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Adult friend finder and insights into female size preference

Adult friend finder and insights into female size preference

I know that women’s preferences on cock size is a topic that has been done over about a zillion times on this site. However we never really get a clear answer.

On the one hand you have the big guys with there 8 x 6.5 cocks telling us that they are giving women orgasms and making women moan in ways simply not possible with a smaller schlong. This may be true but I can’t help being a little dubious after all if a big guy has great sex he will more than likely put it down to his size. I am not smal but neither am I huge at around 7”bp and 5.50 EG midshaft and close to 6” EG right at the base and I have given women intense vaginal orgasms and felt like I was filling them up… To the point where I can imagine something a lot bigger would be down right uncomfortable. It’s certainly true that there are anecdotal stories of amazing sex from guys of all sizes from small to huge on this site. Can we base too much on anecdotal stories from big guys?

The other evidence we have for optimum size is what women tell us. And this is confusing too. Some women say it matters not at all while others say it is hugely important. The problem is it is such a sensitive, powerful issue that women innevitably end up lying one way or another to suit a variety of ends. As guys we decide whether we think they are being truthful to suit our own paranoid/insecure or arrogant/egotistical tendencies also.

Step in Adult friendfinder. Some of you may be aquainted with this site, most I suspect are not. Essentially it is a dating site without the romance. It is a site specifically geared to hook sexually open individuals up for fun. It’s not about finding a life partner or even necessarily someone you particularly get on with. It is primarily about finding someone you can enjoy physical pleasure with. Now this is amazing because you can read a woman’s advert and find out exactly what they are looking for in a sexual partner and specifically if penis size factors. Me being a complete psycho stayed up all night reading through 100s of adverts and jotting down the number that made reference to wanting a well endowed man. Guess what… Just 6% of women included a large penis as criteria for a casual lover. In contrast being good looking, in shape and passionate came up again and again… Now these were by and large, experienced women advertising exclusively for sex and penis size was only an issue for a minority. Most profiles were anonamous with a body but no face pick so it was not like they needed to hide their secret size queen tendencies from people they new. Nor was it the case that they did not want to upset people because they were very clear about the criteria that did matter to them ‘no fatties’ etc.

Makes you wonder how much a woman’s physical pleasure is related to penis size… Or rather whether the huge 8” x 6” + is way beyond the optimum for the magority of girls. Maybe the average is 6” x 5” for a reason…

keeep going!

Interesting piece of work, thanks.

A lot has been said and reported on recent threads about size and girth, to challenge the notion that 8”x6” is somehow “ideal”.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Wow.. Only 6% !! Damn those size queens !! Hehehe :D

Have you used that site to hook up with someone?

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I still think that a woman, even in one of those sites, would hesitate to put something as intimate as penis size on her chart.

It is more likely that she would contact the guy and then ask him, and if he didn’t satisfy her needs, probably delete him then. It would make her seem like less of a slut in a public, albeit anonymous, venue, and in turn, to herself.

Originally Posted by Vagabond
I still think that a woman, even in one of those sites, would hesitate to put something as intimate as penis size on her chart.
It is more likely that she would contact the guy and then ask him, and if he didn’t satisfy her needs, probably delete him then. It would make her seem like less of a slut in a public, albeit anonymous, venue, and in turn, to herself.

I have to agree with this based on personal experience. Women, most of the time will not broach the subject that a large penis is necessary. Adequate is what they may say.
But, I have noticed that with most women I have been with my 7 1/2” by 6” midshaft and 7” base cock really gets their attention. It’s not the length that gets them it’s the girth.
I can usually hit the back of their vagina now but when I can get all the way in my base really opens them up and that’s when the woman’s eyes roll back in her head like something wonderful is happening to her.


Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Originally Posted by dongers
On the one hand you have the big guys with there 8 x 6.5 cocks telling us that they are giving women orgasms and making women moan in ways simply not possible with a smaller schlong. This may be true but I can’t help being a little dubious after all if a big guy has great sex he will more than likely put it down to his size. I am not smal but neither am I huge at around 7”bp and 5.50 EG midshaft and close to 6” EG right at the base and I have given women intense vaginal orgasms and felt like I was filling them up… To the point where I can imagine something a lot bigger would be down right uncomfortable. It’s certainly true that there are anecdotal stories of amazing sex from guys of all sizes from small to huge on this site. Can we base too much on anecdotal stories from big guys?

The other evidence we have for optimum size is what women tell us. And this is confusing too. Some women say it matters not at all while others say it is hugely important. The problem is it is such a sensitive, powerful issue that women innevitably end up lying one way or another to suit a variety of ends. As guys we decide whether we think they are being truthful to suit our own paranoid/insecure or arrogant/egotistical tendencies also.

These are both very intelligent points. Interesting post, dongers.

