Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

OK Bunkie...


OK Bunkie...

You say you got a new video camera/web cam for Christmas and it is just sitting in the box under the bed? Well, the forum is in need of videos of ALL the manual exercises and the different grips used. So if you want to go Hollywood and fire off some vids, speak up now. Oh and thanks in advance.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Thunder I uploaded a video but it was too big and didnt upload. It was only one video but I can do more for you.

Hey Ocifar,

I got the email with the video attachment, it looks good.Thanks!! The
video will have to be reworked/reformatted before it can be posted here.

Some questions for you.

Can you/will you do videos of the other manual exercises?

Is it OK if we add TP titles to your vids when the reformatting is done?

Would you be willing to state that any and all copyright priviledges are
the forum’s?

Thanks again!!

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Thunder, might I recommend you sticky this? Also, I have no idea what “OK Bunkie” is and only clicked on it because it was from head honcho.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

I thought ThunderSS was waiting for Bunkie to reply :) I can easily lend a photocamera which is capable of making a short video although I would have to test if the quality is good enough.

I won’t mind giving it a try.

If all falls through I can borrow a camera that takes decent video, with sound if necessary.

My only problems would be that when I do manual exercises I do them from an uncut perspective, and so might do them differently to your average member.

Thunder I can do more videos which videos do you want? but I am uncut to. Its ok to add the titles. You can use them how you want to and you can have all copyright priviledges.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey Ocifar,

I got the email with the video attachment, it looks good.Thanks!! The
video will have to be reworked/reformatted before it can be posted here.

Some questions for you.

Can you/will you do videos of the other manual exercises?

Is it OK if we add TP titles to your vids when the reformatting is done?

Would you be willing to state that any and all copyright priviledges are
the forum’s?

Thanks again!!

Sounds like the man you have been looking for, Thunder. Hats of to you, Ocifar for being so kind, Good Luck to you.



If you are making vids can you try and make them so that its obvious whats going on in them. We can reframe them, clean them up and add titles and credits as long as they are clear.

There are some obvious exercises that need covering:

Simple manual stretch
V-stretch (normal, inverted, johan’s thumb stretch, and maybe with something like a baseball bat).
JAI stretch

Jelq (wet, dry, almost erect)
Jelq squeeze/HJ9 squeeze
Horse440 (traditional small o pushed over glans and squeezing the glans variant)
Sadsak Slinky/Plumped bend (with and without the horse grip)
Sadsak head exercise


Any of these you can do would be good.


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