Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE Weights & Clamping

PE Weights & Clamping

I went searching for some golf weights at a few golf stores here in Sydney and they all seem to be to wide for my girth, if I wore some form of wrapping under the golf weight, do any of you think this would still be OK? I note most of them come in a standard size and I do not want to order stuff from overseas, any thoughts?

As for the clamps, well I went to Bunnings and they had no idea, anyone in Sydney know were I can find some clamps?

As an aside, I have been wearing the Andro Penis, a noose type ADS device for a month now, (at least 6-8hours per day) and no gains so far. Although when I remove it my penis is elongated slightly and pumped giving me false hope. I will keep persisting and hopefully add stretching and maybe some weights to my routine.

I’ve wrapped behind the head to keep the golf weights secured if I’m especially skinny that day. Just wrap behind the head with a piece of old t-shirt and then tape it up. Make sure you get it tight enough so that when the golf weights “seat” themselves behind the wrap that they don’t push the wrap off of your dick and you’ll be golden. I also tie a string off of the golf weights from which I hang other light weights which are nonetheless more than I can achieve through the four golf weights I can fit on my dick. This *is* a skin stretcher too, so be forewarned. I think that the clamping method of hanging where you’re hanging the weight off of the “internals” rather than the skin is prefferable over the long run- that is unless you’re after a foreskin restoration!

As far as clamps go, just keep searching. They’re becoming real popular worldwide with carpenters and handy people for organizing their cords and shit so I’m sure you’ve got them down there somewhere. I’ve actually been clamping with a “noose like” clamp that’s not of the ratchet variety that Big Girtha is so fond of and have found them, for the time being at least, to be superior for me for now. Basically, anything will work so long as you can synch is on the base of your dick hard enough to lay a big squeeze on your meat and sustain it.

BE CAREFUL when newbie clamping though. It’s intense and should only be done for really short periods when you first start out. Clamp under bright light too so that you can monitor your dick. If you’re going to blow something out, clamping would be the easiest place to do it so TAKE IT EASY AND USE GREAT CARE.

happy gaining!!!

Over seas shipping for up to 4 pounds or almost 9kgrams is $14.00 and 4 to 6 days

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

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