Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My worst nightmare

My worst nightmare

Hi guys, I don’t know if it’s covered in any other place, but there’s something bothering me so much these days, I was thinking “and if the world discovers about jelking and PE?”

I have always been a shy guy: when I started 2 years ago I had only 11cm in my girth. Now I’m moving to 13cm. It’s a total conquest to me, but I see some guys starting with 13, 14, 15, etc… So, and if a lot of THESE guys get to know jelq? And a lot of guys like me? And all guys in general? Like if jelqing sudenly became a trend like bodybuilding! Can you imagine every guy in the world doing this!?

I only started to feel confident, I only started to feel like a MAN after I’ve met this tecnique. And if the WHOLE world get to know its benefits? All my gains would be diluted… You might say I’m being selfish, but, of course, in my head there’s no other way besides being selfish! I am the one who had the thin cock, I am the one who can be easily surpassed, do you understand?

How you guys deal with it?

And how do you think the world would be with this “little” secret coming out from the shadows? How do you think women would react? Do you think it would be men’s sexual counter-revolution?

The fact is: I want jelq to be a secret until the day I die, so I (and a few guys) can have access to it.

Sorry if it’s too honest.
Share your thoughts, please!!!

Beginning: 5,9" (15cm) x 4,4" (11cm)

STG: 6,3" (16cm) x 5,1" (13cm) :: LTG: 6,7" (17cm) x 5,5" (14cm)

Now: 5,9" (15cm) x 4,8" (12,7cm)

Uh, my thought is, nothing makes a man feel more “man” than a woman :p (Of course the reverse might also be true).

But in essence, being a man is about being self reliant and independent, so your way of thinking sounds contrary to that basic idea to me.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

This topic was started in another thread.

Anyways I don’t for see penis enlargement becoming too popular even if it became widely known that it is possible to enlarge the penis with exercise. Bodybuilding is somewhat of a similar example, while it is true that bodybuilding was really taboo before the 1970’s when Arnold changed things but it hasn’t really become that popular. Last I checked only 15% of the U.S. Population has a gym membership (not sure where you live). Out of that 15% how many of those guys are in incredible shape? Maybe a quarter.

The combination of it being hard work and taboo in general will limit the number of men who do PE at least for a rather long time. We are at the point now where men are willing to discuss their body insecurities out in the open; “I have a small chest”, “my calves are small”, “I wish my arms were bigger”. But I don’t think that we are to the point where we openly say we wish we had a bigger dick.

With all that said there’s always someone who’s going to be bigger, stronger, richer and more handsome. Be the best you that you can be since there ain’t shit else you can do. But yeah I’d like to be one of the few guys with a big dick, everyone wants an edge that’s normal.

Originally Posted by kaan
Uh, my thought is, nothing makes a man feel more “man” than a woman :p (Of course the reverse might also be true).

But in essence, being a man is about being self reliant and independent, so your way of thinking sounds contrary to that basic idea to me.

It sounds very beautiful, but I wonder: how would you think with thousands or even milions of jerks outside there competing for women with penises that tops yours?
How would you ever love a woman again, or marry one someday? Or am I being too sexist or contraring to the basic idea again?

Not to be an idiot specifically to you, I’m not taunting you, but, sometimes I walk in here and read things like this one you have written and feel confuse.

I came across this place because I was tired of having a bad dick. And the fear of having this secret revealed is more that legitimate, I guess! Maybe it’s too difficult to admit that other man here have this same feeling?

Sorry, only had to take this out of my chest. Hope you understand.

Beginning: 5,9" (15cm) x 4,4" (11cm)

STG: 6,3" (16cm) x 5,1" (13cm) :: LTG: 6,7" (17cm) x 5,5" (14cm)

Now: 5,9" (15cm) x 4,8" (12,7cm)

Even if PE was published as scientifically proven in a peer reviewed health journal it would not catch on like you fear.

It would be even less popular than weight lifting. With lifting you can feel the soreness that indicates progress. After a week or so of PE, however, the soreness, swelling, lower EQ or other possible side effects might seem very discouraging, especially if the person goes through it for a month or more and can’t see any significant improvement.

