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PE has caused erection problems

Re: hey dino

Originally posted by SuperStroker
I thought about the manual stretching as being the culprit because my tissues are harder than normal. It also seems I've been having a lot more “shrinkage” since I did some PE a few days ago….But unless I can get back to my normal erection-happy self, then I can't experiment. Besides, with all the trouble this has caused, I really don't care to do anymore PE. Out of curiosity, what makes you think that it's the manual stretching as opposed to the jelqing?

k i couldn’t help myself. I TOO HAVE SHRINKAGE ALL THE TIME!!!! it’s summer here now man i can’t blame it on the cold again!!! i told my doctor i think i have circulation problems or something because it feels like i’m shrunken like 99% of the time. honestly it looks like shit, it’s embarrassing, and just killing me. and my tissue is a lot tougher too :( i can’t believe i’m not the only one

Originally posted by theman
strectching too hard can cause damage and cause E.D.

Hello theman !

Interesting point. Most do not seem to agree, but it has been a long-held MEDICAL opinion. But don’t they have vested interests in general ? (Luvudus excepted, of course!)

Would you like to share your evidence for your conclusions with us please ?
Many here would really like to know !

PS: I’m a pumper newbie; I know very little about the other techniques as yet.

Take Care,



Re: brother

Originally posted by Darkness
superstroker i am in the *EXACT* same boat as you! i'm 20 as well and usually horny like no other, and i too have been experiencing erection problems and i am beginning to think that it's related to PE as well. the sad part is that it's been 6 months for me with no PE (well maybe 5 or so routines in that time but nothing strenuous) and i have not “bounced back” in fact i just got back from the doctor with my $60 prescription of f-n viagara. blood test came back normal and everything, doc thinks i'm psyching myself out, i don't really know

but i'm scared shitless if it's from PE i hope i didn't do this to myself cuz this is SERIOUSLY affecting my life, my confidence, so much!

i haven't even read the responses to your post cuz i had to reply right away.

i'd like to talk more about this with you

Hi there Darkness !

Sorry to hear about your problems.
Let’s hope that it’s NOT the PE which caused it for you.

Perhaps there are other things going on in your life right now, which, hopefully may change, and when they do, you’ll perhaps be able to put this episode behind you and laugh ?

Please remember, every guy gets an occasional problem like this; the trick is not to dwell upon it, and wait a few days for better times !

Please tell us more about the problem, and if possible, try to think of any other stressful events in your life, which might be contributing factors OK ?

We are here to try to help each other ! We can only do that if you are straight up with relevant details.

Best Wishes, and GOOD LUCK




Hey Darkness,

Man, I’m sorry to hear that… I know how you feel. I’m going to the doctor next week and will probably be put on a low dosage of Viagra. Let me know how it goes with you.

As for PE, I don’t believe that what is happening to me right now has to do with PE, but PE did cause erection problems for me during and for a couple of weeks after I quit because I couldn’t even get hard on my own. Right now, it’s just anxiety. After not being able to perform a bunch of times, my confidence is completely shot. And that sucks… it’s one of the shittiest feelings.

After I talked to the doctor about it, I felt more at ease because I thought maybe something in my blood was messed up — hormone imbalance or something. He said it’s just performance anxiety by the things we talked about. After I talked to him, I was actually able to perform better than before I talked to him… but I’m still having some trouble.

Quick question: Did you notice any loss of sensitivity after you started PE? I didn’t, but just wondering if you did. Is what I experienced the same as what you experienced?

Originally posted by theman
strectching too hard can cause damage and cause E.D.

this is what i find so interesting. when i would stretch before, i would pull pretty hard, but not to the point of pain, because i figured there are guys here hanging f-n weights to their knob and leaving them there for several minutes, how much damage can i do just stretching it a bit? but i started to stretch more recently (well towards november of last year, before i stopped pe altogether) and suddenly i noticed this problem (at the worst time too, with a girl) wheras in the summer and september etc, i had CRAZY erections just from my exercises

if i have indeed damaged my ligs, what does it take to repair them?

Re: Re: brother

Originally posted by modest

Hi there Darkness !

Sorry to hear about your problems.
Let's hope that it's NOT the PE which caused it for you.

Perhaps there are other things going on in your life right now, which, hopefully may change, and when they do, you'll perhaps be able to put this episode behind you and laugh ?

Please remember, every guy gets an occasional problem like this; the trick is not to dwell upon it, and wait a few days for better times !

Please tell us more about the problem, and if possible, try to think of any other stressful events in your life, which might be contributing factors OK ?

We are here to try to help each other ! We can only do that if you are straight up with relevant details.

Best Wishes, and GOOD LUCK


heh, hopefully i will be able to put this episode behind me and laugh, i’m going on thursday to france, staying with the girl that i had the first problem with, and i will bring my f-n $60 prescription of you-know-what to help me hehe. my doc said it’s a guaranteed erection, and i have a pretty good sex drive so i figure i’ll be able to pound away for an hour or so. the girl is a bitch tho and i will be happy to bang her and not care what happens afterwards

Re: Darkness

Originally posted by SuperStroker
Hey Darkness,

Man, I'm sorry to hear that… I know how you feel. I'm going to the doctor next week and will probably be put on a low dosage of Viagra. Let me know how it goes with you.

As for PE, I don't believe that what is happening to me right now has to do with PE, but PE did cause erection problems for me during and for a couple of weeks after I quit because I couldn't even get hard on my own. Right now, it's just anxiety. After not being able to perform a bunch of times, my confidence is completely shot. And that sucks… it's one of the shittiest feelings.

