PE and research.
As I told you before I’m currently attending MedSchool here in Montreal.
Therefore, I have access to an incredibly large scientific database called Medline. It includes hundred thousands articles about various scientific topics.
Today I was curious to see if keywords like penis enlargement or anything related to penile would return any result on research concerning PE. I was very surprised to see that there is no evidence of research regarding natural PE. Where are all the research claimed by devices such as Penimaster or Fastsize? THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON PE. NOTHING. Out of thousands and thousands articles, I couldn’t find even one sentence related to natural PE.
Either there’s something wrong with the engine, either I’m going to be a Urologist and show evidence that PE does work once and for all.
7 11/16" ELBP, 7 3/16" NBPEL 5 5/8" EG (mid), 8 1/8 " SL
Goal : 8" NBP 6" EG (mid)