Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE Documentary - What do you think

Originally Posted by bigbush
I agree with marinera. Anyone who is that interested in finding out about P.E will do so, just like all of us here. If they have the the time and dedication they will also find first hand proof of whether or not it works. Who needs a documentary? All the information people need to be inspired is documented here.

Bigbush and marinera, I appreciate your comments. However, the point is that not every man who could benefit from PE is on this site. I did not become aware of this and other sites until just a few weeks ago.

Over the years I did the usual Google searches on penis enlargement and came up with all sorts of sites, including respected medical sites, that stated that there is no proof that it works and it could be dangerous. So I like, no doubt, many other men, simply gave up. How unfortunate for them and for me. It was not until the one woman made the comment about my size (I mentioned it my first post) that I became angry, annoyed and concerned enough to dig deeper.

How many other men do you think are out there that could benefit physically, sexually and psychologically from PE done the right way? My guess is the number is in the millions, probably tens of millions. Are they all on this or similar sites. I doubt it!

So how do you reach them? ONE way is via a professional documentary of the type that I would like to make. PE. Just like all the other previously taboo subjects, needs to be brought out into the open. It could help a lot of people. I strongly believe that a documentary could go a long way towards achieving this. Especially if it could gain TV talk show attention. These shows aren’t going to just take the comments posted on sites like this. They will want some visual proof of what we here believe is true. Again, my goal is not to convince the medical community with irrefutable proof, but simply to present viable evidence in a documented, credible and visual form to enlighten an uninformed public.

Am I convinced that PE works? ABSOLUTELY, that’s why I started an exercise routine in September. I am shooting for 7 x 5 initially, and ultimately, hopefully, 8 x 6 after a couple of years. Maybe that’s unrealistic, but hey, I’ll take anything right now. (Actually, I think I am starting to see some gains already but I do not want to take any new measurements until after 3 months.) When I achieve my goal I will go back to this woman and thank her, really; she actually did me a favor with her comment. Who knows, I might even show her what she’s missing.

By-the-way, marinera, Italy is a beautiful country. I’ve been there several times and I have friends that live in Purugia. I hope to return soon. I am also trying to teach myself Italian via CDs that I listen to in the car. It’s a very slow process. Ciao.

thanks for your comments about my country and Perugia.

I didn’t want to be too hard on my critics; I think that you for first should reflect seriously before spending money and time in a documentary about PE: you will become a laughing-stock (hope this is the right word) of media: “Here you are the men who spended 2 years measuring penises because a woman said he wasn’t a stud!”.

And PE-sellers, the kind that give bad information on PE, will have the most income of your effort.

However, in the member-pics forum there is all the stuff you need for realizing the opera you’d like to do; maybe using it you could save time and money. Maybe you just should do a documentary on Thundersplace, the story of this site and how it has helped so many persons for free.

But, starting by the minor efforts…what about a donation to Thundersplace? :)

P.S.: (I will do mine as I will have some money).

If the documentary is to be made for fun, that’s one thing. But if you honestly and seriously think this is going to have any significant impact on mens’ lives, think again. How many human beings in Western countries go through misery because they are fat and perceived as unnattractive? Yet the solution has always been available. People simply do not generally engage in consistent disciplined long term activities in the pursuit of goals.

PE is the same. I think any such “proof” would quickly be decried as having insufficient scientific evidence (much the same way as weight training was treated for several decades in many sports) and additional criteria would be added. Now we make all sorts of excuses for fat people (gland problems, hormone problems, depression, etc…) and continue to try to come up with miracle magic fixes.

There will ALWAYS be doubts because it takes the consistent and disciplined application of work to improve. You will NOT put any doubts to rest; nothing you can do can possibly get close to that.

If you need this kind of documentation to put your own mind at ease and justify your own efforts, that’s one thing, but I think we’ve pretty much shown that those who want to find out will, and the vast majority are unwilling to invest the effort.

I didn’t mean for this to sound harsh, but this idea has been thrown around in various forms for years. I don’t quite get why people feel the need to justify this to other people, especially now that places like Thunders have more than enough information to allow anyone to achieve their PE goals. You can’t create motivation or discipline.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

I think it could have merit and help a lot of people. Look at this forum, when Thunder started it years ago with just a few people, I doubt many people thought it would grow to help thousands of people.This forum provides an upstanding, no BS, no hype, responsible way for people to address an issue they may want help with. If a documentary was made to those same standards, I think it would help people.

