Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My wife can see it!!


My wife can see it!!

Yesterday my wife commented; “It’s like your dick has grown bigger”. Say no more!

Does she know you PE?

That’s a great feeling right

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Congratulations Langemann!

Tell me hearing that from her doesn’t make you feel good. How long have you been married to her?

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.


No, she do not know anything! She is a nurse - I do not think she would believe in PEing. Not jet, anyway.

2 years

We have been married for 3 years. My dick expanded mostly the first weeks - I am not sure how much it has grown the last weeks… But I can truly see it my self comparing to before. It’s more hung.


Great report! Nothing better than an unsolicited comment about your dick being bigger!



Great isn’t it?!! Do you have any idea if/when you’d tell her?


What did you tell her when she said “It’s like your dick has grown bigger”?


Lucky "stiff"

Man, you are lucky. I have gained 1’ 1/2” and lost 20 lbs and my wife says squat I guess I will have to keep it hidden until I reach Ron Jeremy proportions!!!! LOL

But not in weight! :)

I am not sure what I said - I think I said “that is weird, or that can not be right”… Or something even more stupid. (But we know for sure it works!) MDC; I have not planned any date to tell her - but may have to do that. Dawolf, you have to keep gaining until she complains that you are too big.


That is great!!!! Put you right at the top of the world. :)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


Thats the plan. The weight loss has helped with the fat pad, too.

Weight loss is probably the most effective way to a longer member. Not a stupid idea. I try to loose some weight my self - even though I am not over weight.

Re: Lucky "stiff"

Originally posted by dawolf

Man, you are lucky. I have gained 1' 1/2” and lost 20 lbs and my wife says squat I guess I will have to keep it hidden until I reach Ron Jeremy proportions!!!! LOL

Hey, 1.5” length is a significant gain. And the 20 lbs lost is great. Don’t take it personal….women are usually bad at numeric, size stuff like length, distance, mass, etc.

Also, we’re conditioned to believe that natural PE is impossible (both men & women hold that view), therefore saying “Your dick is bigger!” might not be something your wife would think of saying.

My penile volume has increased 64% and all my wife has said is that sex now seems”tighter.” But she also wants to have sex a helluva lot more often now….and isn’t that what really matters?


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