Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Adult friend finder and insights into female size preference

Just as an interesting experiment, I have been wearing my new Static Stretcher for the past couple of weeks and when I regularly walk into the city, I remove all the hardware and just wear the Static Wrap which still gives me a sizable ‘trouser bulge’ probably equivalent to a guy with a 6 1/2” x 5 1/2” flaccid / semi.

I was interested in seeing whether I get any ‘downward glances’ from ladies passing. Because I am reasonably fit and not ugly, I do normally get a fair number of ‘checking out’ glances but I’d never noticed any downward looks because frankly without the Static Wrap, there is nothing to see.

And yet even wearing a pair of fairly skin tight pants my experiment has yet to reveal a single female downward stare. I am still getting plenty of head to toe glances, but I have yet to catch one focusing in on my now significantly enhanced trouser-snake. Even when I deliberately made the ‘down the trouser leg’ bulge really obvious, still not a bite.

Funny thing was that I did catch a couple of (unwanted) guys checking out the bulge but that was it.


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I’ve had the same experience, LWH, not while wearing a stretcher but rather by sporting a particularly good, post jelq’d bulge.

Women generally don’t look. It’s such a shame. All this PE and no one even notices. Except the guys. They notice bigtime, but they aren’t my target audience.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by littlehobo
Ah, another amateur anthropologist who reads and watches all the work of Mr. Morris?

This is exactly what he says. The larger penis size compared to body size of man versus other primates is likely due to selective breeding. And I don’t remember what exactly, but it also has to do with face to face mating.

Remember, if someone says, “I’m hung like a gorilla” he’s in pretty bad shape.

My own original thinking…just great minds thinking alike! :)

Add to that when a woman orgasms…it uterus “sucks” the sperm in, increasing the odds of pregnancy. Put those together and I think it certainly is directing the human race towards progressively larger dicks until the “right” size is fairly common…whatever that is.

Originally Posted by longwidehard
Just as an interesting experiment, I have been wearing my new Static Stretcher for the past couple of weeks and when I regularly walk into the city, I remove all the hardware and just wear the Static Wrap which still gives me a sizable ‘trouser bulge’ probably equivalent to a guy with a 6 1/2” x 5 1/2” flaccid / semi.

I was interested in seeing whether I get any ‘downward glances’ from ladies passing. Because I am reasonably fit and not ugly, I do normally get a fair number of ‘checking out’ glances but I’d never noticed any downward looks because frankly without the Static Wrap, there is nothing to see.

And yet even wearing a pair of fairly skin tight pants my experiment has yet to reveal a single female downward stare. I am still getting plenty of head to toe glances, but I have yet to catch one focusing in on my now significantly enhanced trouser-snake. Even when I deliberately made the ‘down the trouser leg’ bulge really obvious, still not a bite.

Funny thing was that I did catch a couple of (unwanted) guys checking out the bulge but that was it.

you think girls don’t stare because they do that in a way it doesn’t seem.

The Beginning(18 Aug 2005): BPEL 6.10" EG 5.10" Now (24 dec 2006): BPEL 7'00" EG 5'40" The Target: BPEL 7'90" EG 6'50"

Yeah they are sneaky.

They NEVER look at you until you are not looking at them. When you are walking towards a cutie, the trick is to be uninterestedly looking into thin air and then suddenly, swing and lock on and you nearly always find their eyes somewhere between chest and head and they always seem to go up, down and up again, sort of like they don’t want to get caught looking directly into your eyes for more than a milli-second.

I find if you give them a friendly smile (as opposed to a sex-hungry leer) you nearly always get a smile back.

Now if only I could get them to smile at my enhanced package!


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Originally Posted by longwidehard

Now if only I could get them to smile at my enhanced package!

Look in her eyes, then look away as if interested in something else. Look back quickly and see where her eyes are.

My wife taught me that trick because women are sneaky with package checks only looking when you are not. Wouldn’t want to seem whorish now would they.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
My own original thinking…just great minds thinking alike! :)

Add to that when a woman orgasms…it uterus “sucks” the sperm in, increasing the odds of pregnancy. Put those together and I think it certainly is directing the human race towards progressively larger dicks until the “right” size is fairly common…whatever that is.

Man, I swear you’ve watched his videos. The one with the cervix dipping into the semen upon the woman’s orgasm was pretty cool.

Wanna get your woman pregnant? Wait 14 days after the first day of her last period. Have sex with her. Prop her hips up on a pillow and give her oral until she orgasms.

Good chance of it happening then.