Holy Hell! If I saw a documentary like this a year ago, you bet your ass I would have started PE earlier. Guys are skeptical of non-surgical Penis Enlargement because they automatically think it’s a scam. That’s what I always thought. Expensive pumps and pills, that’s what the uninformed think PE is. A documentary which doesn’t push a product would definitely make men think twice.

VideoManToo, that might be a good standard for the PE’ers you interview: they can only use non-commercial (homemade) equipment. Otherwise I bet a lot of guys would think it was a scam.

Most men are too lazy to do PE. But a lot of them are also just uninformed. I don’t think PE should go public because I’m greedy (maybe that’s why you guys are telling him not to do it?) but yeah, this doc would change things.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


Originally Posted by hbgreek

I don’t think PE should go public because I’m greedy (maybe that’s why you guys are telling him not to do it?) …..(omissis)….

If this was the case, don’t we had said him simply : “PE is a bullshit” ? :D

Originally Posted by marinera
I remind at least one scientific study was made about PE effectiveness, and results were positives; if it had no convinced the skeptics, what a documentary could do?

You will be called as a swindler; maybe some appearance in talk-shows will make you earn some money, but for the PE credibility a documentary hardly could do something.

Also, I’m sorry but.. I don’t find your story so clear: you are worried about your penis size and want to realize a documentary for convincing.who? Yourself? Do your PE and wait; medical community? A documentary will not lead a single Doc admitting he was wrong about PE.

I believe here at Thundersplace we have all the proofs needed for being convinced PE isn’t a myth; the rest of the way to the certainty has to be done by tring this stuff (hard work and patience).

The purpose of my propose documentary is twofold. One is to convince SOME of the skeptics by showing documentary evidence (I.e. Videos) that PE does work. More importantly, is is designed to spread the word about PE to the public.

Sites like Thunder’s Place are great for men who know about them. But I suspect that there are millions of men who would like to believe that PE works but who, like I did previously, gave up looking after some initial searching on Google turned up sites that unequivocally stated that nothing can be done about increasing the size of the penis. And I’m talking about some very respected medical sites that made these claims.

After reading the threads on this and other sites I am personally convinced that PE does work. That is why I started a routine 6 weeks ago. (I only wish it did not take so long.)

I have always been reasonably happy and content all my life. Nice family (2 children), decent life style, not too much trouble getting dates (see my first post.) The comment made by one of the last women I dated (again, see my first post), however, changed that a bit. That’s why I am here on this site.

Now, what about all the other guys out there (I suspect millions) whose lives have not been so blessed. Who lack the self esteem and confidence to “go for the gusto.” Who have not dated much, who have no real female companionship, or who have even thought of suicide (as one person confided in me) because they feel sexually inadequate. And what about the men who have mediocre sex lives?

These are SOME of the men that I would like to reach. These men are not flocking to Thunder’s place or other similar sites. These men need to hear about, to actually see, the successes enjoyed by other men. The documentary that I would like to make could go a long way toward achieving this if I could get it on a TV show like Oprah, etc. It’s time to break the silence about PE and to spread the word to more than just the relatively limited number of men who frequent these sites.

By-the-way, Italy is a wonderful country. I’ve been there several times and have friends that live in Purguia. I am even trying to teach myself Italian by listening to Italian audio CDs in my car. It’s a slow process. Ciao!

Originally Posted by VideoManToo
Now, what about all the other guys out there (I suspect millions) whose lives have not been so blessed. Who lack the self esteem and confidence to “go for the gusto.” Who have not dated much, who have no real female companionship, or who have even thought of suicide (as one person confided in me) because they feel sexually inadequate. And what about the men who have mediocre sex lives?

These are SOME of the men that I would like to reach. These men are not flocking to Thunder’s place or other similar sites. These men need to hear about, to actually see, the successes enjoyed by other men. The documentary that I would like to make could go a long way toward achieving this if I could get it on a TV show like Oprah, etc. It’s time to break the silence about PE and to spread the word to more than just the relatively limited number of men who frequent these sites.

If you truly mean well, meaning your motivation is as you say and not to attract the obvious $$$ in quackish sales partnerships that will arise, you’ll likely be disappointed in the results. A bigger dick is not the panacea some envision it to be. A guy expecting PE to solve his problems is likely to end up even more despondent because his “solution” failed. He finds himself with a bigger dick, yet all of the same psychological issues remain.

Memento posted something similar a while back.

A confident guy with a skinny 4 incher can screw far more women (and almost certainly please the majority of them better) than the unsure, shy type you mention above could with a fat 8 inch dick. Using PE as a diversion or excuse not to address the real issues only hinders progress. Promoting PE as being some sort of salvation is irresponsible at best. PE is merely an interesting hobby, not a method of changing or saving lives.

