Thunder's Place

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No warmup available - to continue or not to continue

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Should i continue my routine even though i can’t warm up/down?

Well, it’s unfortunate, but it shouldn’t stop you from continuing your PE aspirations. Keep going.


Hey buddy, no warm up - no routine.

Total Votes: 37. You may not vote on this poll

As another, somewhat weird I’m not gonna lie, option:

If you have a laptop, plug it into the wall so it charges the battery gets hot as heck so just set it on your lap :P

Why can’t you just put water in the microwave, heat it up
Have the rest of your stuff in your room and sponges wet etc there?

Maybe I’m just paranoid, but am I like the only person who doesn’t want anything from a microwave to go near my dick? Seriously, who wants to make bets on how many years before they start saying microwaves are a health risk. (As for the laptop battery idea, I bet they emit radiation or whatever, and don’t they sometimes explode..?)


With situations like these man, there will always be a way, you just have to let things settle and get used to the routines of your house-mates. I’m sure you can carry on as you’re doing, but you might have to leave it for a few weeks to assess the new situation you get me.

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Last edited by The Beasty One : 07-17-2007 at .

I have NEVER warmed up and have NEVER had an injury( though I am well conditioned).

Just my experience.


Originally Posted by Maldonaldo

I have NEVER warmed up and have NEVER had an injury( though I am well conditioned).

Just my experience.


And have you had good gains?

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by The Beasty One

Maybe I’m just paranoid, but am I like the only person who doesn’t want anything from a microwave to go near my dick?

So you don’t eat microwaved food?

If you go to restaurants you do.

I personally don’t have any worry about microwaved food. I wouldn’t want to be microwaved myself, but it doesn’t change food, other than to heat it. And a rice sock, you don’t even eat!

It isn’t exactly new technology. They were in most households 30 years ago. I think we would see the terrible effects by now.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
So you don’t eat microwaved food?
If you go to restaurants you do.

I personally don’t have any worry about microwaved food. I wouldn’t want to be microwaved myself, but it doesn’t change food, other than to heat it. And a rice sock, you don’t even eat!
It isn’t exactly new technology. They were in most households 30 years ago. I think we would see the terrible effects by now.

I’m going to stick with mravg on this one. From what I understand on a very basic level, microwaves are supposed to accelerate water molecules by bombarding them with wave frequencies that are the same size as the water molecules. By accelerating them, they heat up. You can’t heat up something in the microwave if it has no water molecules in it.

Accelerated rice socks don’t seem that scary, even vaginas seem scarier :lol:

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

I never warm up, and you only do it so you don’t hurt yourself.

Try doing a fowfer for 15 minutes before your routine as a warm up. After I do fowfers my unit is very warm and stretchy.

Originally Posted by Springer240

I never warm up, and you only do it so you don’t hurt yourself.

It is not just for safety but also because it is supposed to help gains.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
It is not just for safety but also because it is supposed to help gains.

I never was under the impression that it would help gains. My understanding was it is used to prevent injury, and it may (as in it might have the ability to) help gains for ‘x’ amount of reasons. There are also ‘x’ amount of reasons why not warming up might help gains. While I’m sure that warming up will undoubtedly not hurt you anyway, I’ve always felt that the gains made or lost by choosing to warm up is minute. Using Bird2 as an example, he never warmed up and is/was a great gainer. I initially warmed up, but found it too time consuming for something I felt to be trivial. I know it’s main purpose is safety, but I don’t see it doing much in terms of preventing anything. Now, I know I’m wrong because I’m sure it does much more than I think. Like running, your always supposed to stretch before you go running, right? Well, all through the school years, they made us run first and stretch later until my last 2 years in advanced gym. This always puzzled me on what was truly correct. Anyways, I’m comparing stretching to running like warming up to PE because it’s to prevent injury and I also compare warming up to whether or not you will burn less or more calories while running if you stretch before or after the run.

After taking a shit to ponder what I’ve just said, I would like to know whether you are supposed to stretch before or after you run, but I’m guessing many will say to do it both before and after. However, I would be interested in knowing you should stretch only after running.

Last edited by Springer240 : 07-18-2007 at .

Wow, I got a huge variety of opinions. Thanks guys.

Keep em coming.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

If no warmup was available, I would still PE, but would make sure that I started gently and increased my effort throughout my routine.

On the other hand, that’s probably not bad advice even with doing a warmup, but then, I’m in the ‘coax it out’, not ‘force it out’ school of PE.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hi Nick33

Have you considerd a Thermos Travel Mug. They are designed to keep hot drinks hot for about an hour, or cold drinks cold for about two hours.They are about 17.5 cm (6.8 inches) deep with a 7 cm (2.75 inch) circumference and give quite a reasonably tight and comfortable seal against the pubic fat pad. They are a similar concept to Luka’s warmup bottle. You can get them at Gloria Jeans. I bought one today and it seems to work well.

Start 24 Nov 2006 BPEL 6.7 EG 5.1

Later 02 Jun 2007 BPEL 7.6 EG 5.8

Originally Posted by Nick33
Hey guys, I just wanted to bring this up.

I’m soon to be moving into a share-house with 2 other friends, essentially putting any PE tools of need (kettle for boiling hot water, shower, sponges, etc etc) outside of my bedroom out of reach.

Basically this means, if I want to continue my PE routine, I won’t be able to warm up or warm down. It’s out of the question. Everything I need for PE has to be inside the bedroom only, and warm-ups aren’t available there. So this raises the question: Is it worth sacrificing my PE routine because I can’t warm up? Is it feasible to have a PE routine (of jelqing, clamping) without a warmup or warmdown?

I basically have 2 choices:

1. No warmup - continue routine
2. No warmup - stop routine altogether

So basically, I’m creating this thread to gather more information on the advantages of warming up, and the disadvantages of NOT warming up. Then I’ll take everything into consideration. I realize the consensus of the recommendation of warming up, but how much difference does it actually make?

- What are the risks of not warming up?
- Does the warm up actually affect the size gains?
- Is warm up more of a injury precaution exercise rather than gain booster?
- Any other info will be taken on board and be very beneficial also.


If you really really want to pe, you will find a thousand ways to do it.

Due to time contstraints I even hung my back sac full off books in the toilet room in the train.

15-20 tintling standing minute’s with my back against the toilet door. One hand to read a financial magazine, one hand to adjust the hanger when needed. Also staying alert of the conductors not opening the door or someting. (Those sessions really were concentration/alertness workouts for me also)

Go figure…

My roommate even knows that I hang. Sometime’s we study together. He sits at the desk, I sit at the couch and hang at the same time with a towel over my dick so it won’t get a taste of gay activity. (No offense for the gay men around here) Maybe you can even pe together as long as it is not jelqing, but study together while hanging is a good option.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Last edited by anon771 : 07-18-2007 at .

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