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painful nocturnal erections

painful nocturnal erections

Does this happen to anyone else. I know that I am new to this, since starting I have woken up in the middle of the night with painful erections that eventually subside. The pain seems to come from being engorged.They wake from sleep, which is valuable to me as I get so little anyways. On the flip side, if it is a sign that I am doing the right thing with my workouts, then so be it. I have to say that since I have started, I find that I feel somewhat thicker throughout the day and when I look in the mirror mr. happy looks bigger. I have not re-measured myself yet. I have worked too hard and don’t want to get disappointed if I’m not larger.

As a side note, I have looked at the videos demonstrating how do perform the maneuvers and I am wondering about the speed at which they are being performed. Is it me or are the guys in the videos performing the jelq too fast? Even with the PJ device it seems like the time allotted for each squeeze is too short.

Just make sure that you are taking some time off each week, at least a day a week you should let your body heal its self. I usually take the weekends off but as far as jelqing, I do some of my kind of fast and some slow, like i do 200 reps non stop, somewhat fast, just to warm up, then i do erect squeezes, then I do 200 more non stop a little slower, then more squeezes, and 200 more a little slower than last with squeezes at the end to make up for anything. thats all for now as i’m just starting up, but eventually i want to work up to around a thousand jelqs a day.

Going for 9

1000!!!! That’s insane. I don’t think that I could find the time for 1000. But it is a noble thing to work towards. I also am trying to work out hard and consistently, but because of privacy issues I cannot jelq for much more time than I already do.

Thank you for the reply

It’s not uncommon for nocturnal erections to be so hard and persistent that they feel sort of achey, but not in a painful way. If yours actually hurt you there’s something wrong. More likely you are waking about as engorged as you can get and are just feeling that pressure.

If they don’t actually hurt you such that you wish they weren’t happening, be glad that they are happening. Nocturnal erections are performing penis “housekeeping,” bringing freshly oxygenated blood to the tissue and flushing out fibrous debris from your venous and arterial systems that accumulates when you are flaccid, which is most of the time in any 24 hr period.

Good to have you aboard. Keep posting.



painful erections

Yes I recall well when I first began PE that I awoke with very hard erections that hurt just a tad. I don’t personally think it’s anything to be concerned about. Nothing has happened to me as a result and it doesn’t happen any more. By that I mean that they are not at all painful.

What age are you?

Best of luck with PE guy,



If you are a young guy and a newbie to PE, it could be that your nocturnal erections are a result of the over stimulation that you are experiencing via jelqing. If you don’t masturbate often, your body is just reacting at nightime to the daytime manipulations. You could try to jack off to see if this alleviates your nocturnal problem.

Also, I think most of the demos of jelqing and the Powerjelq show must faster movements than I or most others would do, i.e. 1 second strokes. I suggest slowing down the jelq/powerjelq moves to a good firm 2-3 second duration per stroke.


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