Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE Investment


Originally Posted by androNYC
How much is an inch of dick worth?

A lot, just think what sugery costs… That’s not because it’s such a complicated procedure…

BTW, I spent almost €50.- on a pump… I’ll probably spend a €130.- on a autoEXT next month… That’s it, I don’t think I’ll need anything else, already had tons of tube…

8" NBPEL or die trying.

Electrosex Penis gear

I know that we can grow some inches when we pump the blood to the penis continuously..
Electrosex Penis gear This gear will stimulate penis and make it hard. My question is, is it can be a tool for penis enlargement?

And my second question is, if I can manage an erection for longer period of times, lets says.. 1-3hours, does it help my enlargement process?

I willing to buy this gear if so.

Please, I need some advice from you all..


Last edited by roslan1975 : 02-13-2006 at . Reason: no name of the gear

Around 80.00. Shit, I spend that much on improving my body in a month. Why not spend money on one of the MOST important parts of my body?

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Originally Posted by roslan1975
I know that we can grow some inches when we pump the blood to the penis continuously..
Electrosex Penis gear This gear will stimulate penis and make it hard. My question is, is it can be a tool for penis enlargement?

And my second question is, if I can manage an erection for longer period of times, lets says.. 1-3hours, does it help my enlargement process?

I willing to buy this gear if so.

Please, I need some advice from you all..


Posting the same question in multiple threads won’t make you very popular…

8" NBPEL or die trying.


I ‘m not looking for (not ->4) popularity, I just need some advice from you all.. ( And maybe. No thanks to you?)

If the theory is work, why shouldn’t we discuss it?


Originally Posted by roslan1975
I ‘m not looking for (not ->4) popularity, I just need some advice from you all.. ( And maybe. No thanks to you?)
If the theory is work, why shouldn’t we discuss it?

I was just stating the obvious. Also, your questions have been answered in the other thread, so there’s just no reason to post the exact same text twice…

Never mind, why do I even care…. :head:

8" NBPEL or die trying.

Originally Posted by roslan1975
I ‘m not looking for (not ->4) popularity, I just need some advice from you all.. ( And maybe. No thanks to you?)
If the theory is work, why shouldn’t we discuss it?

Dont ask the same questions in multiple threads, it gets annoying, FAST.

Why insult desmad? No need for that.

If something is in one thread, keep it in that thread….makes it easier for all of us.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I´ve been checking out and reading alot of info here for the last few months. I stumbled into this forum a few months ago when I bought a penis-plus extender. I personally feel that was the biggest waste of €110 that I ever made. Since then I have made myself a jes extender (from Piet´s model) and $64. For Monty´s PE-weights. Monty´s weights and my homemade device (€15.-) are the best investments I´ve made. I started with 7 BPEL and now have 8 BPEL. The gains I have made are amazing and I did buy cable clamps but have not used them. I will work them into my routine in the next week or so. (Clamps-€6.99) So I´m about €200 for 1 inch BPEL. My EG is 5.5 inches.

Cable clamps- $6
Old Sock- free
Some Rice from the pantry- free
Lots and Lots of time

$6 I can live with that

My Goal...To Look good NAKED

Just guessing here over the 1.5 years I’ve been in this silly game:

Bib hanger: $95
PowerJelq: $60
Generic viagra: $100 (~70 pills)
Lube: ~$20
Ace bandage: $10
T-shirt material: $5
Hydroquinone 4%: $40 (to bleach my discoloration)
Subscription to another paysite: $50

$380 so far, damn. The only regret I have is buying the PowerJelq. Useless in my opinion. Everything else has gotten me closer to my goal in one way or another, especially the Bib.

< $20 for bungee cord, tape, dishgloves, nylon webbing.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


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