Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Adult friend finder and insights into female size preference

I’ve had the complete opposite and even my GF will comment my jeans are too tight as she gets jealous that other women can see my package so clearly.

Originally Posted by longwidehard
Just as an interesting experiment, I have been wearing my new Static Stretcher for the past couple of weeks and when I regularly walk into the city, I remove all the hardware and just wear the Static Wrap which still gives me a sizable ‘trouser bulge’ probably equivalent to a guy with a 6 1/2” x 5 1/2” flaccid / semi.

I was interested in seeing whether I get any ‘downward glances’ from ladies passing. Because I am reasonably fit and not ugly, I do normally get a fair number of ‘checking out’ glances but I’d never noticed any downward looks because frankly without the Static Wrap, there is nothing to see.

And yet even wearing a pair of fairly skin tight pants my experiment has yet to reveal a single female downward stare. I am still getting plenty of head to toe glances, but I have yet to catch one focusing in on my now significantly enhanced trouser-snake. Even when I deliberately made the ‘down the trouser leg’ bulge really obvious, still not a bite.

Funny thing was that I did catch a couple of (unwanted) guys checking out the bulge but that was it.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I’ve had the complete opposite and even my GF will comment my jeans are too tight as she gets jealous that other women can see my package so clearly.

While I always value Zaneblue’s opinions and see that it has been backed up by other members, remember, she is only “one” woman and as for other members, we will all have different experiences.

I am leaning toward the belief that just as there are women who can care less, there are also women that are drawn to the facination of a large penis. If you group a bunch of women together and ask them what their favorite feature about a man is, you may get a ton that say “personality”, however, you will get others that rate their top feature as a man’s butt, abs, shoulders, teeth, penis, etc. In my opinion, women are much more dynamic than men. I had a girl tell one of my friends that she didn’t find me attractive because my nails were all torn up (I used to be a huge nail biter). Whether that was an excuse or the truth, I assure you my nails are up to par now. :)

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

I’m not convinced that the concept of a woman’s vagina stretching to accommodate a large cock is an urban legend. The woman I’m seeing was with another guy when we first hooked up. I’m quite a bit larger than he is and she only did him between our meetings.

At the beginning, I only saw her once a week or every other week and she was always unbelievably tight, to the point where she often cried during penetration and for the first few minutes. Now, I see her 5-6 times a week and she is still tight, but I can get in without tears and can build a good rhythm much faster than before. She saw her gynecologist yesterday and he told her he can’t figure out how she can have sex because she is so small down there, yet she has handled my 8x6 well and a couple of other big ones, too. This is a friendfinder hookup, by the way.

Originally Posted by doggmann
I’m not convinced that the concept of a woman’s vagina stretching to accommodate a large cock is an urban legend. The woman I’m seeing was with another guy when we first hooked up. I’m quite a bit larger than he is and she only did him between our meetings.

Like anything to do with human anatomy, and pairings of couples, it varies. I think there is a fair bit of urban legend, or some level of misunderstanding however you want to name it, regarding the degree of stretchability of a woman’s vagina, most obviously expressed in the oft-cited notion that if a woman can deliver a baby then she can screw anything - or that most women could take a 9x7, as apparently suggested by an earlier post, to which I was responding.

And it seems to me that your experience, if anything, suggests that 8x6 is around the upper limit for many if not most women. Other reports, as I’ve previously mentioned, support that.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

I spent a while surfing through the sex advise section (I think that’s what it was called) at AFF and there were a lot of penis size posts and almost none of them were responded to in a way that would make you think people on that site want a big dick and nothing else. Most everyone says 5-7” is fine and of interest.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
So a guy with an average dick but exceptional skills will trump a guy with a big dick but poor skills. The ideal is a guy with a large dick AND excellent skills! This is what I think turns a woman into a size queen…when she finds a man with a big dick PLUS excellent sexual and psycho-sexual skills. I think after that, few things will compare….

What if a very large dick, used by an expert can produce much higher levels of sexual satisfaction…but the woman must be highly aroused in order for it to work, or else it is uncomfortable.

That about sums up my take on the topic.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Speaking from personal experience ( which is the only thing worth a damn):

Ive got my sexual skills down pat, I’ve got the dominance, the personality, hell, I’ve heard from every single woman I’ve been with for the last 2 years that I’m the best they’ve ever had.


My penis is bigger than average and all of them, when comfortable enough to not be judged as whores, flat out said that they loved it, that it felt so good,it was big, filled them up, this and that, blablabla.

