Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New measurement - True length


Does volume or length = more pleasure?

Gained 1 inch length finally! the first big step in my PE time :D

Now: Erect Girth 5.00" - BP Erect Length 6.00"

Start: Erect Girth 4.90" - BP Erect Length 5.00" ---- Thats an increased volume of 2.384 cubic inches!!!

I used to think of myself as having almost 7” before finding this site (darnit)! That’s because my unit has a fairly strong upward curve. When I started, though I only had 6.25 with a ruler laid flat on top, which seems to be the system used on this site, I had nearly 6.5 if I followed the curve with the tape measure on top and nearly 7 if I followed the curve on the bottom. Since the bottom was the longest side, I used to assume I got to use that number. Now I’m very happy I’m getting close to a more “legitimate” 7, but I feel like maybe we guys with curved dicks are getting shortchanged a bit in our measurements. It also might contribute to penis size surveys being higher than reality when guys assume as I once did that if their dick is curved they get to measure the longest side (in my case, the bottom).

Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG

Measuring from the bottom though would be legite in my book. Most would assume that measuring that way would be the shortest measurement. Upward curves though it is the longest. Bear in mind also that when penetrating you would be ball deep. Top measurement 6.5. Bottom measurement 7.0. You are using 7.0

Originally Posted by grOx
Hi guys,
I was thinking the other day that if your unit is curved, you still measure with a straight ruler. Wouldn’t the propper length be measured with something that could follow the curve then straighten out?

E.g. A 4.ft pole bent into a curve would still be a 4.ft pole.

My unit curves up. Measured with a normal ruler I am 6” BPEL. If I measure along the curve I go up to just under 7” PBEL.

Using this idea, wouldn’t it also mean that a curved penis would have a greater volume than a straight one (measured with a straight ruler).

Any thought on this topic?

Ok, use this as a measure of what you are asking, you have two lanes of a road that turn slightly, if you measure the length in three places, one at the inside of the turn you get the shortest measurement in distance, measure it in the middle, you get an intermediate measure of distance traveled, then measure the outermost part of the outermost lane, you’ll get the longest distance. What distance would you use ? Well, the odometer of the car will accurately measure all three and record that as mileage on the odometer with relative accuracy. Your tires will have travelled that far too. Now, apply this to putting your penis inside a vagina, how deep it goes is the deepest penetration point, I think the woman feels that deepest penetration depth. I think you or anyone else should get credit for that depth, just as the guy getting benefit of the longer straight penis gets the benefit of whatever length advantage he has over others ?

Just wanted to add this: For PE purposes (measuring penis growth) I find that the best way to measure is standing, bending the penis parallel to the floor, bone pressing REALLY hard with a hard ruler and taking a picture. If you do it like this you will know if you have grown or not since you are confident that you bone pressed as hard as you could the last time. Also, you can zoom in on the ruler on the digital picture and get growth measurements in mm.

I also have a upward curve and a slight left twist, so I get a bigger measurement with a tape measure. The problem with the tape measure is that you can not really get a reliable bone pressed measurement with it. Also, if you use it to measure NBPEL you are not taking into consideration that the fat pad actually fluctuates. Accurate measuring to find out how much your penis have grown is, in my opinion, one of the most important thing we have to learn. Without this everything becomes somewhat random.

Bottom line; Take a BPEL starting picture with the best erection you can get, standing, bending it parallel to the floor and bone pressing as hard as you can.

To me the most usefull measurement would be how far you actually penetrate. Measuring without the curve I’m 6”, with the curve 7” (roughly) So how far am I penetrating?

Gained 1 inch length finally! the first big step in my PE time :D

Now: Erect Girth 5.00" - BP Erect Length 6.00"

Start: Erect Girth 4.90" - BP Erect Length 5.00" ---- Thats an increased volume of 2.384 cubic inches!!!

I’d say since one is usually able to put the whole unit in, the curved measurement would be the “real” one.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

I also have an upward curve.

I measure as Babbis mentions, standing up with the penis parallel to the floor and a really hard bone press with a hard ruler.

It is near impossible for me to get an accurate BPEL measurement with a soft tape for obvious reasons but NBPEL I am 3/8” longer with a soft tape measured along the top of my penis.

As for measuring the the underside of the penis it is so much longer but I don’t know where to start measuring from, the erect penis is still palpable through the scrotum and fades out where near the Perineum.

How much of that penis is usable during intercourse I do not know as the limiting factor is always my pubic bone but I have been experimenting the last couple of days to see if leaning back enables more of the curve on the underside to be used.

Something else I have been thinking about lately is, a curved penis (upwards, downwards or sideways) that is 5” in girth might feel wider than a straight penis that is 5” in girth because the walls of the vagina will be being spread by the Glans on the top wall and the curved underside on the bottom wall during penetration.
I wish I knew how to draw a diagram of what I am trying to describe and post it, maybe someone could do that?

To get true length i believe you should measure the curves too.

I also have an upward curve. I agree with those who advise bending a curved penis to assume a horizontal and ruler parallel orientation for erect length measurement. In my experience I’ve found that bending an upward curved shaft into a horizontal configuration causes some detumescense (blood flow back into the penile bulb) and consequently a length increase due to that blood loss (i.e. a measurement closer to a BPFSL). I’ve found that using a clamp to hold erection blood content volume relatively constant in the erectile chambers while manipulating the shaft into the ruler parallel orientation yields the most reliable means of measuring a curved penis’ erect length gains.

Should you choose to share measurement photos taken in this manner with the Forum you should be prepared to have the less informed among us accuse you of cheating.

Second best is a in-tube measurement at a consistent vacuum at a consistent duration within the tube. But due to tissue elasticity changes (decreases) attendant with tissue dimensional changes (increases), one can be assured that consistent vacuum and time parameters don’t generate consistent stresses within the tissues being measured.

Therefore, measurement changes are harder to document than with the clamped and bent method. So its second best.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I also have an upward curve, and I do push it straight when I measure, but I dont clamp because that just seems to add a little length on to it, and that is definitely cheating! Oh well I may post pics when I get back to 8 npb with my bending method, unfortunately its taking longer than I thought to get my gains back! Oh well.

Originally Posted by grOx
To me the most usefull measurement would be how far you actually penetrate. Measuring without the curve I’m 6”, with the curve 7” (roughly) So how far am I penetrating?

Any ideas on this one?

Gained 1 inch length finally! the first big step in my PE time :D

Now: Erect Girth 5.00" - BP Erect Length 6.00"

Start: Erect Girth 4.90" - BP Erect Length 5.00" ---- Thats an increased volume of 2.384 cubic inches!!!

A longer curved penis that equals 6” with a hard ruler will still hit areas a straight 6” penis can not. End of story.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"


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