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New kegal exercise


New kegal exercise

If you want a bigger and stronger kegel muscle stop doing those endurance sets of kegel squeezes. There is definitely a place for long sets of squeezes and squeezing for 10 seconds or more. Doing this gives you control over your ejaculation. You may even be able to hold on to that feeling and release it at the exact moment you want to (i.e. when your woman is cumming) such as I have.

But no, If you want to shoot your cum across the room, you have to make the muscle stronger and more explosive. You want to train your BC muscle like it is a sprinter/power-lifter as opposed to a cross country runner. When training in the gym, the only way to consistently gain muscle mass and power is with low rep work.

I have done this by lifting weights while stretching. I attach my Captn’s Wench with about 10 lbs. I then put my legs on a chair and rest my upper body on a footstool. Doing a straight out stretch at this point, I lift the weight 15 - 30 times, squeezing for about 3 seconds. I only do this for 3 sets, 2-3 days a week. This really tears up the muscle.

The results- With in 2 weeks I was shooting my cum at least 3 feet in the air up over my head!!!!!!!!!!!! Up until this point I had always been a dribbler. My kegel muscle is noticeably stronger. Earlier today I actually got a cramp in my BC muscle. I would not recommend doing this routine two days in a row. Trust me you will feel your muscle aching, give it time to recover.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

How is your erection? Can you keep up your penis erected all the time? People reported loss of erection due to fatigue in BC muscles.

Doing the low reps exercises my BC muscle still has enough energy/glycogen left in it for a strong erection. I used to do hundreds of squeezes until there was no energy left and my muscle became exhausted and weak. After doing only 20 reps or so for 3 sets, there is still plenty of gas left in the tank but the muscle is completely tore up from lifting the heavy weights.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

What about your average erections not right after a workout? Kegels are saposed to make you’re average erections stronger. Do you think you’re style of kegel has been more effective in that department?

Hey Pops,

I am very interested in this post. I became a “dribbler” after my vasectamy.

<I attach my Captn’s Wench with about 10 lbs. I then put my legs on a chair and rest my upper body on a footstool. Doing a straight out stretch at this point>

Can you describe this in more detail? I have a bib and can do this during my regular workout, but I am not understanding exactly how you are doing this.


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Kegal lifts using ADS

Pops. I found your thread very enlightning. If you don’t mind my asking what is your age? I’m fifty and have begun to have a little ED and the kegals haven’t seemed to have helped much with erections, however I have seen quite an improvement in my semen projection both in amount and distance. I’m not sure how important projection is in the real world of sex, unless of course one makes a living in porno films, but it is fun to see one self squirt a ways. I’ve been wearing an ADS made from a neonatal BP Cuff with an elastic cord around the neck. By kegaling with this ADS on the old BC muscle gets quite a workout, probably not as much as your lifting weights with yours, but this method might be a little safer.

<What about your average erections not right after a workout? Kegels are saposed to make you’re average erections stronger. Do you think you’re style of kegel has been more effective in that department?>

Not really. My style of kegel is not designed for sustaining a longer lasting erection. It is designed for helping you shoot your load farther. It is training the muscle to be stronger and more explosive. If you want to sustain your erection I would suggest doing a normal BC squeeze workout, but don’t overdo it! It is better to err on the side of having too long a recovery’s time than overwork your muscle.

<Can you describe this in more detail? I have a bib and can do this during my regular workout, but I am not understanding exactly how you are doing this.>

I use my BC muscle to lift the weight I am hanging with. Obviously, this cant be done while hanging straight down. In order for this to work you have to hang at or above your LOT. Like when pulling OTS, you can do a kegel and fight your pulling hand. I do the exercise while hanging with my penis straight out at 9 o’clock. I achieve this by resting my legs on a raisable office chair, my chest on a footstool, and my dick is swinging in the middle.

<I’ve been wearing an ADS made from a neonatal BP Cuff with an elastic cord around the neck. By kegeling with this ADS on the old BC muscle gets quite a workout, probably not as much as your lifting weights with yours, but this method might be a little safer.>

Hey Big Girtha, would you agree that you are giving your muscle a better workout with some added resistance? I think that it is a more effective way of kegeling. Its the difference between bench pressing the bar 100 times in a row and bench pressing it eight times with extra poundage.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

Hi Guys,

Do you think its best to work on the BC muscle before or after a jelq session, or does it not matter?


I like this. Especially the hanging/kegel above your LOT part. Rather intuitive when you think about it. I’ve always used the low rep/heavy weight approach to lifting - I burn more fat and tone my muscle better/faster - high rep/low weight never did much for me.
I do worry about adding too much mass to the BC - if that’s even possible.
But shooting three feet over head sounds just fine! Especially since, as you say you were always a dribbler.


There has been some discussion on weighted kegels in the past, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention doing them with a hanger on. I do “in” and “out” kegels all the time while I hang, but not with any consideration of my LOT. I’m going to try it at 9 and above. My LOT is about 10:30.

And it’s true: even at my advanced decrepit age, weighted kegels enable me to still shoot a couple of feet when I cum (but there’s usually a paper towel or someone’s tummy in the way). Also, it really strengthens and extends my orgasms.

<Do you think its best to work on the BC muscle before or after a jelq session, or does it not matter?>

Hey bigbedu,
I would say it doesnt really matter. I kegel while jelging in order to pump in more blood if I have to. Having a conditioned BC muscle is necessary for maintaining your strongest erections. You wouldnt want to overexhaust your BC muscle before jelging, or sex, for those who complain of weaker erections from kegeling. But, I hang before I jelg so I end up doing my kegel workout before jelging.

<But shooting three feet over head sounds just fine! Especially since, as you say you were always a dribbler.>

Yeah, and the only reason I want to be able to shoot so far is because I read somewhere (penissize maybe?) that women find it sexy. It is instinctual for them because the farther the cum flies the more virile I am, like its going to shoot up their fallopian tubes or something! Just so its clear, I can get it about 3 feet total, not 3 feet beyond the height of my head. Only when fully rested and loaded of course. I wonder if there is a limit to how far it can go? Does anyone know the world record for farthest cumshot?

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

Hey, so you think that for ejaculation control

it’s good to do low sets of 10 sec bc flex, with medium force?

I am trying to find a good routine for the day workout

and while doing sex.

Do you have complete control doing that?


<Hey, so you think that for ejaculation control
it’s good to do low sets of 10 sec bc flex, with medium force?
I am trying to find a good routine for the day workout
and while doing sex.
Do you have complete control doing that?>

Yes, 10 second squeezes or longer help with control as well as erection strength. Also, do one or two squeezes for 30 seconds or longer. I believe that being able to “tolerate” the feeling of squeezing the muscle for long periods of time puts you more in tune with its actions during sex. You will be better able to control your BC muscle during sex so it wont release until you want it to.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

Pops, I do something similar but without the weights. Do an OK grip under the glans and pull a stretch toward my chin, then do Kelgles.

This is of interest to me as well, as I have never been much of a “shooter”. Not usually a dribbler per se, but almost no distance with my shots.

Maybe this could be the next Thunder’s experiment?


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