Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Adult friend finder and insights into female size preference

Its an interesting question.

We have many guys here that find that the women in their life have more intense orgasms as their dicks get bigger.

There are also testimonials of guys with average to small dicks getting the same response.

So, what you have to realize is the guys who have expanded their dicks…but NOT CHANGED SEXUAL TECHNIQUE…get a better response from the women in their lives.

I believe that means that bigger IS better (to a certain size) given all other factors remain unchanged. I also believe that many guys with naturally big dicks may have never needed or bothered to hone their sexual skills.

So the question should be how many women have had the opportunity to compare men with excellent sexual skills…BUT DIFFERENT PENIS SIZES?

I think that if all other factors are equal… a large dick gives a sexual edge, but isn’t enough to trump all other factors such as skill and psycho-sexual skills.

So a guy with an average dick but exceptional skills will trump a guy with a big dick but poor skills. The ideal is a guy with a large dick AND excellent skills! This is what I think turns a woman into a size queen…when she finds a man with a big dick PLUS excellent sexual and psycho-sexual skills. I think after that, few things will compare.

I think its like asking a guy would he rather fuck a gorgeous woman or a plain one? Well, what is she like in bed? If she is gorgeous, but lays there like a dead fish, or average, but fucks you like an animal, most guys would prefer the average girl. But what if they both fucked like an animal…then most guys would prefer the gorgeous girl.

So, I think its fair to say that dick size isn’t the only factor, but if all other factors are equal…a big dick gives an edge.

In the end, I don’t think the women on the web you mentioned are lying…I just think they never had the experience of the big dicked sexual expert…those that have, prefer it.

Last edited by sparkyx : 03-20-2007 at .

I just thought of another factor.

What if a very large dick, used by an expert can produce much higher levels of sexual satisfaction…but the woman must be highly aroused in order for it to work, or else it is uncomfortable.

That would mean that in a normal day to day relationship, where life gets in the way of “hot monkey sex” it would for most women be uncomfortable most of the time.

If that is true, she might prefer a more normal size dick on a regular basis, but crave that huge dick for occasional “super hot sex”…but know that for an on going relationship its isn’t best.

This would account for many porn stars preferring a normal size dick…most of the times they aren’t really that aroused during filming,and a really large dick is uncomfortable.

If this is a factor, it would require a “size queen” to trying enjoy it, if by that term we mean a woman who gets totally turned on by the sight and thought of a really big cock.

I think most gals aren’t size queens and would find a real big dick uncomfortable unless they were really aroused…which really rules out day to day relationship…especially marriage, which seems to kill most gals arousal levels.

So the next question is what is the biggest size that doesn’t require exceptional levels of arousal to be enjoyed. I think the magic “8X6” probably falls about in the middle of that “magic” zone, but that is just my conjecture based on some of the surveys I’ve seen.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
What dongers fails to address is that the vagina is very expansive, and it tends to contract around whatever size the man has - be it 9 x 7 or 5 x 4. The issue is when a woman is highly aroused (fully lubricated and dilated) - and therefore most “receptive” to really enjoying sex - that the larger sizes push her over the edge.

I think all the evidence shows that the idea of the vagina expanding to accomodate large sizes during intercourse, is a ThundersPlace urban myth. If you look carefully even here, you will find experiences from guys who have started to run into the point of diminishing returns around 8x6, and reports of problems with a few women who have trouble with dimensions short of that. And even a lot of the size queens at LPSG have clearly stated that 8x6 is right on the edge, and no way would or could they try 9x7 - though there are a small minority of the real size queens who will go for that larger size.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Originally Posted by sparkyx
So, I think its fair to say that dick size isn’t the only factor, but if all other factors are equal…a big dick gives an edge.

In the end, I don’t think the women on the web you mentioned are lying…I just think they never had the experience of the big dicked sexual expert…those that have, prefer it.

You could also look at it this way: what if the women on the web realize that a big dick gives an an edge but not enough of one, and runs too much risk of being owned by a guy who is a bad lover relying on his size or being too big and actually being uncomfortable; and so, all things being equal, they deliberately and out of experience, avoid making a big dick a preference in casual encounters.


Originally Posted by FrenumFellow
You could also look at it this way: what if the women on the web realize that a big dick gives an an edge but not enough of one, and runs too much risk of being owned by a guy who is a bad lover relying on his size or being too big and actually being uncomfortable; and so, all things being equal, they deliberately and out of experience, avoid making a big dick a preference in casual encounters.


In post #47 I discussed my thoughts on that…I think its valid. However I think that they are more likely to try it DURING causal encounters and AVOID it in relationships…but thats just my opinion. It would be a good question to run past gals in a questionnaire.

OK, in the interest of science. Everyone send your women to me. The hot ones only. I’ll use all my skills for them now while I’m still small enough. Then later, when I’m bigger send them back. Make sure they take good notes.

You know I’m just kidding right? I can’t do any woman but my wife. I’d feel too guilty for it.