Now, if you really want to help men or at least inspire them to buy you drinks when you’re spotted in a bar, make and promote a documentary about the current lack of attention paid to pussy fitness. As Tom Arnold once mentioned, even a 747 looks small flying over the Grand Canyon. ;)

Originally Posted by VideoManToo
However, the point is that not every man who could benefit from PE is on this site.

(Looks at the little devil on his left shoulder):
EXACTLY! Me along with a lot of other guys on this site would like to keep it this way! If a guy finds this site, he found it for a reason and yes, he has struck gold. I don’t need all my big dicked friends to find this site and make their dicks bigger as I already have enough trouble trying to catch up to them. Please do not do this as there is already proof that PE works. Look in the member pics! Or simply do PE and you will see. Why do you want other small dicked guys to find this site? I like knowing my dick is bigger than some guys. I want to be able to come back to my cousin in a few years who says he has an eight incher and whip out a nine incher and see the look on his face.

(Turns left to speak to the miniature angel on his left shoulder):
A part of me does want this video to be produced no doubt as it would be undisputed proof that PE works. Hell I kind of even want to participate because I think it would make me less lazy and actually do my workouts and get a bigger dick.

(Angel and devil go POOF and disappear)

Overall man, no one obviously can not stop you from doing what you want so if you go through with it make it free and post it up here on thunders! Hell you could even post it here and make people pay a one time fee for a password to see it and half the earnings could go to thunders and the other half to you. Whatever you do don’t sellout. That is the one thing that makes thunders the best PE site on the internet because the people running it are the SHIT and it is FREE. I can’t thank you guys enough! ;)

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by hbgreek
Holy Hell! If I saw a documentary like this a year ago, you bet your ass I would have started PE earlier. Guys are skeptical of non-surgical Penis Enlargement because they automatically think it’s a scam. That’s what I always thought. Expensive pumps and pills, that’s what the uninformed think PE is. A documentary which doesn’t push a product would definitely make men think twice.

VideoManToo, that might be a good standard for the PE’ers you interview: they can only use non-commercial (homemade) equipment. Otherwise I bet a lot of guys would think it was a scam.

Most men are too lazy to do PE. But a lot of them are also just uninformed. I don’t think PE should go public because I’m greedy (maybe that’s why you guys are telling him not to do it?) but yeah, this doc would change things.

That is exactly one of the goals I wish to achieve. I do not expect to convince ALL the skeptics, but I would like to reach a lot of men who may not even know of this realistic possibility or who may have passed it off as a scam, as you said.

Interview some real guys (from behind a screen) and show some real before and after video (not shot from behind a screen) and let people see for themselves. Will it convince everyone? Nope! Will it open the door to better, happier and healthier lives for a lot of men (and women)? I think so.

Just because people on this site know about and believe in PE doesn’t mean that every man who could use this knowledge is aware of it.

Again, I am not trying to convince myself. I AM SOLD ON THE BENEFITS OF PE. Let me lay that point to rest right now. I am asking that you help me reach a lot of other men who could also benefit.

If you live within a two hour drive of Cleveland, please consider volunteering today.



Originally Posted by hobby
If you truly mean well, meaning your motivation is as you say and not to attract the obvious $$$ in quackish sales partnerships that will arise, you’ll likely be disappointed in the results. A bigger dick is not the panacea some envision it to be. A guy expecting PE to solve his problems is likely to end up even more despondent because his “solution” failed. He finds himself with a bigger dick, yet all of the same psychological issues remain.

Memento posted something similar a while back.

A confident guy with a skinny 4 incher can screw far more women (and almost certainly please the majority of them better) than the unsure, shy type you mention above could with a fat 8 inch dick. Using PE as a diversion or excuse not to address the real issues only hinders progress. Promoting PE as being some sort of salvation is irresponsible at best. PE is merely an interesting hobby, not a method of changing or saving lives.

Now, if you really want to help men or at least inspire them to buy you drinks when you’re spotted in a bar, make and promote a documentary about the current lack of attention paid to pussy fitness. As Tom Arnold once mentioned, even a 747 looks small flying over the Grand Canyon. ;)

I agree, a bigger dick is not the solution to the world’s problems, or even one individual’s issues. However, for many guys it certainly could be the kick they need to get their lives off of dead center.

There are probably as many reasons for wanting a larger penis as there are men. How many guys are on this site? What are their reasons for being here?

For those who have been around for a while has it not been a benefit to you in some way? If the answer is yes, then what’s the harm in offering that benefit to other men who are misinformed or uninformed? The key point is
Informing them.