I’ve been hanging a few months and tend to have a pretty decent flaccid hang. I often wear jeans. I also work in a college. I catch students checking me out all the time. In fact, I have caught some students checking my package out several times in one class—essentially staring—to the degree that I Wonder if they are wanting me to know they are checking me out. All in all, I can think of at least 6 different girls in the last couple of months where it was blatant.

Once walking down a hallway with windows on one side, I watched the reflection of a passing student, and she was clearly checking me out. Then I stopped looking at the reflection and looked at her. She changed channels instantly.

I could go on and on.

Summary statement: Guys.. They are definitely checking us out, regularly, just like we check them out.


Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

Successful sex means she comes back for more. Sex with a big dick require more patience for the man and more room for fuck-ups: takes time to get women ready for your size, takes time to start pounding or thrusting hard, she may even complain of soreness pretty fast. Therefor, penetration angles, rhythm and timing must be put under close monitoring during sex thereby making sex a maths exam. While with some women, its the finger then the dick and zero errors .It a game of luck. Every pussy has it dick, every dick has it pussy.
For those within average thank God because big dicks do a lot of “pre-sex thrusting”. The bigger the more the ceremonies, otherwise she runs!


From what I’ve gathered, you’ll never *hear* the truth for 3 reasons:

- Some don’t want to admit to others their true preference for fear of being labelled
- Some don’t want to admit to themselves their true preference due to insecurity
- Some don’t know their true preference, since its really hard for a woman to have tried every size with every sort of technique

Quote from a size queen, also known as my ex girlfriend:
I’ve slept with guys that were huge, and slept with guys that were average. My best sexual experiences were with the guys who knew how to push my buttons before he put his cock in.
Big dick doesn’t equal great sex.

Just something to think about.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by Thatcat
Quote from a size queen, also known as my ex girlfriend:
I’ve slept with guys that were huge, and slept with guys that were average. My best sexual experiences were with the guys who knew how to push my buttons before he put his cock in.
Big dick doesn’t equal great sex.

Just something to think about.

Hmmm, I’ve heard those exact words before from a wife who absolutely loves anything between 6.5-8” long and 6-7” girth. She really loves the 8x6.5 vibrator, but if not warmed up enough - doesn’t like it at all.

Originally Posted by littlehobo
Man, I swear you’ve watched his videos. The one with the cervix dipping into the semen upon the woman’s orgasm was pretty cool.

Wanna get your woman pregnant? Wait 14 days after the first day of her last period. Have sex with her. Prop her hips up on a pillow and give her oral until she orgasms.

Good chance of it happening then.

Multiple orgasms and a big dick works even better! :)

Originally Posted by falcon
….But, I have noticed that with most women I have been with my 7 1/2” by 6” midshaft and 7” base cock really gets their attention. It’s not the length that gets them it’s the girth.
I can usually hit the back of their vagina now but when I can get all the way in my base really opens them up and that’s when the woman’s eyes roll back in her head like something wonderful is happening to her.


Our sizes are similar (I’m about 1/2” longer, a little more midshaft girth, and about 1/4” less base girth)…

But our experiences are identical.

And I agree, it’s mostly the girth that drives them nuts.

What dongers fails to address is that the vagina is very expansive, and it tends to contract around whatever size the man has - be it 9 x 7 or 5 x 4. The issue is when a woman is highly aroused (fully lubricated and dilated) - and therefore most “receptive” to really enjoying sex - that the larger sizes push her over the edge.

Obviously, there’s a point of diminishing returns…so “bigger” is not always “better.” Under the “right conditions,” most women would probably enjoy 8 x 6 more than 5 x 4. But it doesn’t follow that 10 x 8 is better yet.


If you read my original post you will see that your comments actually bring nothing new to the argument. Yes your anecdotal stories about amazing big dick sex are all well and good but I can promise you that the moaning and gasping and intense vaginal orgasms have all been achieved with my relatively average penis.

The point of my original post was to ask why women on a sexually liberated site who are seeking out sexual partners do not request attention specifically from larger guys. Most of these women are very experienced and will have had sex with large if not huge guys as well as small guys and everything in between. Yet still size does not seem to be an issue for most (it is to a minority). Just saying that a big dick gives more pleasure because it opens the lady up more does not make it so. The few ladies on this site unaminously declare that there are far more important things involved in mind blowing sex and that as long as you are not excessively small size is a minor factor.

I had thought that size was one of the most important things for good sex but my research has made me question this deeply. Again… why would the sexually liberated women on this site not be seeking out big dick if it was so much better??


keeep going!


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