I think this argument never gets a definitive answer because there really isn’t one.

Does size matter? To some women it does; to others it doesn’t. Further, this is really an “all else being equal” question and “all else equal” never is. Talent and technique have to be accounted for.

You know what? To each their own.

I prefer brunettes. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t be perfectly happy with a blonde.

I don’t think there is any question about the whole thing.

Sure… size may not be the most important thing to a lot of women… but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t feel better to them. If any girl could have the choice between her 6x5 boyfriend and the exact same man with an 8x6… I bet a lot of them would go with the 8x6 after knowing what it felt like.

It’s bigger… I don’t see how it can’t feel different. It may hurt them a bit at first… but I bet that most of them would get used to it after a while.

Well done with your research Dongers.

The answer, whilst interesting because of the apparent small percentage who are specifically wanting ‘it’ (The Big Dick). The question remains however, are the other 94% of women looking at the men on the adult website but taking no notice of how big each guys endowment is listed at?

And I am presuming of course that Adultfriendfinder is the same way as our equivalent Aussie site Adultmatchmaker where guys are asked to nominate their penis length (under 4”, 4-5”, 5-6” etc.). They also ask about girth as well. You can nominate your size to remain private also but most guys do list their sizes.

So the results may be skewed somewhat by the woman who may have not nominated size as being important but ends up contacting handsome, romantic, funny guy #1 over handsome, romantic, funny guy #2 simply because he has an extra inch in length and girth.

So unfortunately, we’re probably still not a whole lot closer to answering the ‘eternal question’ and we probably never will be.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I love that fact that the creator of such an articulate and incisive post is called dongers..:rolling:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

“I still think that a woman, even in one of those sites, would hesitate to put something as intimate as penis size on her chart.
It is more likely that she would contact the guy and then ask him, and if he didn’t satisfy her needs, probably delete him then. It would make her seem like less of a slut in a public, albeit anonymous, venue, and in turn, to herself.”

Vagabond and falcon

This is a good point but I am not sure you are right. Adultfriendfinder is a very sexually liberated site. Many women’s profiles expound in detail their sexual interests including domination, watersports etc etc. I don’t see that wanting a man with a large dong is any more taboo than topics such as these. In addition, as in all sexual arenas women are the limited resource and the guys are doing the chasing. Having chatted to a few women from the site even the mediocre looking girls get absolutely bombarded with messages. You would think a girl would do everything she could to prevent messages from guys she’d not be interested in and to have an inbox of only suitable candidates. What easier way to accomplish this than writing in bold on your profile… Only guys with thick 8” + get in touch… (if that’s her thing of course…).

“And I am presuming of course that Adultfriendfinder is the same way as our equivalent Aussie site Adultmatchmaker where guys are asked to nominate their penis length (under 4”, 4-5”, 5-6” etc.). They also ask about girth as well. You can nominate your size to remain private also but most guys do list their sizes.

So the results may be skewed somewhat by the woman who may have not nominated size as being important but ends up contacting handsome, romantic, funny guy #1 over handsome, romantic, funny guy #2 simply because he has an extra inch in length and girth.”


You are correct, there is a field in which you score your member as small, average, large or extra large in both girth and length so maybe women are employing a silent filter as you describe… But again I remain unconvinced for the reasons stated above. We could of course find an answer… The site is global, with literally millions of members. It would be quite easy to set up two identical male profiles in different locations and be quite confident that no female would view both profiles. Now these profiles would be identical in every way. The picture, the text of the profile, height, hair colour etc etc, everything…. Except of course the field for penis size. One of our guys would be average for length and girth while the other would be large or even extra large for these parameters. Hell forget that, let’s have three profiles and one average one large and one extra large! Then we would send out a standard message of interest from each of the three guys (again identical for each) to say 200 girls… Then we just need to measure the rate of positive response… Easy… definitive answer on the age old question secured.

Unfortunately being a poor student I don’t have the spare cash for three extra subscriptions so my little experiment will have to wait ‘till I am qualified…

keeep going!

So now all we need is a willing candidate, with a valid credit card, and some spare time, and we can conduct the experiment.
My hypothesis on the subject: The guy with the large penis will get the most hits, just like the girl with the firmest ass, or nicest boobs would if it were female. Reasons being because most people will click out of curiosity on the large bud. If I’m wrong, I’ll buy myself a beer. If I’m right I get bragging rights and I will say: “I told you so”.

Consider me the happy lurker of this thread. :D

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

These woman only represent a very small percent of the female population. In fact, I have seen polls from magizines that most woman do not mind a male companion with slight beer belly. Large penis size in my book is overrated. If it mattered so much then all the men on earth would have very large dicks through selective breeding and thier would be no bald men. These bitches are way too picky and expect way more than they deserve I am sure. Besides how many men actually have it all anyway.


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