Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE and the Medical Community


PE and the Medical Community

PE as taught and practiced here at Thunder’s - to my knowledge - has never been mentioned in the medical literature, although penis enlargement is an issue - from a psychological and a surgical standpoint.

However, both pumping and ADS have been mentioned in the literature when it comes to avoid loss of penis size due to different surgical and other procedures which include:

- Radical prostatectomy for carcinoma of the prostate
- Radiation and hormonal therapy for carcinoma of the prostate
- Surgery to correct penis curve
- Surgery for penis enlargement

All of which include the risk of scar-induced loss of penile size.

(Source: several recent articles which can be obtained in “pubmed” (only abstract).

Later - ttt

Pilot study by Gontero et al

British Journal of Urology Gontero et al. 2008

“A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’

This may be the first medical study in men without prior penis surgery for whatever reason.

Later - ttt

I think that the medical community are still very skeptical about PE ‘ing naturally and having progress or making gains from it. I personally think this forum is paving the way for natural PE. We have proof. Look at numbers and pictures. You can’t get thousands of people to come together and lie about something like making gains or not.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
British Journal of Urology Gontero et al. 2008

"A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’

This may be the first medical study in men without prior penis surgery for whatever reason.

There are lots of clinical studies that have been performed over the last 10 years.

These are all independent studies done by medical associations and universities. At the bottom of this link are the links to these studies stating references.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Those must be real, they have pictures of doctors and everything…

About as real as PE. :)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Haha last time I checked having medical studies sponsored or run by a company or product is highly biased and unethical.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Sure, we have pictures of dicks. :)

What journals were those studies printed in TS?

I don’t know about the journals, it only makes reference to the Universities and the Doctors involved.

1st Link : Paolo Gontero, Massimiliano Di Marco, Gianluca Giubilei, Giovanni Pappagallo, Andrea Zitella, Alessandro Tizzani, Nicola Mondaini.
Università degli Studi di Torino - Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale - Novara

I don’t understand this language. I’m assuming it’s Spanish but I’m probably wrong. Regardless of the language this study is documented on the PubMed website.

2nd Link : Scientific Research presented in the First Virtual Sexology and Hispanoamerican Sexual Education Congress (February-2001).
Dr. Eduardo A. Gómez de Diego, 1998, Andrology Services, Andromedical® Clinic, Madrid (Spain).

I can’t find the original study.

3rd Link : (Report of 30 cases) Z Lee, XB Zhu, YD Liu, WJ Ye, YX Wang. Shanghai Institute of Andrology, Renji Hospital Affiliated to Medical. College, Shanghai Jiaotong University (Shanghai, China, 200001)
I can’t find the original study, at least not in English. There’s quite a few in Chinese but I can’t read Chinese.

Here is one I missed that gives a direct reference to a journal: 5th Congress of the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (ESSIR). Hamburg, Germany. December 1-4, 2002. Scientific study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research (volume 14, suppl. 4, Dic-2002). Colpi G.M., Martini P., Scroppo F.I., Mancini M., Castiglioni F. Andrology Service, San Paolo Hospital – University of Milan, Milan, Italy. This study is also documented on PubMed .

Just found this study too.

I never knew there was a Google Scholar . Makes finding these medical articles so much easier. :)

I suppose if anyone has alot of time they want to waste they might want to check out The Journal of Andrology .

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

That is clearly an advertisement. Studies don’t have pictures of “The David” on them, and half naked guys with shrinkage. This reminds me of the “doctors” that endorse Extenze and the like.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Tossed is right, here are a few articles from Pubmed about using ADS devices for treating Peyroine’s. An incidental finding was that the penis got bigger in all of the studies

Expert Rev Med Devices. 2008 May;5(3):305-10.Click here to read Links
FastSize Medical Extender for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease.
Levine LA, Newell MM.
Rush University Medical Center, 1725 W Harrison Street, Chicago, IL 60612, USA PMID: 18452379 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Use of penile extender device in the treatment of penile curvature as a result of Peyronie’s disease. Results of a phase II prospective study.
Gontero P, Di Marco M, Giubilei G, Bartoletti R, Pappagallo G, Tizzani A, Mondaini N.

Urology Department, University of Torino, Torino, Italy. PMID: 19138361 [PubMed

Penile traction therapy for treatment of Peyronie’s disease: a single-center pilot study.
Levine LA, Newell M, Taylor FL.

Department of Urology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA. PMID: 18373527 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

Excuse me while I whip this out.

All the studies?

“Although it has not yet been formally studied, the device also appears to have applications beyond Peyronie’s disease; such as offering potential for offsetting penile shortening prior to implant surgery, preventing shortening following PD penile reconstruction and after radical prostatectomy where loss of penile length is commonly reported. The recent trial noted that, over a 6-month period, patients reported increases in penile length of 1–2.0 cm, with an accompanying increase in girth. There are no alternative devices available that have proven efficacy as a result of a clinical trial and, given reproducible results, the device will begin to play an important role in treatments that require penile tissue remodeling. Future developments should include larger scale, multicenter trials aimed at reproducing the results of the initial study on Peyronie’s disease, also trials in conjunction with pharmacological treatment involving plaque remodeling agents such as verapamil and interferon, and trials that will investigate the possible benefits of the device for penile enlargement that may help pre- and postsurgical candidates for penile implants and penile reconstruction following prostatectomy.”


More info here .

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Thank you all for your input sofar.

I will read the studies and try to separate research from industry-supported bs and get back to you with my impressions.

Later - ttt


There is for sure more medical interest in PE exercises, particularly for those guys with ED and for those who lose size as they age or as a consequence of prostate cancer treatment.

Irwin Goldstein, a guru of sorts in the field of ED, recently set up a new clinic in San Diego. He is suggesting that pumping is a good thing for men with ED. My own urologist suggested I take it up years ago. Certainly pumping has lessened the degree of my ED.

These guys will come around.




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