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New member Penimaster PRO application

New member Penimaster PRO application

I am a new member and this is my 1st post. I am writing in English because there is no forum for my language here, which is Brazilian Portuguese.
I would like to require your help with the application of Penimaster PRO. It seemed to be the most powerful PE system around, so I bought it. Very expensive and the Brazilian customs added 60% of its value in tax so it ended up costing me a fortune, no exaggeration.
Now I have been trying to get it attached to my penis for about 3 hours with no success. I am disappointed and desperate.
As I was watching the instruction DVD, I thought that the man used as test was well endowed, especially on girth. My dick is certainly thinner than his. So it surprised me a lot that he managed to insert his glans inside the chamber so easily and I cannot even get close, even with a ton of lube and with the vacuum and what else? I tried praying too, it just doesn’t work.
I reviewed step by step the instructions in two languages, I then disassembled and reassembled the whole equipment, I tried over and over again, but still my glans does not seem to pass the hole.
I could try and send it back to Germany and ask for refund, but I would not be able to get refund on my tax. I had big hopes for this :(
Has anybody here used this equipment? Can you guys help me?

Thank you

I used it. It took me a long time at first but then things clicked. Just don’t give up, and I think it will eventually click for you too. Certainly, it is critical to be completely flaccid. Let me know if you have any specific questions. I don’t use it anymore because it gave me numbness. But I do know how to get it to work.

A link to the device with pics would help probably, not all devices sold with that name are always exactly built in the same way.

I just got my Penimaster Pro (complete package).

Managed to put it on from the first attempt, after watching the dvd. I use the hose system though, the pump method doesn’t work for me, it seems it just doesn’t provide enough vacuum to suck all the glans in, probably because I have a bigger glans.

It’s been an hour since I’ve put it on (using the rod system), I’m at 1150 grams and I can barely feel it. I’d rather feel the force the ring is pushing at the base of my penis (it actually hurts a little, as I had a suprapubic lipo 3 weeks ago and I’m still swollen and sensitive down there).

It’s just fantastic, better than anything I’ve tried before (including the Vac ADS 4, which for some reason I can’t put it on confortable enough).

These mechanical contraptions are not as effective as natural techniques in my opinion. My total investment in PE has been zero since there are household items that work exceptionally well, I am over 8” so just a word to the wise.

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

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