Also, other forms of exercise don’t really affect sex unless overdone whereas PE can. Basically other men knowing about PE will give you less “competition” than them knowing about exercise in general.

Don’t worry about it.

I agree. Even if common knowledge, PE would be applied by very few. Everyone knows how to get a killer body, or knows how to find out, and start any time they want. Maybe 5% do.

Edit: also, I agree that your dick has precious little to do with your manhod. As long as you base your worthiness to a woman on the size of your dick relative to other men, you will continue to feel inferior. There will always be someone more endowed, if that bothers you you must deal with that. It’s more important than making your dick bigger.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

Originally Posted by Mr.Perseverance
It sounds very beautiful, but I wonder: how would you think with thousands or even milions of jerks outside there competing for women with penises that tops yours?
How would you ever love a woman again, or marry one someday? Or am I being too sexist or contraring to the basic idea again?

Not to be an idiot specifically to you, I’m not taunting you, but, sometimes I walk in here and read things like this one you have written and feel confuse.

I came across this place because I was tired of having a bad dick. And the fear of having this secret revealed is more that legitimate, I guess! Maybe it’s too difficult to admit that other man here have this same feeling?

Sorry, only had to take this out of my chest. Hope you understand.

There are too many women who don’t place size high on their priority list for you to worry about something like that. Don’t worry yourself unnecessarily.

I guess I never bothered with the size of other guys dicks. My issue was that my wife sang about other big dicks, and it nearly destroyed me.

Three years here has conquered that feeling.

Now I just laugh at the thought of that silly bitch.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I’ll have to agree with almost everyone else.
PE is “taboo”, I think it would take a long time before it’s discussed in the open.

I’m pretty open minded but I still remember that I thought this place was a bit weird when I first visited.
“A bunch of guys discussing what they are doing to their dicks”, took a while to get used to that idea. Some will never get used to it.

My wife doesn’t even want to know about PE. She’s always told me that my dick is perfect and doesn’t need any more volume.
I told her that she should tell me when she didn’t like the feeling anymore, which she agreed to.. She still hasn’t told me to stop even though it’s gotten noticeably bigger.
Ok, she’s not open minded about some things, but he’s accepting the increase but doesn’t want any part in the process.
This also tells me that Peing will never be a mainstream event, much less an Olympic such.

It’s difficult enough for men to accept this generally, but to have women accept this as valid would never happen.

Women consume modern culture, so for PE to be accepted women would have to embrace an aspect of male empowerment at precisely the time they are beginning to enjoy their own.

PE will never become a topic on the view or oprah, unless its mentioned as an aside to get a quick chuckle, and that’s fine by me.

I do this for me anyway.

I couldn’t imagine the pain a man would endure if his wife saw a show about PE and laid that trip on him.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

The size of your penis is of little importance to a woman. The size of your wallet however ..

Dom, its a painful truth that women want dominance and control.

Money, sex, entertainment, thoughts.

Feminism handed women the keys to a box better left well shut.

I see how desperately unhappy women are, and increasingly so, as more financial control is provided them.

Studies are just now revealing that women are becoming more unhappy as they age, whereas men have pretty much stayed the same.

Industry and politics are turning to women and providing what they spend money on, and naturally so, and what is this doing to culture and families?

Making women believe they can buy happiness.

Hence the growing unhappiness.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

You Mr a-unit pretty much nailed it.

I’ve been married for’s 12 years now and the relationship isn’t a Disney fantasy as some women tend to think it should be. We have our ups and downs but it’s pretty good overall.
If I look at my friends, many of the ones who are now divorced were the ones handing over control to their lady.
My wife knows that I’ll never leave her, provided she acts accordingly. If she wants control, she also knows she won’t get it here.

I could write a humongous post about this topic alone, but it seems we’re getting ever so slightly off topic. I just wanted to give credit to a-unit, perhaps helping out some young guy who hasn’t grasped the basics of a relationship.


I know its well off topic, but its extremely important to point the shit out when we can, so that others may begin to look across the table with a little more objective eye, than to just throw money and permission at the problem.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

And it doesn’t matter how big your dick is, if you are carrying her purse, you are dead in the eater.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

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