To paraphrase an earlier reply, if I had seen such a documentary, if this matter had been brought out into the open like a lot of other personal issues that are now openly discussed, I would have jumped on the PE bandwagon years ago. The PE documentary I am discussing is but one other way of publicizing this issue. This website and others are a great start, but they are not the only means, and perhaps not the most effective means of attracting attention to PE. After all, you have to go searching for it on the web and get past all of the hype and scams that are out there.

My documentary would be no scam.

If you live within a 2 hour drive of Cleveland, Ohio won’t you consider volunteering? If you wish, send me a private message and I’ll answer any questions or concerns you have.



Originally Posted by philio1
Overall man, no one obviously can not stop you from doing what you want so if you go through with it make it free and post it up here on thunders! Hell you could even post it here and make people pay a one time fee for a password to see it and half the earnings could go to thunders and the other half to you. Whatever you do don’t sellout. That is the one thing that makes thunders the best PE site on the internet because the people running it are the SHIT and it is FREE. I can’t thank you guys enough! ;)

My primary goal is not to make money, as I’ve stated several times before. If that happens, fine! Then, hopefully, I’ll be able to pay something to the men who volunteer.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’d like to be able to give them each $1,000. But I can’t promise that. However, my WRITTEN agreement, in addition to having a clause to protect their confidentiality, would also spell out under what condition I would be able to pay them.

If you are a member who lives within a 2 hour drive of Cleveland won’t you consider volunteering? Send me a private message, if you prefer.



Originally Posted by UberGoober
If the documentary is to be made for fun, that’s one thing. But if you honestly and seriously think this is going to have any significant impact on mens’ lives, think again. How many human beings in Western countries go through misery because they are fat and perceived as unnattractive? Yet the solution has always been available. People simply do not generally engage in consistent disciplined long term activities in the pursuit of goals.

Let’s say that I agree with you in saying that, “people generally don’t engage in consistent disciplined long term activities in the pursuit of goals”. I guess we’re going to have to come up with some kind of explanation for a multi-billion dollar gym and fitness equipment industry. We better get brainstorming. The first response will be, “Well, most people purchase equipment and gym memberships and never use them”. To which a reasonable person might respond, “bullocks, I blast my quads and hammer my bis all week”. And we’re defeated.

The fact is, people DO workout. Now imagine gyms don’t exist, personal trainers don’t exist, material on fitness and weight training is not available to study, running shoes aren’t invented, and only a small population of people know the proper routines and have designed homemade devices for exercising. Also, these people workout in secret and only report their fitness measurements to an online forum that only a very small population percentage has knowledge of.

Would we still have the same level of dedication and accessibility to fitness routines that we do now? Likely not. PE is just that.. a complete secret. Hell, I live with 4 other guys. I know for damn sure that none of them could tell you what a jelq is. Every one of them could personally show you how to perform an array of physical exercises. The difference is availability. It’s great that PE works and that we have a source for information. But what if I didn’t go through a period where my penis size dominated my mindset? I certainly wouldn’t be typing this right now. Meanwhile, I’d still be interested in PE, just not to the extent where I would scour the internet for a solution.

Originally Posted by UberGoober
PE is the same. I think any such “proof” would quickly be decried as having insufficient scientific evidence (much the same way as weight training was treated for several decades in many sports) and additional criteria would be added. Now we make all sorts of excuses for fat people (gland problems, hormone problems, depression, etc…) and continue to try to come up with miracle magic fixes.

There will ALWAYS be doubts because it takes the consistent and disciplined application of work to improve. You will NOT put any doubts to rest; nothing you can do can possibly get close to that.

I don’t doubt that if I go to the gym for a month straight, I will gain mass. I know this not only because I’ve done it, but because others have done it before me. That’s what this documentary would show. If enough people are informed of and perform PE exercises such that a jelq is as well known as a pushup, you will have many followers. I agree that there are people that know of weightlifting and don’t lift weight, but there are very few that don’t know of weightlifting at all. Right now, PE simply isn’t a choice for the vast majority of the male population.

Originally Posted by UberGoober
If you need this kind of documentation to put your own mind at ease and justify your own efforts, that’s one thing, but I think we’ve pretty much shown that those who want to find out will, and the vast majority are unwilling to invest the effort.

I didn’t mean for this to sound harsh, but this idea has been thrown around in various forms for years. I don’t quite get why people feel the need to justify this to other people, especially now that places like Thunders have more than enough information to allow anyone to achieve their PE goals.

