Thunder's Place

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PE questions disguised as sex talk

PE questions disguised as sex talk

Recently I performed a short questionnaire to my GF to see what her stands on my size were. We usually say things to each other during the act and this time i just picked up on a thread she started. Here’s a rough transcription (other sounds edited out for convenience) :-)

— You’re huge today, take it easy
- Ok, is this better?
— Yes
(time passes)
- Can you take it all now?
— Yes, i can
- Is it discomforting?
— Not anymore
- Do you enjoy this size?
— Yes very much
- How much more could you take?
— I haven’t had the chance to try

My concern is this: Am I pushing the limits? At this moment we were going from behind and this position is known to be more difficult to fit into. Still, the last answer gives me two clues:

1) I’m the biggest she’s had 2) She hasn’t “had the chance” - this may mean she’d like to, or it may also simply mean she’s never been in that situation. The expression “have the chance to try” in swedish is very close to “have the opportunity to try” which much more implies that you’d LIKE TO try. (i’m not a linguistics major..)

What do you guys think… would she like to try? I’m currently 7”15 NBP, 6” Girth and i’m currently into PE mostly to improve erection, prevent going soft and prevent premature ejac.

Thanks again for the most sincere forum on the net.

Re: PE questions disguised as sex talk

Well mace23 it looks like we both got lucky tonight (me with the wifey and you with your girlfriend). Now to try to give my opinion. Are you pushing the limits? Its hard to say each girl is different and positions and oral change things as well. You appear to be ahead of the average already at 7”15 NBP, 6” Girth, but for the most part do it for the improved erections.
I think she would like to try it as well and also I think she could handle more I know my wife could. Also have you gained already or were you just really hard, because she said “You’re huge— today, take it easy”

So good luck and good gains to you.

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Last edited by n2growing : 09-10-2003 at .

Re: PE questions disguised as sex talk

Originally posted by mace23

— I haven't had the chance to try

Or, maybe she’s got a secret desire to try swinging?

Not a secret anymore :nerner:


Re: PE questions disguised as sex talk

Originally posted by mace23
Thanks again for the most sincere forum on the net.

Stillwantmore - Or, maybe she's got a secret desire to try swinging?
Good_Knight - Not a secret anymore :nerner:

So much for the most sincere. lol I’d need more information to give you my opinion on if you’re pushing the limits mace23. She may have just needed more time to get more excited and build up her natural lubrication and could handle and enjoy a larger you. If I were you, I’d continue with PE for the goals that you stated. You can achieve those goals with a small increase in size and re-evaluate from there what you want to do.

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