Numb feeling after jelqing
i have a question:
This time this morning i jelqedagain as hard as i did the last 5 times.
But this time i experience a numbness in the head and a bit all over the shaft, too. Not only a loss of sensation but a nearly complete loss of all feelings.
IT disappears now a little bit but i want to know if this (if i jelq this strong every time) could be a long-term sensation killer.
Has anyone experienced this?
I dont have a good sensational feeling all over the penis but it was very low this time…..
I jelqed standing up, strokes between down and straight out (but more straight out, i had a 80% erection, nearly full hard).
Should i jelq less hard?
I really felt a little pain in the head and thought that this will provide growth.
If i dont feel a little pain i think that no growth happens, that my jelq will only be a massaging…..
Would like to read soon from you,
Bye, SPV