It’s not a matter of proving it to others for the sake of ourselves. It is for their sake… for the sake of pure good. We live in this nifty little information age, but we’re limiting ourselves to forums, JPEGs and wiki articles?? Not everyone will stumble upon Thunder’s while searching for their Holy Grail. Even those that do will not be entirely convinced that Thunder’s Place isn’t offering some unattainable dream just like so many other penis enlargement sites on the web.

I simply can’t understand why a documentary providing incremental video proof of PE would be received poorly. You say that there will be skepticism and criticism… so??? There will be far less skepticism when faced with video evidence than with photographic evidence which we have here. There really is no downside to this in my eyes.

Originally Posted by UberGoober
You can’t create motivation or discipline.

I don’t even know what this means. Are you saying that motivation for PE is incorporated in DNA? How can someone be motivated with regard to something that they don’t even know exists. How can someone lack discipline in an art that is unknown to them?

Individuals have individual inclinations. A man that doesn’t go to the gym religiously may study religiously or paint religiously. You simply cannot know the extent to which a man will be motivated and disciplined until he has been given the chance.

I think this is a great idea. Based on the number of views comparison picture threads get on this forum, I would say that it’s fairly evident that men are interested in and are seeking the truth about the reality of PE. After all, PE is a long term commitment. One discovers this immediately after asking their first question on the newbie board. As such, some are hesitant to commit to it without reliable proof that PE isn’t an imaginary art. I realize that there are some great before/after shots in the Member Pics section, but you must also admit that there have been many fakes posted on this site. Regardless of the strong community I noticed immediately after joining Thunder’s, I was still extremely suspicious of even modest gain reports. This is the internet after all and we are subject to a myriad of complete bullshit on a daily basis.

I guess what I am trying to say is… A documentary detailing the growth of a test group using non-surgical/non-medical PE techniques would be absolutely well received by myself and others like myself who believe the scientific method doesn’t begin and end with ruler shots. I have encountered nothing of the kind on the web and I know for certain that I’ve searched for such a thing far more often than the average man should.

Best of luck. I’d happily throw my wang into the mix if I were within proximity.


"Life's not a bitch. Life is a beautiful woman."

Good post Girth, I agree with you there. Also, think about this - the more money and attention devoted to PE, the easier it will be to make gains; the Spartans worked out like crazy, probably got pretty ripped, but I bet you we could achieve the same results they had with a lot less work, and fewer injuries, simply because we know A LOT more on how the body works and responds. Now think about that in terms of PE; doesn’t sound too bad.

Originally Posted by hobby
If you truly mean well, meaning your motivation is as you say and not to attract the obvious $$$ in quackish sales partnerships that will arise, you’ll likely be disappointed in the results. A bigger dick is not the panacea some envision it to be. A guy expecting PE to solve his problems is likely to end up even more despondent because his “solution” failed. He finds himself with a bigger dick, yet all of the same psychological issues remain.

Memento posted something similar a while back.

A confident guy with a skinny 4 incher can screw far more women (and almost certainly please the majority of them better) than the unsure, shy type you mention above could with a fat 8 inch dick. Using PE as a diversion or excuse not to address the real issues only hinders progress. Promoting PE as being some sort of salvation is irresponsible at best. PE is merely an interesting hobby, not a method of changing or saving lives.

Yeah, but how many guys with 4 inch dicks are super confident? In a perfect world, we all reach Nirvana and attach no importance at all to the material world, but I don’t see that happening any time soon, and I personally wouldn’t really want to live in that world.

Having a bigger dick will more than likely give you a little more confidence. I’m tired of people claiming that size isn’t important, looks aren’t important, money isn’t important, “it’s what’s inside that counts!” Now, certainly, what’s inside is the MOST important, but that’s not to say that these things are not, and it isn’t an all or nothing issue - you might gain some confidence from getting a bigger dick, and in turn, you might feel better about things from an internal confidence.

Fact is, to the vast majority of us, while a bigger dick is not gonna solve all of our problems, it’s probably gonna make at least one aspect of our lives a little better. If somebody is threatening suicide over this issue, they definitely do need more than just PE, but I don’t think that PE would hurt.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I know at least 1 documentary on PE has been made :”Pen and Teller -Bullshit - Penis Enlargement”; I haven’t seen, but judging by the title it seem against PE. How many have based their thinking regarding PE on this movie?

The fact here is that VideoManToo want to engage in an expensive activity (in terms of money and time); he is a free man, of course, and U.S.A. is a democratic country, but we just want to caution him that he could be disappointed by poor results of his enterprise.

However, those who want to participate to this documentary could do a series of home-video with a video-camera, and VideoMan could just collect these and comment it; this is a less expensive way then voyaging trough North America.


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