Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need Input ASAP! PE skeptic Emailed me :(

Whew! It’s refreshing to hear responses such as these. I’d like to have thought that your penis could take a lot pressure wise. If it couldn’t then hanging 20lbs would have my dick touching the floor by now :D

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I think this is very disturbing and makes a lot of sense.

A poll would probably be a good idea as for those of us that have been doing it for more than couple months
Anyone know how to do that ?


All I know when I started PE I was having poor erections and now I have diamond hard erections so I consider myself my own test subject when this guy tries it for 5 years he can know for sure of the outcome. I really don’t believe that you just stretch the chambers only and that their is no actual growth I think you cause the penis to actually grow and repair itself. I also think that’s why people who seem to go by the theory that rest in a girth routine is important get more girth gains. Also what is important to remember is that when I started PE we were a lot more careful we didn’t erect jelq and do squeezes until we were way past newbies. I didn’t start erect jelqing or squeezes until I had been at this stuff for over a year. So while I think PE is a very dangerous activity even more so than professional sports I think new guys should stay away from hardcore shit and programs that recommend bends and twists until they build their units up with good old jelqing. Because the truth of the matter is we are all just little lab rats in a PE experiment and who knows what the long term results are. I know what my 5 year results have been a big healthy not to pretty 8.5bp X 6.5 dick but I’m always one squeeze or yank away from some kind of injury. So do this shit at your own risk and remember pain is never good in PE.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Good post dino.

I can gaurantee extremen erect bends do not cause ed from personal experience.

The rest I just don’t know.

When many urologists (mine included) recommend vacuum pumping as one technique for improving erectile function, I can’t be impressed with one, sole “biologist” who claims it will ruin your penis and cause ED.

Of course there are guys who get themselves into trouble through pumping and there are many logical reasons why they would, given the ridiculous pressures and time periods they employ in their zeal to get bigger/better, or just because pumping feels good to them. Low or Medium feel good? High must feel better is their thinking.

High (general body) blood pressure, hypertension, causes atherosclerosis among other things and in a lot of organs. “Gunk” and plaque build up and impede arterial blood flow into the penis, etc.. Pumping regularly and sensibly gradually dislodges some of that gunk and the result is better arterial flow in.



I have stayed away from pumping and hanging because of some mixed reactions for that reason

I am sure erect bends and kegals are ok, clamping and jelquing honestly I don’t know.

This guy is just a con-man. If you peered into his closet and medicine cabinet you’d probably uncover a plethora of PE agents like pumps, talcum powder, and an assortment of jelq oils. He’s trying to keep PE secret I’ll bet. How does anyone know he’s a biologist? Because he said so?Oh okay…..

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Great, let people write things like this. Less competition :) .

Doctors used to perform their operations in the most unsanitary of conditions. Hospitals were uncleanly and infested with germs, hands were never washed, and implements were never disinfected. Guess who knew better? Nurses. Some Nurse by the name of Florence Nightingale said this is crazy fucking shit. She ensured that patients were housed in a relatively clean area, free from possible contaminants. This started in the early 1800s. By 1850 Science confirmed all of what they were doing when Pasteur developed Germ theory. What’s the point? Sometimes laymen just plain know better.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by huff
This guy is just a con-man. If you peered into his closet and medicine cabinet you’d probably uncover a plethora of PE agents like pumps, talcum powder, and an assortment of jelq oils. He’s trying to keep PE secret I’ll bet. How does anyone know he’s a biologist? Because he said so?Oh okay…..


He could be on the Internet from the Twinkie Hospital, he went in as Napolean Bonerpart, but this week he is a Biologist. :homer3d:

cead mile failte :lep:

Guys, one obvious explanation: He has the fight club mentality and is merely doing what Dino, myself, and others have been doing for the longest time; attempting to give PE as black an eye as possible so others will never try it while we continue to benefit from it. This is a possibility. He might even be one of us on this board.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Their is truth in what he is saying I don’t think he’s trying to scam we really don’t know the real outcome of what we are doing. I mean I could be the exception to the norm or by next year my penis could be dead. So I would think if you haven’t started PE yet your better off not starting and playing it safe and maybe if you have started you should quit now while your penis is still working. PE is really a witches brew anyway and I don’t know one person who has really made verified big gains. The truth is that this site uses mind control methods you don’t even see them but little messages are being blinked really fast in front of you that are beamed directly into your brain. While you read this at least 100 messages were directed at you most about PE and sending money to thunder but now thunder has started advertising outside of PE. He can even gear advertisements to your area like if your from Chicago you might see our add about eating at Greasy Joe’s restaurant or our add “You believe the Cubs can win the world series buy tickets”

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

^^^^^^. See what I mean?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
^^^^^^. See what I mean?

I was just helping you prove your point :D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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