So, I’m not going to say that it DOESN’T matter. I wouldn’t know.

But I can’t tell you that IT DID make a difference for me. Many, many, many times. And big differences too, I assume, even though I am pretty damn good in the sack.

Originally Posted by dongers
….Just saying that a big dick gives more pleasure because it opens the lady up more does not make it so. The few ladies on this site unaminously declare that there are far more important things involved in mind blowing sex and that as long as you are not excessively small size is a minor factor.

I had thought that size was one of the most important things for good sex but my research has made me question this deeply. Again… why would the sexually liberated women on this site not be seeking out big dick if it was so much better??


dongers, I never claimed that size was the “only” factor. Obviously, other things come into play as well (looks, sexual technique, personal hygiene, as well as the guy not seeming obnoxious or selfish).

Also, your reliance on the “sexual liberation” of that female respondents strikes me as somewhat naive. It’s human nature, for both men & women, to often answer surveys the way they “think” they should answer. Many women probably suspect that touting preferences for big cocks would antagonize men without them and/or make them look like “sluts.” I have read a lot of material about these types of surveys (regarding sexual intimacy), and many researchers have observed that even in anonymous surveys the men tend to overstate their number of sexual partners, while the women tend to understate. Why do suspect this might be?

Furthermore, the obvious question begs to be asked: If you’ve dismissed the value of a bigger cock, then why are you here?

Take this from me I spoke to a girl this morning, we were talking about somethings and some where along the road sex came up, she was telling me about one of her ex’s and what she said totally amazed me when she told me that he had one of the biggest penis she had ever come across and how it hurt her ever time he enter her so I expected her to say that she hated penis that are too big guess what she said no, it was the only time in a relationship were she was welling to put up with his bullshit just because she ENJOYED the feeling of getting FILLED by his cock. After she said that to me I went into the restroom(I was at work) and started some manual stretching cause I want to reach that level.

Trust me having a fat big cock makes a world of difference in a relationship and if your cock is big enough to cause pain all the better. Trust me the world is messed up I’ve a 7.8 * 5.5 and I won’ stop PEing until I get a “MY PERFECT” 9*6.5 COCK

You guys are still basing your opinions from the words of one woman or a small group of women. Is it really out of the realm of possibility that some women like small penises, some like average, and some women like large? :fie:

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Yeah, I think you all have these notions that, what women really want is a HUGE dick, so when one woman’s desires match your perspective you say, “Ha! see, I was right all along.”

Truth is, I think you just want that 8X6, or “PERFECT’ 9*6.5 COCK” for yourself, and you just need justification - not that I think there is anything wrong with wanting to be huge, mind you, but just realize you’re doing it for yourself, and I think a good deal of women would flat out refuse to have sex with you, if you do make your eventual goal.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
Is it really out of the realm of possibility that some women like small penises, some like average, and some women like large? :fie:

No. No it is not.


Wad, nice to see you posting again :) I hope you and the kids are doing well.

I definitely think from my experiences that a big cock (within reason… I’m not talking 10x8) is usually enjoyed more by women than smaller cocks, but I’ve always had a larger one, so as the original post in this thread pointed out, I wouldn’t really know. Some guys, though, like Wad, have grown their penises a ton through PE and have seen women’s sexual responses gradually change over time. Of course the men’s sexual confidence may have gone up simultaneously, so it’s still impossible to say for sure, but I believe them that, at least with their women, the larger penis did help out a lot. I know that I was amazed when my partner at the time noticed my first 0.5” length gain through PE. Of course I denied doing anything to my penis (: , but she couldn’t stop raving about how I was hitting new spots in her I’d never reached before and she was certain I must have grown. But, of course, women vary, and from the reports I’ve read here I’m sure i’m already larger than ideal for some other women.

The biggest downside to having a large cock is you*must* engage in plenty of foreplay every single time with most women if you don’t want to tear up their insides, so quickies become pretty much impossible. Blow-jobs are also typically pretty pathetic with 6” girth or greater, in my experience, and most women won’t let you near their asses.

Truth be told I didn’t ask her want she meant by Fat Huge cock, main reason been I ASSUMED she wouldn’t give me a correct estimate, I know she isn’t walking around with a ruler, who knows, what I have could be huge to her and it is equally possible that it could also be the smallest thing she has ever come across.

I am going to be honest here the main reason why I want a big penis is cause I watch WAY TOO MUCH PORN.

Originally Posted by redbaronjm
I am going to be honest here the main reason why I want a big penis is cause I watch WAY TOO MUCH PORN.

Porn and your desire to PE


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