Originally Posted by Sacred
I think andgrowing’s figures make more sense in my head.
The older scale is based on statistics yes. But the scale andgrowing has mentioned seems like a much more visual representation to me.
If my penis is 6-7”, I don’t consider myself big or much bigger than average. Though statistics tell me otherwise. Only when I reach around about the 8” mark do I feel large/big and bordering on the very big side.
I think the same way, though I think big starts around 7” NBPEL. All of this talk about statistics makes me think of something. What about the statistics asking women what they consider to be “big.” There’s that friend of mine in Texas who considered 6.5” to be long. However, I once spoke with a women who considered 7” to be average. It depends on who you ask. My fiancee’ (who admits to have given quite a few blow jobs in her youth) said that most guys she’d seen were in between 5 and 6 inches. But then, there are flaws in female perception, also. For my fiancee’, even though I tell her that I’m 7” (I am after a PE session and sometimes during sex with her) she says she would swear that I am 8” long. So, some women might not be very good at estimating length. So if you ask women what they think of as big, that measurement might also be flawed.
Sacred, I think you and I both think of the 8” mark as being big because we both think it’s very unlikely that if a guy said he had an 8” dick, someone would respond, “that’s about average.” Though, I still think it starts at about 7”.