is what I was expecting.

I’m a fat guy and my fat pad is about 1.5” seated. There has to be some reason it would be so much thicker standing….

Yup, I can gain 2/3 of an inch by sitting. I stand for measurements because it’s a lot easier to get a consistent measurement that way, in my experience.

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