Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Adult friend finder and insights into female size preference

Penis size is important, but there are more important things out there.

And more uncommon things too, such as character.

AFF women don’t have a problem with saying if penis size is an issue. The site is pretty down and dirty. It’s just that it’s not that big a priority except with a minority of them, as with most women. Most want a fit, good-looking guy with good teeth and maybe even good hair.

If you want to get laid, go to the gym. THEN do PE once you’re fit.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Can someone explain this one to me then because to be perfectly honest, it’s completely out of my experience. Words I’ve never heard before. Especially coming from a woman I hardly know.

I had been running and stopped to rest when I was done. This woman who is about my age stopped to talk to me. She wanted some diet and exercise advice. I’m the closest thing to a trainer that this little town has so if someone needs help, I always take the time to see if I can point them in the right direction.

Then she got to talking about shoulders, how she loved mine and would like to make hers similar but smaller and more feminine. Then legs, then how to tighten up her butt - hell, I thought it looked pretty tight already.

Then out of the blue, she told me she loved to be with men who were fit, muscular, and had small side of average penises. That one scared me off. I guess she saw the little fella flopping around in my sweat pants while running and felt sorry for me or something. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t flirting or anything to change the topic of conversation. Besides, I was hot, sweaty, and pretty stinky by then. Right now, I’m “on” and eating about 2.5 pounds of red meat each day. You can imagine that it doesn’t smell like roses when I sweat.

Best I can figure is that most women are compulsive dick liars. Even if you aren’t having and aren’t going to have sex with them.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
How do you know that penis size HASN’T been increasing through the eons through selective breeding?

If I remember correctly, humans have the largest penis to bodysize ratio of all the primates. Maybe females HAVE been slowly increasing penis size!

That’s a good point. And maybe it’s now at the point where the “average” is just about right for most women.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Originally Posted by littlehobo
Best I can figure is that most women are compulsive dick liars. Even if you aren’t having and aren’t going to have sex with them.

And maybe women just like sex, and most aren’t that concerned with penis size - just like quite a few people, including the female posters, have been saying all along?

Or maybe you met a woman who genuinely has a small vagina, and is more comfortable with smaller guys?


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Well, a couple of thoughts. In my experience, at barely 7” NBP erect I’ve bottomed out on a few women. Yes, vaginas do vary greatly in size. In general, I think that most women can take a large girth of 6” or more, with adequate prep and stimulation. But 8” or more in length, many can’t take it. All of the “erotic” stories that you read about a woman taking a 9”, 10” or more long cock for the first time - and the guy sinking it all the way to the balls in just a stroke or two - are hogwash IMO. When I’ve bottomed out, it’s painful to me as well. In most of the “big cock” videos I’ve seen, the girl can’t take the whole thing. I know that vaginas can stretch, but I don’t think most can stretch that much lengthwise. Yes, there are a few “size queens” who can take a huge cock, but most can’t. I’ve spoken to more than one woman who’d been with a very large guy and had a painful experience. With good technique, it can be enjoyable. Overall, I believe that girth is the key for most women. If you’ve got 6” girth then even 6” length is going to look and feel “big.”

Also, it’s obvious that a large number of the female ads on AFF are spam and not real women, and are worded to appeal to the average guy.


01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

[quote] Coyne adds that this difference doesn’t just occur with images of people. Men tend to fixate more on areas of private anatomy on animals as well, as evidenced when users were directed to browse the American Kennel Club site. [/q]

They also said this in the link. Have you guys been looking at dog penises? :)

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

That may just be the greatest link ever for these recurrent debates, Zane :thumbs: :rolling:

Originally Posted by drilla9
From zane’s link ..:rolling:

I have a feeling if that George Brett picture was replaced with Brad Pitt, there may be some more red and yellow down below on the female side! :)

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
How do you know that penis size HASN’T been increasing through the eons through selective breeding?

If I remember correctly, humans have the largest penis to bodysize ratio of all the primates. Maybe females HAVE been slowly increasing penis size!

Ah, another amateur anthropologist who reads and watches all the work of Mr. Morris?

This is exactly what he says. The larger penis size compared to body size of man versus other primates is likely due to selective breeding. And I don’t remember what exactly, but it also has to do with face to face mating.

Remember, if someone says, “I’m hung like a gorilla” he’s in pretty bad shape.

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
I have a feeling if that George Brett picture was replaced with Brad Pitt, there may be some more red and yellow down below on the female side! :)

You’d think wrong.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Originally Posted by zaneblue
You’d think wrong.

Okay, what if it was Brad Pitt and a little bit of his pee pee was hanging out and glued on the tip of it was a picture of a little puppy dog snuggling with a kitty?

Gut Scramblin' goodness.


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