Why am I question answer man? :D This LonerJ’s thread.
All these stretches, fulcrum (generic), A, RB’s recent thread, the annoying link from DT etc are effectively the same thing and they all trace back to 7up’s (magnumXL here) original thread. Even then there were people who said they had been doing the same thing. I’ve tended to call them an inverted v-stretch (because thats what they are).
Whatever you call them they all rely on a simple piece of physics*.
a 10 pound force suspended from a cord exerts only 10 pounds of force within the fibers of the cord. BUT anchor the cord from 2 ends and place the 10 pound mass in the center….and the tension within the cord increases very greatly.
To add to that.
Its fairly common in building work to think of the maximum span that can be achieved for a specific load. This would seem to indicate that on and of its own a longer thinner penis will more easily succumb. Personally I believe that if the tunica is weakened with girth work ( ie strain applied transversely to a stretch) length growth can be encouraged.
If you are pulling/hanging SO or down the tunicae are going to be pretty tubular and the stress is going to be fairly evenly distributed. If you flatten the tunica you will have the effect of increasing the stresses at certain points more than others producing a badly distributed load in theory mostly along the flattened sides which are forced longer by the flattening effect. If you then rotate the penis in this stretch you should be able to work specific parts of the tunica more than others. Changing the point at which the load is applied will also help. This is why people go for plumped up bends too.
To add to that dead weight load will have a certain stress but mobile load is another thing entirely. Bridges have long suffered from the effects of dynamic loading, where if a certain frequency is met the weight of the structure itself encourages failure. This would seem to lead to the conclusion that if the correct frequency can be found the penis would grow that much more quickly. So hangers could find the impact of swinging weights goes beyond the centrifugal effect.
Or maybe thats bollocks :D