Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE has caused erection problems

SS, here’s the thing.

I know you’re a young dude of 20, but even at that age there is a slight leveloff of hormones for most guys. The insanity of erections I got in HS had started a slight tail by about 20 or so. Not that I had any erection issues. But it does not stay in that ‘hyper’ mode for long. Be glad, dude, because you will build staying power.

The reality is that our bodies fluctuate from day to day in their responsiveness, especially to sexual stimulation. It’s actually quite normal and I do not think it is PE related whatsoever.

The male erection capacity is actually a very complex process, easily disturbed by many factors. Even if you feel you as a young lad have NOS running through your cavernosa.

I say, sit back and stop worrying for now. Don’t judge day to day as you’ll only freak yourself out if it doesn’t seem as stellar as before.

I know a few of you are probably getting annoyed by me discussing this, but the fact is that not being able to get/maintain an erection affects my sex life and my confidence as a lover. This, to me, is a problem that should be solved.

The reason behind this post is both to solve my problem and examine the possibility that PE MIGHT have something to do with erection problems in SOME people. While there is a wealth of knowledge on this board about PE, there are still new things to be discovered.


It was a couple years ago, so I do not recall the details of the “healing” week firmness.

I certainly agree that pe has something to do with erection problems in some people.

As BusterHymes notes, there is fluctuation from day to day, as in many aspects of life.

Given that I have intercourse almost every day, I am more likely to notice fluctuations than many of the other board members, who seem to have intercourse less often.


I can tell by your post’s your a thinker and a worrier, you worried about pissing us off with your posts and your so worried about not being able to get a hard on you can’t. I remember when I was about 20 I was screwing my best friends girl, my bosses girl and cheating on my own wonderful girlfriend and fucking anything I could get in the back of my van. Well all the sudden I got caught by my best friend and he made me take a good look at myself and what a shit head I had become, well this gave me a case of ED that lasted for about 3 months and it was all in my head but it sure seemed like a physical problem. I don’t know if it’s in your head or not.



Your first priority is obviously to keep your dick happy and capble of good erections. IMO you better forget about PE for a long while - say about at least two months - and restore your confidence in your dick’s proper function. Then, when everything is absolutely back to normal, and stays this way for a while, only then resume PE and see what happens.

At age 20, there is no reason for you to rush. Take a break, you’ll have a lifetime to work hard for a bigger dick. Just make sure first of all that it is not damaged by PE’ing - either physically or emotionally.

ù ì å í



Neither I nor anyone else is bored or tired of your concerns. They are legitimate and we’re trying to reassure you. Your concerns are normal.

I think you’ve received some good counsel in this thread from a number of people. I hope you come to feel the same way.

Hard-ons and P.E.

Originally posted by SuperStroker
I know a few of you are probably getting annoyed by me discussing this, but the fact is that not being able to get/maintain an erection affects my sex life and my confidence as a lover. This, to me, is a problem that should be solved.

The reason behind this post is both to solve my problem and examine the possibility that PE MIGHT have something to do with erection problems in SOME people. While there is a wealth of knowledge on this board about PE, there are still new things to be discovered.

Hello again SS !

I put a post on your other thread. BEFORE I’d read these.
The guys here are all really good guys, you know that, everbody wants to help everybody, that’s the great thing about these forums.

I still stick to my point - your ANXIETY is your REAL erection-killer. I’m quite sure about it !

Please heed what I told you, and email me if you think I can help.

Most of these nice guys seem to be telling us, that what I suggested is the correct solution.

Now, I’m only a newbie at this site, and you have more experience here than I do, BUT I’m quite sure that your posts, and the responses you got, are VERY HELPFUL, both for you, for me, and for many other nices guys out there !
So please don’t feel bad about it.
You WILL come back to the PE routines eventually, but by all means give em a rest for now as the other guys say - UNTIL you get your general cock-health back to your normal self - it WILL, but it might take a little time for you to build up confidence again. I can see exactly why Avocet suggests Viagra; I have no thoughts as it did not work for me, but the idea is right on cue - You NEED to boost your confidence. If V can do that for you for a couple of weeks or a month, then if your doc will prescribe it, go for it !

BTW: Have you tried vacuum pumping ? It’s much less stressful than some of the other PE methods I think. Could be worth a try ? AND it’s a great confidence booster, and a happy thing to do as well !

Very best Wishes,
PLEASE do keep in touch OK?



Thanks to everyone

Thanks guys for the advice and the comments about all this. I really appreciate everything you have to say.

I have no plans to get back into PE, even if I get my erections back to normal. I do have to agree that anxiety is now playing a role in all of this. Maybe not all of it, but some because I think about it; and it’s hard not to think about it once it has happened many times.

Anyway, I’m going to give it a couple more weeks, and if things don’t get any better, then I’m going to go to a doctor.

Just talked to the doctor… performance anxiety. He said that a low dose of viagra should raise my confidence. I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but I can’t wait to go to the doctor. Thanks again everyone for your support!

Well, thanks for giving us some feedback. Oftentimes guys never come back and let us know the deal.

Wish you well, SS. May all things go your way.


That is indeed good news. There is no shame in it at all we have all experienced this to one degree or another.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Good luck and don’t worry it will all work out


strectching too hard can cause damage and cause E.D.

i think its fairly simple.

1. You work a bit too hard, and your penis is tired, and recupirating

2. You are a worrier and thinker, and negative thinking is the worst thing anyone can do to themselves.

IF YOU ARE A WORRIER, take these from a person who has gone through the similar.

you need to get away from the situation that is making you feel stressed.

1. Spend time with your g/f other then just bed(non sexual) and enjoy it.
2. Physical activites are a MUST, do these every day.
3. Food (more fruits and vegetables) fruit juices.
4. Be more spiritual, it helps to know that there are other things that matter, then just your penis. I sometimes laugh at things i worry bout.


superstroker i am in the *EXACT* same boat as you! i’m 20 as well and usually horny like no other, and i too have been experiencing erection problems and i am beginning to think that it’s related to PE as well. the sad part is that it’s been 6 months for me with no PE (well maybe 5 or so routines in that time but nothing strenuous) and i have not “bounced back” in fact i just got back from the doctor with my $60 prescription of f-n viagara. blood test came back normal and everything, doc thinks i’m psyching myself out, i don’t really know

but i’m scared shitless if it’s from PE i hope i didn’t do this to myself cuz this is SERIOUSLY affecting my life, my confidence, so much!

i haven’t even read the responses to your post cuz i had to reply right away.

i’d like to talk more about this with you


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