Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Negative Aspects of PE


Negative Aspects of PE

All joking aside, I wonder what the members here (who’ve made gains) would say are any “negative” results of PE - and how did you deal with it?

For me, there is one - which resulted in 2 unwanted aspects: skin creep up the shaft. I think this is the result of “inner penis” being pulled out from the body.

This has caused my pubic hair to ride higher up my shaft, and my balls ride forward more than before. Both of these conditions visually detract from my length. Also, that hair can wreak havoc when donning & removing condoms.

Of my total length gains, I’ll bet that at least 3/4” to 1” were attributed to lig gains caused by the “pulling out.” My hairline has climbed about that much higher, and my balls are pulled forward even more than that. The skin that connects the front of my sack to the base of my shaft is at least an inch more forward now. To try to offset this, I’ve been doing some intermittent stretching of that skin by carefully pinching it near that region and pulling downward. Unfortunately, I haven’t really noticed any changes (maybe I’m not doing it enough).


I agree with the hair line moving up. I find the most unfortunate part of PE to be the lose skin on the the shaft. It is undesirable, but I suppose worth the gains.

Stats: NBPEL: 7.5" x 5" EG, BPEL: 7.75" (thin that fat pad boys!) x 5" EG

Goals: 8"x5.5-6"

Wad, I also am convinced of my lig gain by 1 inch, also by seeing the hairline shift. I wonder if there are guys who have made this change even larger, like two inches. If so then there is reason to believe there is more potential for lig gains for me. If not, then I doubt this is possible by manual PE. I find this (although it is ugly) a good variable to measure the real permanent length-gain, the rest of the gains is build by water and mostly temporary.

Most negative side is for me the cause of premature ejaculation. Before PE I had trouble to cum at all (also probably of my inexperience), now I am suffering pre ejac. I attribute this mainly to edging/ ballooning. As I haven’t heard of this issue before, every input of course, is appreciated.


before 6 x 4.75

now 8 x 5.5

goal 9 x 6

The discoloration. I had a nicely toned dick, but for some reason, the exercises have darkened it quite a bit from base to circ scar.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

I would say that the most disturbing thing for me has been the dick discoloration that has occurred. There is a band approximately 1 1/2” wide just below the circ scar that looks pretty dark

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Stretching/tearing of frenulum as shaft skin tried to lengthen to match length gains. Some of the fat pad moving up on shaft (I’ve seen this on porn actors too), if it can be put inside think of the base girth gain so its not totally negative. :p . No discoloration as of yet. Larger shaft but glans still same size makes the glans look even smaller. Daily tingling from microtears.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

I’ve had some discoloration from some stupid pumping years ago that I’m not too happy about.

Skin has moved up the shaft but only very little so that doesn’t bother me at all. And I shave anyway so…

The “ridge” of my glans has become slightly tougher from all the gripping when stretching. On the plus side, the size and shape of my glans (and the ridge) seems to be very appreciated by the ladies and there doesn’t seem to be any loss of sensetivity.

Blowjobs have a tendency to become “teeth jobs” before the chicks figure out what they’re doing…

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Originally Posted by pitface
Most negative side is for me the cause of premature ejaculation. Before PE I had trouble to cum at all (also probably of my inexperience), now I am suffering pre ejac.

Don’t you perform kegels in your routine? I think it’s really great, I can hold much longer then before, and the kegeling itself even feels good now because I get a slight tingle all over my body.

At this point, the only negative aspect I can think of is always trying to schedule my routine to days where I don’t have sex. Unfortunately, I’m being offered to DO it a lot :p Maybe this shouldn’t play a factor but I find it harder to have a full erection after the exercises.

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed


What do you mean by loose skin on the shaft, do you mean just that ? That it is baggier ?

I kind of noticed that and thought it was my imagination, I can’t say I like it.

Originally Posted by 789
I would say that the most disturbing thing for me has been the dick discoloration that has occurred. There is a band approximately 1 1/2” wide just below the circ scar that looks pretty dark

I have very light skin, so this is the #1 negative for me. I imagine dark dicked guys don’t care about this so much.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Originally Posted by flygreg
Don’t you perform kegels in your routine? I think it’s really great, I can hold much longer then before, and the kegeling itself even feels good now because I get a slight tingle all over my body.

I do kegels, but if anything for me, the use of kegels during sex decrease the time of cumming. I thought kegels during sex are used for staying and becomming harder, and for becomming multi-orgasmic. Correct me if I’m wrong in my eyes not for preventing pre-ejac.

Relaxing these muscles is imo the way to prevent it, but since I’ve done so much PE the muscles are somewhat ‘trained’ to contract. Especially during wild sex it is very hard to not contract these muscles. And I’d need to think and go slowly to be able to relax them. This is why I prefer being in the bottom these days, because this increases the actual sex time. This is a thing I don’t like btw because I like to be on top, as I can be more of the initiator.

before 6 x 4.75

now 8 x 5.5

goal 9 x 6

The discoloration is a good point also. I got that too, I just consider the skin creep to be even more negative.

Hobby & others have discussed how this might be addressed, but I know that my discoloration circle has never faded. My entire cock may have gotten a bit darker (if I remember, it used to have a reddish color, but now its a darker color), but it would have been so gradual that I didn’t really notice - but I have a very dark ring that hasn’t dimmed at all.

I think this discoloration affects guys differently. If you remember stillwantmore’s pics, his discoloration band was very thick (maybe 2-3”), but it wasn’t much darker than the rest of his cock - just enough to see the difference. My ring is maybe only 1/4 to 3/8” wide, but its very dark (almost the color of shit, lol). And when I powder my unit for stretching, it becomes even more prominent because the rest of my tool becomes so white.

But if any woman ever asks me about the ring, I have a quick lie ready: “That’s my circumcision scar. It affects guys differently. It’s been that way all my life.”

If I remember correctly, the muscles actually do relax during orgasm, not contract. Kegels have helped my erectile strength. But I believe that just the act of doing PE “trains” your cock to be handled, squeezed, pulled, stroked, etc. without busting a quick nut.

I never had a problem with premature ejac, but I did have some E.D. problems before I found PE. The hardons were soon like iron again. But I’ve noticed that I can last longer than before - could be my age (40), could be the kegels or the PE in general, or just an act of will/imagination, etc.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
If I remember correctly, the muscles actually do relax during orgasm, not contract. Kegels have helped my erectile strength. But I believe that just the act of doing PE “trains” your cock to be handled, squeezed, pulled, stroked, etc. without busting a quick nut.

I never had a problem with premature ejac, but I did have some E.D. problems before I found PE. The hardons were soon like iron again. But I’ve noticed that I can last longer than before - could be my age (40), could be the kegels or the PE in general, or just an act of will/imagination, etc.

I don’t know what the muscles do durring orgasm, but I do know that when I do kegels during sex, the orgasm will follow quickly. And for me it is hard to not do kegels during sex. This is why I believe the muscles are somehow ‘trained’ to do the kegel. I attribute this to the edging/ ballooning after a PE work out. That’s why I quit doing that from now on, and try to become let the tiny muscles become more familiar with relaxing.

before 6 x 4.75

now 8 x 5.5

goal 9 x 6

I too am having some of the skin creep - my balls ride rather high already. Perhaps we should look into a way to counteract this?

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