Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




I watched a documentary the other day, about big dicks.
The documentary raised the issues of excessive focus on penis size
in the society and at the same time the problems big dicks can cause in a relationship.
Jonah Falcon was used as an example of extreme size (13 1/2” erect).

They interviewed several couples, where the man was hung, and the women stated that they were
scared in the beginning, but as they got used to it, they experienced more intense orgasms and would never go “back”
to average sized men. One of these women said that she never used to think of penis size as an issue, it
didn’t matter all that much to her in the past. But once she met her present husband, she entered a new world. Her husband was
about 8” long, girth wasn’t mentioned, but I got the impression that it was big.

So maybe women who say that dick size doesn’t matter haven’t experienced a big dick and obviously don’t know
what it’s like..? At least some women..

I totally agree that big dicks are over- exposed in the media, TV- shows, movies etc. Even if you don’t see the dicks, you can see
the looks on women’s faces when THEY see a big dick, women talk about big dicks, and, like a man in the documentary said;
“When i was young, I could maybe get my hands on a soft core magazine, but these days, 11-12 years olds can download
porn and see big, HUGE, dicks in action. What does that do to them, their self esteem and self confidence?”


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

I condensed most of the useful info. form that documentary into a thread quoted here Mr. Fantastic - The Legendary 8x6

There’s a discussion of the perfect size in the thread that that post is from, which — for me — is definitive enough to plan my goals around.

As for the kids, I guess it’s like anything else— they just need to understand that more or less all information that reaches them via a screen is just not a true representation of everyday life. Getting that information to them re. penis size and pornography is, however, another issue. I guess it’s just one of those things that most of them are going to have to work through on their own.

I don’t think it’d be too damaging for them however, since kids might not be wise or have a great experience, but they’re pretty smart— I should think they’d be able to work it out for themselves

There are arguably much more harrowing things they’re exposed to almost every day of their lives (more harrowing than pornography), and they have the choice not to view pornography if it disturbs them, unlike for example images of war and death, which are more or less ubiquitous).

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 10-17-2006 at .

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I condensed most of the useful info. form that documentary into a thread quoted here Mr. Fantastic - The Legendary 8x6

There’s a discussion of the perfect size in the thread that that post is from, which — for me — is definitive enough to plan my goals around.

As for the kids, I guess it’s like anything else— they just need to understand that more or less all information that reaches them via a screen is just not a true representation of everyday life. Getting that information to them re. penis size and pornography is, however, another issue. I guess it’s just one of those things that most of them are going to have to work through on their own.

I don’t think it’d be too damaging for them however, since kids might not be wise or have a great experience, but they’re pretty smart— I should think they’d be able to work it out for themselves

There are arguably much more harrowing things they’re exposed to almost every day of their lives (more harrowing than pornography), and they have the choice not to view pornography if it disturbs them, unlike for example images of war and death, which are more or less ubiquitous).


Lets hope you’re right.
I am concerned about the focus on the extreme,
also regarding penis size.
I fear that kids can develop a strong feeling of being inadequate.
After all, that’s why many of us do PE, right?


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Even if they did grow up feeling a certain degree of inadequacy, would it really be such a bad thing?

After all, we’re constantly shown images of opulence and wealth, and have status symbols shoved in our faces a thousand times a day every day. These symbols, in very basic terms, seek to impress upon us that the people who own them are in some way better than others, and that’s what our society is founded upon (our society isn’t a true capitalist society, it’s a consumer society. Not capitalism but consumerism, with these status symbols delineating rank).

These items are, for the most part, distributed arbitrarily based on group-membership rather than as a reflection of the individual’s true value— how’s that supposed to make a kid feel?

Seeing the odd monster-cock on a computer monitor every now and again, I think, is pretty tame in comparison.

Although, I do see your point. I think it probably will have a negative effect, which will probably manifest as a heightened level of hostility and fear.

I also wonder if having access to so much hard-core pornography at such young ages will create a generation of more sexually promiscuous adults (They’re already giving condoms to twelve year olds over here).

Everyone takes their turn: Conservative Howell to teach 12 year olds condom use

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
Even if they did grow up feeling a certain degree of inadequacy, would it really be such a bad thing?

After all, we’re constantly shown images of opulence and wealth, and have status symbols shoved in our faces a thousand times a day every day. These symbols, in very basic terms, seek to impress upon us that the people who own them are in some way better than others, and that’s what our society is founded upon (our society isn’t a true capitalist society, it’s a consumer society. Not capitalism but consumerism, with these status symbols delineating rank).

These items are, for the most part, distributed arbitrarily based on group-membership rather than as a reflection of the individual’s true value— how’s that supposed to make a kid feel?

Seeing the odd monster-cock on a computer monitor every now and again, I think, is pretty tame in comparison.

Although, I do see your point. I think it probably will have a negative effect, which will probably manifest as a heightened level of hostility and fear.

I also wonder if having access to so much hard-core pornography at such young ages will create a generation of more sexually promiscuous adults (If I remember correctly they’re already giving condoms to twelve year olds over here (forgive me if I’m reluctant to run that search for supporting details)).

Mr. Fantastic,

having a penis complex can be a very intimidating thing, because it’s linked to men’s ability
to satisfy women sexually. If having an average dick becomes inadequate, at least in men’s heads,
the consequences can be serious IMO. Sure, big dicks have been around forever,
and the ancient Rome, for instance valued this, according to the TV- series “Rome”.

However, the focus that dick size is getting now is so massive, and the media want us to believe that
average isn’t good enough, and that bigger is better. I know women who will pick up men at bars, bring them home and
check the goods. If it’s too small, she will kick the poor guy out. Well, maybe it’s the name of THAT game.

Lets face it, penis size is far more sensitive to men than what car you drive..

But of course, not everybody watches lots of porn, and not all women are size queens, despite the fact that the world is
trying to tell us, like Janet Jackson, “The bigger, the better”.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally Posted by ahund
having a penis complex can be a very intimidating thing,

But a complex is only a complex if it’s extreme and particular to a small number of individuals.

If everybody felt that way it would basically just be a prevalent attitude— like obsession with money (we don’t try and cure people of that).

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
But a complex is only a complex if it’s extreme and particular to a small number of individuals.

Says who?

So in your opinion is that everything is alright, then? “No worries”, like they say down under?
Well, everybody has the right to their own view.

If a large number of men will be afraid to approach women because of their penis size, that’s not a good thing.
And even worse, if women reject men because of it.
Rumours go around town, who has a big one, who has a small one…

We are lead to believe that bigger is better, the problem is that most men are average sized.

This might not be a major problem now, but in the future it might. Unless they find the holy grail, some
formula to grow dick. Then we’ll all be walking around with anacondas in our pants.

Oh, happy day!


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

I’m just giving you my opinion— what you choose to do with the information has nothing to do with me.

I suppose you think I should just agree with you?

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I’m just giving you my opinion— what you choose to do with it has nothing to do with me.

“But a complex is only a complex if it’s extreme and particular to a small number of individuals.”

This sounds more like a definition than an opinion.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally Posted by ahund
This sounds more like a definition than an opinion.

That says more about you than it does about me.

I like to imagine the member’s Avatars having a punchup when debates like these rear their heads - my money’s on the baby..:rolling:

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Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
That says more about you than it does about me.



I know what you are saying Ahund, and I share your concern (I’m living it)…but the whole world is headed down the pisser, anyways.

"Debate the idea..."

what channel was the documentary on?

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I’m not sure if I should comment at this point.

Please don’t.
What’s with the attitude, Mr.FANTASTIC? :-)


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

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