Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE and the Medical Community

We should become a secret society and share our knowledge only with pures of heart.

Originally Posted by marinera
We should become a secret society and share our knowledge only with pures of heart.

We could be the Stone Cutters. :p

I would like to see some of these Andrologists/Urologists become a member here. It would be good for the community IMO.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by avocet8
There is for sure more medical interest in PE exercises, particularly for those guys with ED and for those who lose size as they age or as a consequence of prostate cancer treatment.

Irwin Goldstein, a guru of sorts in the field of ED, recently set up a new clinic in San Diego. He is suggesting that pumping is a good thing for men with ED. My own urologist suggested I take it up years ago. Certainly pumping has lessened the degree of my ED.

These guys will come around.

Before the advent of viagra & co pumping was an accepted treatment for ed, but not for pe.

Later - ttt

PE is just a crazy Internet thing. A bunch of perverts playing with themselves as far as I know.

Originally Posted by MDC
PE is just a crazy Internet thing. A bunch of perverts playing with themselves as far as I know.

PE is NOT just a crazy internet thing. PE is a philosophy. PE is meditation. PE is Tao. And PE makes your dick grow.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by marinera

We should become a secret society and share our knowledge only with pures of heart.

I already have applied for the job described as “Confessor”. Errant children in the brotherhood are sent over so they can “discuss” their doubts and disloyalty with me. For I know the minds of those seeking divination better than they do themselves.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Originally Posted by Sir Wally

I already have applied for the job described as “Confessor”. Errant children in the brotherhood are sent over so they can “discuss” their doubts and disloyalty with me. For I know the minds of those seeking divination better than they do themselves.

You do realise your job interview will be with the great Master Twatticus don’t you? :eek:

I imagine the medical community would be better coming here and choosing various of our protocols to ‘scientifically verify’.

Unfortunately that doesn’t pay as well as testing an ADS. Of course an ADS is so much easier to test; the variables are more controllable.

Our approach would not suit the medical community very well. I can just see a group of test subjects asking “how hard should I grip when jelqing” and “does masturbation affect gains….”

So ultimately tests will be carried out, and some ‘gizmo’ will be proven to work, and everyone will believe that is the only way. Manual PE will be sidelined, and our secret brotherhood can remain underground. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

As a practicing physician for the last 20 years; I can assure you that there is no scientific paper, that is accepted by the medical community, that scientifically proves that PE works. Nor, do I believe that it is possible to set up a study. Most research papers arent valid or useful, including all of the papers presented here.

Too many of the people beginning a Penis Enlargement study, would either not gain, or be least to follow up. The measurement process itself would be difficult, as the level of erection you enjoy in the privacy of your home when measuring your self, might not be reproduced with 3 scientists, including one with a ruler and another with a camera measuring you. The few people who actually did gain, would be offshadowed by the majority of people who did not. Lastly, PE entails certain risks of bodily harm, and nobody would be willing to fund a study, or deal with the medical malpractice if somebody injures themselves. There is no money to be made; as the things that actually work are either manual exercises which you can learn for free; or simple, hanging /stretching devices that could be easily copied and sold over the internet,bypassing whichever drug company wanted to sell them.

Although PE does work (I’ve gained over an inch in 9 months and am now 8 inches BPEL); it doesn’t work for all, or even most people. People are inherently lazy, demand instant gratification and will stop if they dont see immediate results. For every good gainer here at Thunders; there are 100 people who took up and abandoned PE; either because
1. They tried something that didn’t work (pills/creams etc..)
2. Didn’t use something that could have worked in a consistent and functional manner or didn’t stick around long enough to see results.
3. They were difficult gainers and results didn’t come as fast as they were led to believe.

For these reasons; I dont see PE becomimg mainstream medical practice for sometime to come.

I have to agree with much of what toobsnake is saying.

However there is some light at the end of this tunnel; there is more medical interest and concern now for men who have lost size because of medical procedures - prostate cancer treatments, for one - more interest in finding solutions rather than a pat on the back and the unsympathetic suggestion: “Learn to live with it.”



Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Before the advent of viagra & co pumping was an accepted treatment for ed, but not for pe.

I’m not so sure about this, ttt. My urologist - when suggesting pumping for ED - said, “Don’t be surprised if you penis gets larger.”



The medical community - and here lies the error of toobsnake - is not ONLY interested in making money. I am a physician myself, and I know what I am talking about: we are also, and some of as above all: interested in the well-being of our patients. And as Avocet said, patients after medical procedures who suffer from shortening of their penis are experiencing a complication from the procedure. Most physicians try to keep the damage and complications of their procedures as low as possible.

In the case of operations for cancer of the prostate some of the complications are:

1. Urinary incontinence
2. Erectile dysfunction
3. Penis shortening

I a currently writing a review paper on the prevention of the first three of those which will be published in the near future (UNFORTUNATELY IN German).

As it looks, there is a large body of medical literature covering 1 and 2, but also quite a few papers on 3.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by avocet8
I’m not so sure about this, ttt. My urologist - when suggesting pumping for ED - said, “Don’t be surprised if you penis gets larger.”

Did you get into some discussion on PE with your doc?

Later - ttt


Be carrefuly with médical researsh because the backing is mostly private and “I” think andromedical paid for this studies….

Originally Posted by toobsnake
Too many of the people beginning a Penis Enlargement study, would either not gain, or be least to follow up. The measurement process itself would be difficult, as the level of erection you enjoy in the privacy of your home when measuring your self, might not be reproduced with 3 scientists, including one with a ruler and another with a camera measuring you. The few people who actually did gain, would be offshadowed by the majority of people who did not. Lastly, PE entails certain risks of bodily harm, and nobody would be willing to fund a study, or deal with the medical malpractice if somebody injures themselves. There is no money to be made; as the things that actually work are either manual exercises which you can learn for free; or simple, hanging /stretching devices that could be easily copied and sold over the internet,bypassing whichever drug company wanted to sell them.

I don’t think measurement poses a large challenge: standardize the force with which FSL is measured, and that will do the job for length. For girth, it’s trickier, but one would think that a drug injection could produce very strong erections for most participants.

And since some studies have already been run on stretching devices for treating Peyronie’s, clearly there is some funding available for such research, and some researchers (and Institutional Review Boards) willing to accept the risks.

But your point about bad compliance and study dropout is critical, I think. Most PE techniques are sufficiently effortful that even if you selected for the most motivated subjects, you’d still probably have 70% following protocol poorly (if at all). There are various ways to try to deal with this, but it’s definitely a challenge, compared to asking your participants to take a pill each day.

Overall I do believe that more PE research will be done, though, under the guise of post-prostatectomy, Peyronie’s, or ED therapy. Increases in lenght and girth will be considered “incidental” findings in the latter two cases, but the research will still be done, I think.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
1st Link : Paolo Gontero, Massimiliano Di Marco, Gianluca Giubilei, Giovanni Pappagallo, Andrea Zitella, Alessandro Tizzani, Nicola Mondaini.
Università degli Studi di Torino -

I don’t understand this language. I’m assuming it’s Spanish but I’m probably wrong.

Yes, you’re wrong. It’s Italian. :)
"Università degli Studi di Torino" = "University of Studies of Turin" (you know, the city where the last winter olympics were held)

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
Here is one I missed that gives a direct reference to a journal: 5th Congress of the European Society for Sexual and Impotence Research (ESSIR). Hamburg, Germany. December 1-4, 2002. Scientific study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research (volume 14, suppl. 4, Dic-2002). Colpi G.M., Martini P., Scroppo F.I., Mancini M., Castiglioni F. Andrology Service, San Paolo Hospital – University of Milan, Milan, Italy. This study is also documented on PubMed .

Italy again.
‘San Paolo Hospital – University of Milan’ is .
Looking for the andrology service of it I found the professional profile of the first professor mentioned (Colpi G.M.); you can check it (in english) here http://www.gfme … logia_Colpi.htm .


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