Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

[Newbie-Theory] Another POV to healing in elongated state & hard gainers


Perhaps the blood is not being “trapped” by the CR but rather the exchange is being modified in such a way that outflow is slower than inflow causing engorgement, but at the same time there is still an exchange for the purposes of healing.

Eventually a balance occurs between the pressure of the ring against the opposing pressure of the tunica, but the balance is in an enlarged state?

My friends, the answer is: Cock Coil.

Applied at the base, it causes longitudinal stress of the ligs, tunica, CCs, CS, nerves, veins and everything else that exits one’s pelvis (stress is applied between proximal edge of CC and one’s pelvic bone); the utility of which toward length gains is obvious. Depending on the degree to which one tightens the coil, one may vary the degree to which the Cock Coil is retained by the over-wrapped HTW, which can be the ONLY means of retention of the Cock Coil, causing NO radial stress of the tunica, CCs and CS; or, when compression of the Cock Coil is applied, radial stress of the tunica, CCs and CS is generated outboard of the distal edge of the Cock Coil at a magnitude from the zero-state of stress of the HTW over-wrapped only/no compression of the Cock Coil condition to cock-ring level compression to cable clamp level compression; the utility of which toward girth gains is obvious.

Fair warning: if you use your Cock Coil to gain girth, you’ll find yourself wondering how you can balance out your “baseball bat” shaped penis. That is also longer. This is a problem that I should think nearly all on this Forum would welcome. And the solution is easy: but we’ll leave that for another day.

What I do: single (or 2…3 is too large a diameter to over-wrap with a HTW) Cock Coil retention by ~ 95% HTW over-wrap: ~ 5% compression to retain my single Cock Coil; largely due to my interest in providing excellent circulation in order to maximize circulation and thereby, the rate of hyperplasia of the STRAINED tissues which the Cock Coil maintains in a strained state that I’ve previously applied disruptive stresses to. This describes a strong agreement with Useless.

Don’t forget to provide rest; overnight during sleep may or may not be enough, that’s when osmotic pressures between strained tissues are allowed to return to normal levels, thereby allowing for delivery of essential nutrients across cell walls, which is essential for cell health and division (hyperplasia).



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

great post xeno

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I like the theory that you can gain more by healing in an elongated state. And have thought about it before. I am going to test that theory. I am struggling with length gains at the moment but gain girth easily with my squeezes and jelqs, so will get an ADS and add that. Also I will do my routine in the morning so that my penis can recover in a elongated state for the rest of the day.

Will keep you updated. Just need to get a ADS first.

Stats 7/7/2017- 8.2 BPEL 5.3 MSEG

Picture thread- Some pictures for inspiration.

Thanks Xeno. Will be giving the CC a go. Just need to get some supplies. HTW ck.

We will have to talk about this baseball bat effect I think though. (My glans can touch the sides of the toilet paper holder but my BMEG is just over 4.)

Had started reading that thread before but didn’t make it to far past “surgical gloves”. Going to make it happen now though.


Originally Posted by bill10
great post xeno

Use caps and a period at the end of your sentence thanks. :D

When I joined I did not know I would be the one to grow as such a massive prick. I’m not sure I understood the point of the website right.

Last edited by Walter5169 : 05-18-2016 at .

Oh come on, it’s three words! :-)

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I apologize for bringing up such an old thread, but this is the closest discussion I’ve seen related to my question.

I pretty much exclusively pump but have been considering ways to stay engorged for longer to try to stay in a larger state during healing (as discussed here).

One thought I had is to pump for whatever duration gets you to your enlarged size and then reduce pressure as low as possible but enough to maintain that size. I think you would want to maintain this state for a pretty exaggerated time (4 hours? More?). Curious if anyone has considered this. I have read through some of the marathon threads so I understand that this is a pretty absurd time I’m proposing. Also obviously not an easy routine.

Originally Posted by fulltube
I apologize for bringing up such an old thread, but this is the closest discussion I’ve seen related to my question.

I pretty much exclusively pump but have been considering ways to stay engorged for longer to try to stay in a larger state during healing (as discussed here).

One thought I had is to pump for whatever duration gets you to your enlarged size and then reduce pressure as low as possible but enough to maintain that size. I think you would want to maintain this state for a pretty exaggerated time (4 hours? More?). Curious if anyone has considered this. I have read through some of the marathon threads so I understand that this is a pretty absurd time I’m proposing. Also obviously not an easy routine.

4 hrs isn’t enough for healing and you will most likely develop edema even with extremely low vacuum.

Edema isn’t exactly bad but it doesn’t mean better gains.

My advice would be adjust your routine and add more manual work like jelqing or squeezes on top of your pump routine and get good rest in between workouts. You might be one of the lucky ones who react well to wearing a cock ring all the time.

Personally, trying to stay engorged post workout with a cock ring or a wrap just fatigues me.
I find a good edging session works the best for “owning” the post workout size.

I see my best, consistent engorgement when I am consistent with my routine and my wife and I are having sex on a regular basis, like every night or every other night. I believe “Using it” really helps

Unfortunately no one can find the original hair tie wrap anymore for the cock coil. Sad because it was such a useful wrap, even for hanging.


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