Sure littlehobo ;) I’m sure you will feel too guilty ;)

Oy. While I firmly believe that almost all of a woman’s sexual response is primarily dependent on the physiology of her body, of the part of sexual response that is dependent on a partner, if I had to assign percentages, pulling them out of my ass, I’d say that 50% of a woman’s sexual response is dependent on a man’s personality, in particular how dominant and masculine he is. 20% on foreplay skills, 10% on muscles/handsomeness/grooming, 10% on eye contact and responsiveness, 5% on aroma, 2% on erection hardness, 2% on erection duration, and 1% on penis size. And I think that’s why it doesn’t come up so much on those profiles—there’s too much other important stuff to get in first. Important stuff that to a man sounds like “yadda yadda yadda yadda cock size yadda yadda.”

To rephrase—it’s always the artificial choice of “with all things being equal.” But men are never equal. Johnny Depp, who’s not exactly hung from what I hear, I guarantee you could get more orgasms out of a woman than any man packing a nine-incher, unless the woman was crazy in love with him.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Nice post zaneblue :)

Hey zaneblue, your post just made my day. I’ve been down a bit lately I mean there are a lot of posts touting the must have a very big dick or else you might as well crawl in a hole and well you know. Thank you very much.

Well that doesn’t let you off the hook! :D Look up Twatteaser’s threads here for working that 50%. And the Johnny Depp thing is in full force in the movie Don Juan di Marco. And get handy with your tongue and fingers—give her a clitoral orgasm! Only half of women can have orgasms from a man’s penis during sex, no matter what his size—almost all women can have clitoral orgasms. And make sure to smell nice; keep your body fit to make good pheromones.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I’ve been on adultfriendfinder/ for three years. I rarely initiate contact, but I get quite a few offers from women. All of them seem to reference my “big cock.” I have several hard and flaccid pics in my profile and they do seem to get women’s attention. I should add that I also have a very muscular physique, which also seems to grab their attention, especially the blacks and latinas! I would also be completely remiss if I didn’t give a lot of credit to my time spent here at Thunder’s. I wouldn’t be getting “big cock” comments if it weren’t for my PE experience.

Hi all,

as I frequent a similar site to AFF for more than a year now, I’d like to share my experience.

The site’s name is “” if you translate it, it’s all about sexual contacts (and from my observation there are practically no fake profiles). Periodically I browse through female profiles and I found that roughly half of the women I’d be interested in state a preference for “well-endowed”.

Another thing I see very often is women wanting threesomes.

The other half that doesn’t state a size preference have other expectations like they want some romantic dinners upfront, they like the guy to have money to spend.

For me, this sucks because I feel on the site I’m at the bottom of the “food-chain” - not well-endowed, not tall, no big money to spend but looking for a female sexpartner that likes to have casual sex with no strings attached.

I don’t know why I still visit the site - must be the search for the needle in the haystack or plain masochism, because my profile rarely gets visited by females, even if they see me on their profile. In all the time I never received one single mail/message from a female.

Back to the topic women stating size preference on the site : lots of them say they want well-endowed and I believe a lot of them that don’t still pay attention to what the male profile says about size. Why ? Because you rarely see a female explicitly request an average dick. Of thousands of female profiles I skipped through I only remember two that stated they were very tight and therefore wanted average.

There’s a board on the site and one of the most remarkable threads I read there was two girls in their twenties searching for small to average for their first anal encounter… talk about response to a thread, the thing almost instantly had 5 or more pages of response posts and went on for weeks :-)

My conclusions about these type of sites are :

- For women, this must be heaven as they can pick a partner out of thousands and get away with the most ridiculous expectations
- For men this is frustrating unless you are superman, nevertheless even so you have to work hard to even get the chance to talk to a female - that means writing a shitload of (romantic, nonstandard )messages pretending you think she is the one and only one
- Sites like these brutally show what’s really going on in western societies ( not that I didn’t know before ) : pussy is more worth than dick, to put it short

This is sad, because I still believe the idea behind AFF-like sites is good. I hoped to encounter a woman with the preference for average, preferably as sexstarved as I am, looking for a steamy affair. I was surprised that I didn’t find a decent profile that matched my type, as I read on women’s forums a lot, and what I see very often is women complaining about pain caused by too much size… I figured some of them still like sex and therefore I hoped to meet some of these women on this particular site…which until now was not the case.

Which brings me to another conclusion : Ofcourse there are women that don’t put size on top of their list, that rate character etc. higher, unfortunatly those seem to be the ones who aren’t interested in sex too much. I’m not saying they’re absolutely not into sex, but they’re not seeking sex for sex itself. And those probably go for the non-sexual matchmaking sites/communities.

Don’t know if all of that makes any sense, this discussion somehow got me into ranting mode…


Originally Posted by zaneblue
…..And make sure to smell nice; keep your body fit to make good pheromones.

When I went out just looking for a shag I had always better results when NOT showering and grooming, to tell the truth, as far as I can remember I never picked up a girl when freshly showered and groomed but had excellent success when stinking like a bear - 3 days no shower and some good sweating.

Originally Posted by telescope
- Sites like these brutally show what’s really going on in western societies ( not that I didn’t know before ) : pussy is more worth than dick, to put it short

But thats not the womens fault. It is because men fuck everything whats not on the tree at three. How can we blame them for exploiting our single-mindedness?


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