After I talked to the doctor about it, I felt more at ease because I thought maybe something in my blood was messed up — hormone imbalance or something. He said it's just performance anxiety by the things we talked about. After I talked to him, I was actually able to perform better than before I talked to him… but I'm still having some trouble.

Quick question: Did you notice any loss of sensitivity after you started PE? I didn't, but just wondering if you did. Is what I experienced the same as what you experienced?

k well i have the viagara now, my doc gave me the 100mg pills (4 of them) and told me to cut them in half since the 50mg pills cost the same and by getting the 100mg ones, i get twice as many doses. i haven’t tried them yet, i thought i should try one by myself to just see how it works but at 15 bucks a pill i dunno!!! as for me, PE didn’t ever cause erection problems. if anything i had better erections (bigger) and more frequent because i was more confident while doing PE. and i too have had all that confidence taken away. i try not to dwell on it since i know it will do no good, but i went from not having very much confidence, to discovering PE and having it help me out so much, and now i am not sure but it may be the cause of this slump :( i’ve already passed up a few chances for fun because of this :( and that is really depressing. i find not only am i not able to have sex, but i have less confidence to do other things too because i am afraid it’s not gonna work.

yea i felt better after i talked to the doctor too. he did a blood test on me and said my testosterone was right in the middle of the range and everything else looked good. so that basically convinced him it was performance anxiety. and it’s true i was shitting myself that one night where i first discovered it, and from then on i couldn’t even get a full woody when jerking off. but for some reason just having the prescription in that little bag gave me a bit of hope since i know i can guarantee myself a nice hardon when the time comes. and i noticed my dick wasn’t as shriveled as it’s been recently. like not only have i had trouble with the erections, but even when flaccid it shrinks more than ever!!!

what’s funny tho is that i am still able to masturbate, like i’ll go at it once a day, sometimes twice if i want, and that function works fine, orgasms feel about the same (touching before does NOT tho, i can’t explain that either, maybe loss of sensitivity? :( ) and i HAVE experienced full erections since the first episode of this, but only when i was REALLY horny.

when i began PE i noticed an increase in sensitivity, as well as a greater awareness of my knob, it felt fuller, bigger, i was more proud of it. PE was an important part of my life before because it gave me lots of confidence where i didn’t have it before… i hope it’s not what caused this problem, and the other thought i had today, maybe i’m having these problems because i stopped pe!!!


Im also having trouble getting really hard erections (diamond cutters) but all in all my erections are better than most of the times before. I havent had an opportunity for sex since starting pe so cant say what real exitement would do for me Im 60 yrs so I dont expect as much . are you guys doing kegels?




ED is an equal-opportunity problem. I have no doubt that PE can bring it on when men, younger or older, try to hurry the gain process by trying exercises they are in no way ready for.

Trust me, though, at 60 you have no reason to lower your expectations either about sex or size gain. There are a bunch of us here in our fifties, sixties and seventies and we are either gainng size, or increasing our penile vascular health, or both.

I am a pumper and so am enthusiastic about that form of exercise. Just one benefit for me, having had NO nocturnal erections in a great long time has been the re-establishment of a very healthy pattern of them. Its about Using It or Losing It. Abusing it, though, should not be in any PEer’s regimen.



Superstroker and Darkness,

I too have had erection problems with PE and I am 100% certain that PE is the cause. I dont know if these problems can be permanent, or if the ED simply lasts as long as it takes the tissues to heal. It could be that after PEing the body takes some time to recover, during which you have problems getting erections. ED during this time could zap your confidence and cause future ED due to psychological factors. Another possibility of course, is that you really can fuck up your dick badly with these excercises. How long have you guys been PEing and have you had any gains? I am very interested in how things progress for you. I hope we all aren’t really fucking ourselves for life with this shit.



That is interesting, but this is the past problem that superstroker has already reffered to. I am fairly confident that PE can cause this, as it has come on recently without any anxiety on my part. I also have some viagra left over from a previous time when I had this problem, so I have no anxiety about being with a girl because I know I can always pop a pill before hand. Although I feel that PE can cause problems, as I said before it is very possible that continued anxiety after the penis is better can continue the ED. I just think that extreme caution and more discussion is warranted on this matter.

By the way, you mentioned earlier that you were either a resident or an intern, but you said you completed your residency in internal medicine long ago. Are you switching fields and if so what new specialty are you going into? Just curious.



No, I am a specialist in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. I have been board certified since 1987 in IM and 1992 in Geriatrics. I have no plans to change specialties.

btw, superstroker was just as adamant that PE was the culprit - the likelihood is performance anxiety.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Last edited by luvdadus : 09-03-2002 at .

There seems to be a lot of guys that are “100% certain”, I know SuperStroker was. Maybe he will chime in here, if not I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a Private Message from you. Listen to what he has to say and it may shed some light on what you are going through.

By the way, are you doing your PC exercises on a regular basis??

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Since I am nearing 50, I think that occaisonal ED is normal for me. In my opinion, a lot of my ED can be attributed to ED. However, I should clarify that I have sex about 5 times per week (except when wifey is on her period) which I feel is a lot for someone my age. About once during the week I need a little help, so I pop half of a 50mg Viagra.

I recall reading a lot of member posts that mentioned periods of ED. I don’t get worried about this. I realize that it is just temporary. If you let yourself give in to the little sparks that you get when you see your wife or GF’s cleavage or whatever it is that turns you on - and you focus on that for several minutes, the rest usually takes care of itself.

Good luck and may all of you be perpetually horny


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


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